Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C101 Bidding

C101 Bidding

The night is dark, the night is beautiful.    


Gu Xiaohui drove her BMW on the streets that were flashing with neon lights.    


Her mind was filled with the thoughts of eating at Ma Junhao's house just now. Ma Junhao's mother had asked her to let Ma Junhao go to work at the company. She did not even notice a Toyota car following her all the way to her mother's upscale residential area.    


As her BMW had been registered in the community, she could enter and exit freely. The people in the Toyota could only watch Gu Xiaohui drive into the community and could not continue to follow her. Helpless, that guy could only call Liu Dazhuang and report Gu Xiaohui's whereabouts to him.    


After entering the neighborhood, Gu Xiaohui drove the BMW along the street and stopped in front of her mother's villa.    


After removing her seatbelt, she opened the car door and got out of the car. Gu Xiaohui took the handbag to her mother's house and took out the key from her handbag. She opened the door to the living room on the first floor.    


Mrs Gu sat on the sofa in the living room and watched television. When she saw her daughter coming home, she greeted her first, "Xiaohui, you are back!"    


"Yes, I am back!" Gu Xiaohui walked to her mother and threw her handbag on the sofa. She sat down next to her mother.    


Mrs Gu saw that her daughter looked tired and asked, "Have you eaten?"    


"Yes, I have!" Gu Xiaohui nodded. She remembered the happy dinner she had at Ma Junhao's house and felt warm in her heart.    


"Where did you eat it?" Her mother continued to ask.    


"Mom, why are you asking so many questions?" Gu Xiaohui asked unhappily, "I ate in the company. What's wrong?"    


She knew in her heart that her mother hated Ma Junhao very much. Her father had just passed away. If she told her mother about her relationship with Ma Junhao and eating at his house, it would definitely make her feel sad.    


"I am still concerned about you," Mrs Gu asked. "After you took over your father's position as the chairman, how did you handle the company's matters?"    


"Don't mention it. It is a mess!" Gu Xiaohui remembered that on her first day of work, she had met the vice chairman Hou Guangsheng who opposed her. She was very unhappy.    


"In the past, your father never let me ask about the company's matters. I don't know anything about the company's situation. I can't help you at all. You can only rely on yourself to solve the company's matters, "Mrs Gu began to nag." I don't know how Wu Xu's condition is. When he recovers, go to the company as soon as possible to help you. See how tired you are. I feel a little heartache again... "    


When Gu Xiaohui heard her mother mention Wu Xu, the image of him bringing Zhang Mengmeng home and "fooling around" on the bed appeared in her mind. She felt very uncomfortable.    


Hence, she hurriedly interrupted her mother and said, "Mom, in the future, don't mention this person in front of me. When I mention him, I feel like throwing up. I would never have let him go back to work with me. It's even more impossible for me to let him help me! "    


"Why?" Mrs Gu asked in puzzlement.    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "Don't ask why. Anyway, our marriage has come to an end. We plan to divorce him. After the divorce, we will go our separate ways. No one should interfere with their work and life..."    


"Sigh..." Mrs Gu sighed and said, "I really don't know what you are thinking. Wu Xu is such a good young man. You always dislike him. What kind of man are you looking for?"    


"You don't need to worry about my matters. You should take care of yourself. Take care of your own health." Gu Xiaohui did not want to hear her mother talk about her and Wu Xu. She quickly stood up.    


She picked up her handbag and went up the stairs to the second floor. She walked into her bedroom and closed the door with a bang.    


"Sigh..." Mrs Gu looked at her daughter's disappearing figure at the door and could not help but sigh. Remembering her husband's tragic state after his car accident and his passing away, she felt very sad and sadness came from her heart. She looked at the portrait of her husband hanging in the living room. He said with tears in his eyes, "Old man, how could you bear to leave me and leave me alone in this world? Now that my daughter is older, I can't control her anymore... "    


After Gu Xiaohui entered her bedroom, she took her change of clothes and went into the bathroom.    


After she finished bathing, she walked out of the bathroom wearing a set of white pajamas. She faced the dressing mirror and used a hairdryer to dry her hair. Then, she tied her head to the bed in the middle of the bedroom.    


In her mind, the scene of her and Wu Xu getting married for more than half a year, the two of them living together, the scene of Ma Junhao being romantic together, and the trouble she had encountered at work repeatedly flashed through her mind.    


"Who can help me?" All the things piled up together made Gu Xiaohui feel like she was carrying a heavy burden that made her unable to breathe.    


It was night. Gu Xiaohui tossed and turned and could not sleep.    


It was only until five o'clock in the morning that she closed her eyes and fell asleep in a daze.    


When she woke up, it was already late in the morning.    


"Oh no, I still have to go to the company to work!" Gu Xiaohui looked at the clock on the wall. The clock was already nine o'clock in the morning, which meant that she was already late by the time she drove to the company.    


She rolled over and got out of bed. She quickly put on her clothes, took her handbag, and left the bedroom. She went down the stairs.    


Her mother stopped her in the living room on the first floor. She pointed at the eggs, milk, and sandwiches on the coffee table and said, "Xiaohui, this is the breakfast I prepared for you. Quickly eat it. It's still hot!"    


"I'm very busy, so I won't eat anymore!" Gu Xiaohui waved her hand and turned around to walk towards the door of the room.    


"No matter how busy you are, you still need to eat breakfast!" Mrs Gu said to her back.    


"No need. Keep it for yourself to eat." Gu Xiaohui reached out and opened the door. She flashed out of the room and closed the door.    


"Sigh, this child is becoming more and more stubborn..." Seeing Gu Xiaohui's figure being shut outside the door, Mrs Gu had no other choice but to shake her head and sigh.    


Due to the traffic jam on the road, Gu Xiaohui spent about an hour before stopping the BMW in the parking lot on the first floor of the Gu's Group office building.    


Taking the special elevator of the chairman, she went upstairs and after entering the chairman's office, she found that it was already 9: 30. In other words, she was half an hour late.    


Just as she sat down in her office, the chairman's assistant Sun Yan knocked on the door and entered the room.    


After Sun Yan closed the office door, she walked straight to the opposite side of Gu Xiaohui's desk and handed a few photos to Gu Xiaohui and said:    


"Director Gu, these were taken by the people I sent last night at the entrance of the Pacific Grand Hotel. Please take a look!"    


Gu Xiaohui looked at the photos and was shocked to find that these were the pictures of Shen Ao shaking hands with Hou Guangsheng and Zhang Xuezhong and walking into the Pacific Hotel together.    


"Why are these two people with Shen Ao?" Gu Xiaohui thought to herself and suddenly remembered the company's bidding for the shacks and the renovation project. She quickly asked, "Oh no, Shen Ao is here for the shacks project. Our company probably has a mole!"    


"Ah?" Sun Yan also felt the seriousness of the matter and asked, "Then what should we do now?"    


"Those people participated in the bidding for this project?" Gu Xiaohui asked even though she knew the answer.    


"They are the vice chairman of Zhao Jianbing and the Leader of the Engineering Department Zhang Xuezhong." Sun Yan replied.    


"When will the bidding begin?" Gu Xiaohui continued to ask.    


"The project will start at 10 o'clock this morning at the Construction and Engineering Trading Centre!" Sun Yan answered honestly.    


Gu Xiaohui looked at the time displayed on her phone and said, "It is 9: 40 now. There is still time. Quickly contact Zhao Jianbing. Ask him to cancel Zhang Xuezhong's right to participate in the bidding immediately and change the bidding price of the project again!"    


"Okay, I will contact Vice President Zhao now!" Sun Yan said, picked up the phone on the desk, and quickly dialed Zhao Jianbing's phone number.    


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