Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C202 Bail out

C202 Bail out

"On this issue, I'm a little confused, too. " Hsiao Yue felt that Liu Chuang's actions did not match what Hou Guangsheng had told her. She felt that she had asked someone to arrest Liu Chuang. Bringing ___ into the interrogation room for interrogation was somewhat sloppy. Sun Yan's appearance... So she said quietly, "Ms Sun, can you be sure that Liu Chuang is not with Hou Guangsheng and Wai Dayong?"    


"Yes, I can confirm that Liu Chuang is not with them." Sun Yan nodded and said, "I am willing to vouch for him and bail him out."    


Hsiao Yue replied, "Since you are sent by the victim Gu Xiaohui to vouch for Liu Chuang, I have nothing to say. As long as you are willing to sign on the guarantee, we can release Liu Chuang!"    


"I am willing!" Sun Yan said seriously.    


"Very good!" Hsiao Yue nodded in satisfaction and immediately let one of the policemen beside her take a guarantee letter and let Sun Yan sign on it.    


After all the formalities were done, Hsiao Yue said to Sun Yan, "You wait here for a while first. I will go and arrange for my men to release the person now!"    


Finishing, Hsiao Yue turned around and left the reception room and went to the interrogation room. She looked at Liu Chuang who was still handcuffed on the interrogation bench and asked Zhou who was interrogating him.    


"How is the situation?"    


Zhou answered truthfully, "He still said it had nothing to do with the assassination of Gu Xiaohui. He went to rescue Gu Xiaohui. We caught the wrong person..."    


"Ok, I got it." Hsiao Yue hurriedly interrupted Zhou. She looked at Liu Chuang and said, "Liu Chuang, you can leave now."    


"Leave? Where do you want me to go?" Liu Chuang had already made up his mind. No matter what, he had to continue wasting time with this beautiful police officer tonight. When he heard that she wanted him to leave, he did not react in time.    


"Of course I want to go to your residence," Hsiao Yue said with a serious face. "Someone is here to bail you out. You can go back with her."    


"Who is it? Who is going to bail me out?" Liu Chuang couldn't believe his ears.    


"You will know when you see him," Hsiao Yue said. She immediately turned to the two policemen who were responsible for escorting Liu Chuang and said, "Uncuff him."    


After the two policemen received the order, they immediately unlocked Liu Chuang's handcuffs.    


After Liu Chuang freed himself from the restraints, he moved his hands and feet and asked Hsiao Yue, "Hsiao, can I leave now?"    


"No!" Hsiao Yue shook her head and said.    


"Why?" Liu Chuang asked, puzzled.    


"You can only leave after you sign and imprint your hand on our inquiry statement!" Hsiao Yue replied and said to Zhou, "Print out our inquiry record!"    




Zhou nodded and immediately pressed the print command on the keyboard.    


The printer started to work.    


In a short while, their interrogation notes were printed on an A4 paper.    


Hsiao Yue handed the inquiry statement to Liu Chuang and asked, "Take a look first. Is there anything else you need to add? If not, sign and print on it!"    


Liu Chuang took the statement and looked at it once. He said, "No more!"    


"Then sign and stamp it!" Hsiao Yue pointed to a pen and a box of seal mud on the interrogation table and said, "After the formalities are done, you can take your things and leave!"    


"No problem!" Liu Chuang took the pen and signed his name on it and stamped his hand on it.    


Zhou picked up a document bag and poured the phone, cash, and ID card on the interrogation table. He asked Liu Chuang,    


"This is your stuff. Check it. Did you miss anything?"    


"No more!"    


Liu Chuang shook his head. He picked up the things on the table and put them in his pocket.    


"Liu Chuang, you can leave now." Hsiao Yue was very satisfied with Liu Chuang's cooperation. She said to him, "Follow me!"    


After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the interrogation room.    


Liu Chuang was afraid that she would go back on her words, so he asked the police to arrest him again and send him to the detention center. He followed behind her eagerly.    


Zhou and the two police officers in charge of watching over him were afraid that Liu Chuang would take revenge on Hsiao Yue, so they followed them out of the interrogation room and went to the reception room.    


Sun Yan saw that Liu Chuang was brought into the reception room by a few policemen, so she stood up from the stool and asked with concern, "Liu Chuang, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Liu Chuang shook his head and raised his wrist. He said, "It's just that the police were a little tight when they handcuffed me just now, and now I still feel a little pain..."    


Sun Yan looked at Hsiao Yue and asked, "You even handcuffed him?"    


"Don't worry. We are doing business," Hsiao Yue said casually. "Ms Sun, since you have signed the guarantor, you can take him away from here."    


"Okay, thank you!" Sun Yan thanked Hsiao Yue and led Liu Chuang out of the reception room. They walked out of the police station office building and came to the Chevrolet sedan parked in front of the police station. She turned around and said to Liu Chuang, "Director Gu asked me to bail you out. You can go back now!"    


Liu Chuang asked, "How's the situation with Director Gu? Can I still be her driver?"    


"The Director Gu is fine now. You can continue to be her driver," Sun Yan replied. "But in the future, you must wholeheartedly serve the Director Gu. You must not reveal her whereabouts to anyone."    


Liu Chuang nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry. After this lesson, I will not easily reveal the whereabouts of the Director Gu again."    


"That's for the best." Sun Yan asked expressionlessly, "Where are you going now? I will send you there!"    


Liu Chuang replied, "I parked the special car of the Director Gu at the entrance of her mother's villa. I want to go and get the car first, then pick her up early in the morning to pick her up and greet the Director Gu at the same time..."    


"Then I'll call Director Gu to see if she has fallen asleep." As Sun Yan spoke, she took out her phone from her handbag and dialed Gu Xiaohui's number.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


The phone rang for a while before Gu Xiaohui picked it up and asked, "Ms Sun, why did you call at this time?"    


Sun Yan replied, "I have already bailed Liu Chuang out of the police station, Liu Chuang said. He parked your exclusive car at the bottom of your mother's villa. He wanted to go and get the car now. By the way, I want to greet you. Is it convenient for you? "    


Gu Xiaohui replied," I have already fallen asleep. It is inconvenient for him to come over now. You should let him come to our place to pick up the car at around eight o'clock tomorrow morning and then send me to the company! "    


"Okay, I will tell him now!" After Sun Yan said that, she immediately hung up the phone.    


Liu Chuang, who was standing by the side, saw Sun Yan put down the phone and anxiously asked, "What did Director Gu say?"    


Sun Yan answered truthfully, "Director Gu has already fallen asleep. She told you to go and get the car at around eight o'clock tomorrow morning and then send her to work at the company!"    


Liu Chuang nodded and said, "That's fine. I will go back to the employee dormitory now. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Director Gu's mother's house to pick her up to work at the company!"    


Sun Yan suddenly remembered that Gu Xiaohui wanted her to help Liu Chuang rent a house near her mother's house tomorrow. She asked in a somewhat gossipy manner,    


"I heard that your wife is from the countryside and is still living in the countryside. You want to bring her to the city to live with you. Is there such a thing?"    


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