Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C321 You're Drunk

C321 You're Drunk

After smashing the television and the remote control, Gu Xiaohui felt that she still did not vent her anger. She flipped the tea set, tea cup, plates, and medicine bottles on the coffee table all at once.    


After these things were smashed on the floor, they rolled all over the floor in a mess.    


Then, she stood up from the sofa and walked to the wine cabinet. She picked up a bottle of pure imported French red wine and opened the bottle with a bottle opener. She faced the bottle with her mouth and poured it into her stomach.    


The alcohol was a little strong. After drinking half of the bottle, Gu Xiaohui plunged her head into the living room's bench and sofa.    


Because she was in a bad mood and she was drinking urgently, she felt a little dizzy. Her throat was dry and her stomach was burning hot. She felt dizzy and fell down from the sofa.    




There was a dull sound.    


Gu Xiaohui struggled a few times on the floor and tried to get up. However, she found that her surroundings were spinning and she could not use any strength. She closed her eyes and laid on the floor, not moving.    




After Wu Xu said goodbye to Ma Zhong in the parking lot at the entrance of Blue Sky Club, he drove the black Audi car that Zhang Mengmeng got for them alone to the neighborhood where he and Gu Xiaohui lived.    


After that, he drove the car into the underground parking lot on the first floor. He found a parking spot and parked it. He opened the car door and got out of the car. He went to the elevator and took the elevator to the floor where ___ lived.    


After getting out of the elevator, Wu Xu walked straight to the door of the room and used the key to open the door.    


A pungent smell of alcohol assailed his nose. Wu Xu couldn't help but sniff. He opened the door and saw that the ceiling lamp was on. The entire room was illuminated, and the television screen was smashed into a huge pit. The living room was in a mess. The teacup had been smashed into pieces. The bottles of medicine and other miscellaneous items were scattered all over the floor.    


"Could it be that Shen Ao knew that I wasn't home and secretly sent people to rob my house?" Wu Xu's heart tightened and he hurriedly rushed into the living room, only to discover that Gu Xiaohui was wearing a business suit. Lying on the floor of the living room, she was holding a red bottle that had not finished drinking.    


"Gu Xiaohui, what is wrong with you?" Wu Xu walked quickly to Gu Xiaohui and helped her up from the floor, who was emitting a strong smell of alcohol, sit on the sofa. Aren't you not drinking?" he asked. Why did you drink so much all of a sudden?"    


Gu Xiaohui opened her hazy eyes and incoherently said, "Darling... Darling, you... Why did you come so late? Accompany... Accompany me to drink..."    


"You are drunk, you cannot drink anymore!" Wu Xu reminded.    


"I... I am not drunk... I... I'm still drinking... " As Gu Xiaohui spoke, she pointed the red bottle in her hand at her mouth and continued to pour it into her stomach.    


"Don't drink anymore. If you drink any more, you will really be drunk!" Wu Xu snatched the red bottle from Gu Xiaohui's hand.    


"No... No, I still want to drink..." Gu Xiaohui's body swayed a few times and she threw herself into Wu Xu's arms. She held his neck with both hands and muttered to herself, "Kiss... Darling, you... Don't leave me, don't... don't leave me..."    


Gu Xiaohui had never let Wu Xu get close to her ever since they got married, let alone make such a move. This made Wu Xu a little surprised and a little surprised.    


"Could it be that after Gu Xiaohui went with me to the civil affairs office to settle the divorce procedures this afternoon, she began to regret it. Are you prepared to reconcile with me?" Thinking of this, Wu Xu was delighted in his heart and said, "Okay, I won't leave you. When you wake up from the alcohol... I will love you and love you! "    


"Kiss... Darling, I... We once swore that we will... be together forever, right... I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have married Wu Xu behind your back, but... But there was nothing I could do at that time. My parents forced me to. I... Although I was married to Wu Xu, you were always in my heart. I... I promise you, I... I am still a girl. Nothing happened between me and Wu Xu..."    


As she spoke, Gu Xiaohui took the initiative to ask Wu Xu for a kiss.    


It turned out that Gu Xiaohui was confessing to Ma Junhao and mistaken him for Ma Junhao.    


When he heard this, Wu Xu's heart immediately turned cold. He suddenly felt a wave of anger rushing to his head. He pushed Gu Xiaohui away and stood up from the sofa. He angrily said,    


"Gu Xiaohui, you are going too far. Since we are divorced, you still disgust me like this. Is it intentional? Open your eyes and take a good look. Who am I? "    


"Who... Who is he..." Gu Xiaohui's heart skipped a beat, but when she heard Wu Xu's furious voice, she immediately woke up from the alcohol.    


So she rubbed her eyes and saw Wu Xu standing in front of her with an angry face. The wine immediately woke up and asked in shock.    


"Ah? You... Why are you here..."    


Wu Xu said coldly, "I came back to move, and I wanted to see if you were home. Seeing that you were drunk, he helped you up from the ground. I didn't think that you would treat me as Ma Junhao, that scumbag. You actually confessed to that wild man in front of me. I feel ashamed for you! "    


After Wu Xu said that, Gu Xiaohui only realized that she was drunk and had a slip of the tongue. Immediately, her face turned red with embarrassment. However, she was used to being forceful in front of Wu Xu. She did not want to be outdone and said,    


"This is my home. What does it have to do with you whether I am at home or not? Since we have already divorced, do you care who I confess to?"    


Wu Xu replied, "We are divorced. What kind of man are you with? I don't care, but before you marry me, why didn't you say that you are related to Ma Junhao? Why did you pretend to be him in your heart? Why did you secretly stay with Ma Junhao after we got married? This is a lie, a blatant lie, do you know that? "    


Gu Xiaohui did not want to get entangled with Wu Xu on this topic, so she said," The matter has already passed. Do you think it's meaningful to say it now? "    


"Of course it's interesting!" Wu Xu said hatefully.    


"What do you mean?" Gu Xiaohui asked persistently.    


"Let me see what kind of woman you are. It is my bad luck to know you!" Wu Xu glared at Gu Xiaohui and said, "I heard that your company's bank account was frozen by the court. I was thinking of ways to unfreeze the bank funds for your company. It seems that I was thinking too much and meddled in other people's business! "    


"Forget it. Stop talking big in front of me. Who do you think you are to be able to unfreeze our company's bank funds with just one sentence? Is the court opened by your family? Don't think that you have learned some martial arts from someone because you have Zhang Mengmeng, that little demoness. You can do anything. Dream on. " Gu Xiaohui curled her lips and looked at Wu Xu with disdain. She said with disdain, "I'm warning you, from now on, we have nothing to do with each other. Don't meddle in my matters, and don't even think about interfering in our company's matters. I don't care! "    


After hearing Gu Xiaohui's words, Wu Xu's lungs were about to explode from anger.    


However, he remembered how Gu Yuming treated him when he was alive and how he entrusted him with this task, so he suppressed the anger in his heart and did not get angry with Gu Xiaohui. He said in a deep voice,    


"Since you said so, we will wait and see!"    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked straight into the bedroom that he had lived in before. He packed his things and put them in a plastic woven bag. He carried the woven bag out of the door.    


Gu Xiaohui was still sitting on the sofa in the living room. She watched Wu Xu walk out of the bedroom with a plastic woven bag. He did not even look at her before he passed by the living room and left the house. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart.    


"Pooh, pooh." After a while, she finally came back to her senses. She spat at the door of the living room and scolded, "What cow? Isn't he just a useless person who only knows how to make a living? He doesn't look like the Crown Prince even if he wears a dragon robe. I'd like to see. What will you become in the future? Alright, let's wait and see! "    


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