Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C134 Driver and Bodyguard(1)

C134 Driver and Bodyguard(1)

After Sun Yan came out of Ma Junhao's house, she received a call from Gu Xiaohui. When she found out that the police had come looking for her, saying that Zhang Xuezhong had been buried alive in a wasteland on the outskirts, she was very anxious.    


She was afraid that the police would push Zhang Xuezhong's death onto Gu Xiaohui. She suspected that Gu Xiaohui was the mastermind behind Zhang Xuezhong's murder and was even more anxious.    


After putting down Gu Xiaohui's phone, Sun Yan hurriedly called Wu Xu and confirmed that Zhang Xuezhong's death had nothing to do with Ma Zhong, who he had sent to secretly protect Gu Xiaohui. Only then did she feel relieved.    


"Who is the murderer?" Sun Yan thought to herself.    


Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes staring at Gu Xiaohui in a dark corner. They extended their hands to her and threatened Gu Xiaohui's safety at any time.    


"No, I have to hurry back to the company and find a qualified driver and bodyguard for Director Gu!" After making up her mind, she hurriedly started her Chevrolet car and left the shed area to go to the Gu's Group.    


Not long after, the independent office building of the Gu's Group arrived.    


She parked the Chevrolet in the parking lot on the first floor of the Gu's Group and took the elevator upstairs. She knocked on the door of Gu Xiaohui's office.    


When Gu Xiaohui saw Sun Yan, she stood up from her office chair and asked anxiously:    


"How is the matter I told you to do? Did you send that person to secretly protect me last night to kill Zhang Xuezhong and drag him to the wasteland in the suburbs to be buried?"    


"No." Sun Yan shook her head and said, "I just called to verify it. The man in charge of protecting you saved you from Zhang Xuezhong's hands. After knocking him out, he left the shed. I promise you. Zhang Xuezhong's death has nothing to do with him..."    


"Then I'm relieved." Gu Xiaohui said as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders," Can you arrange for me to meet with that man? I want to thank him face to face, if he is willing. I can hire him to work in our company with a high salary and let him be my driver and bodyguard... "    


"This... I'm afraid there is a certain degree of difficulty in this matter..." Sun Yan said hesitantly.    


Gu Xiaohui frowned and asked, "Why?"    


Because Ma Zhong was someone by Wu Xu's side, Sun Yan did not understand this person and did not know if Gu Xiaohui would be exposed after meeting Ma Zhong, so she explained.    


"Because... Because I hired him from the security company. I don't know if the boss of the security company would like to expose that person's identity..."    


"Oh, I see." Gu Xiaohui believed Sun Yan's words. She remembered that she was followed by Zhang Xuezhong to the alley in the shantytown last night. She was held captive in a house inside and was about to force her into it. She was a little scared.    


"Then what about my safety?" Gu Xiaohui asked Sun Yan. After what happened last night, she finally realized her safety crisis.    


Sun Yan replied, "I am going to find a driver and bodyguard for you from the company's security. What do you think?"    


"Is the company's security reliable?" Gu Xiaohui said worriedly.    


"It should not be a problem." Sun Yan explained, "A while ago, the old chairman wanted to strengthen the security of the company. He specially asked the security captain, Wai Dayong, to hire a few retired soldiers. You can choose a skilled security guard among them to be your driver and bodyguard. What do you think? "    


" Sigh, this is the only way. "Gu Xiaohui sighed and said helplessly," This matter needs to be rushed. You have to make arrangements as soon as possible. "    


"I will call Wai Dayong now and ask him to come here." Sun Yan said and walked to Gu Xiaohui's desk. She picked up the phone and dialed an internal phone number.    


The call went through.    


A deep male voice came from the phone, "This is the Gu's Group's security department. Is there anything I can help you with?"    


Sun Yan said in a tone that did not allow discussion, "Captain Wei, I am the chairman's assistant Sun Yan. Please come to the chairman's office immediately. Director Gu has something to talk to you about."    


"Huh? Director Gu wants to see me? Is there... something wrong with her?" Wai Dayong asked with a stutter.    


During the company meeting yesterday morning, Gu Xiaohui personally held a meeting between the middle and higher levels of the company. At the meeting, he saw with his own eyes how Gu Xiaohui arbitrarily announced the revoking of Leader of the Engineering Department Zhang Xuezhong's position. He was afraid that there was something he did not do well. Similarly, he would be revoked by Gu Xiaohui. His heart was filled with fear.    


"I can't explain it clearly to you over the phone. You will know when you come to the chairman's office." Sun Yan did not want to be long-winded with Wai Dayong, so she hurriedly put the phone back on the landline.    


After putting down the phone, Wai Dayong hurriedly walked out of the office of the security minister on the second floor. He took the elevator upstairs and went to the chairman's office.    


Knock, knock, knock!    


He raised his hand and knocked on the door.    


Sun Yan opened the door and saw Wai Dayong standing anxiously at the door. She was the first to speak, "Captain Wei, quickly come in. The Director Gu is waiting for you in the office!"    


Wai Dayong saw Gu Xiaohui sitting expressionlessly in her chairman's office. He followed Sun Yan to the opposite side of her desk and asked in fear and trepidation,    


"Director Gu, what do you want from me? Is there something I did not do well? Did you call me to lecture?"    


"How do you know I called you to lecture?" Gu Xiaohui said without revealing her emotions.    


"Because there are some parts of the work in our security department that are not perfect enough. I hope Director Gu can teach me!" Wai Dayong said with some self-blame.    


"It's good that you know," ___ said. Gu Xiaohui said with a serious face, "I called you here today not to denounce you. I just want you to arrange a driver and bodyguard for me in your security department. Which one do you think is more suitable?"    


It turned out that Gu Xiaohui asked Sun Yan to call him because of this matter. Wai Dayong's tensed nerves finally relaxed and said with a flattering face,    


"Director Gu, please rest assured. Leave this matter to me. May I ask, what kind of person do you want to find to be your driver and bodyguard?"    


Gu Xiaohui answered truthfully, "First of all, this person needs to be honest and have a professional heart. Secondly, he needs to have a certain level of skill to be able to protect my safety..."    


Wai Dayong's brain started to work rapidly. He went through the few veterans he had just recruited and finally locked onto a veteran named Liu Chuang.    


Therefore, he said with a flattering face, "There is one person who can satisfy the condition of Director Gu. I wonder if he can satisfy you?"    


Sun Yan, who stood by the side, took over the conversation and asked, "Who is it?"    


"His name is Liu Chuang. He is 25 years old, 180 centimeters tall, and weighs 150 kilograms. He is a retired soldier that we just recruited." Wai Dayong introduced him.    


"I am not looking for a partner. Why are you introducing him in such detail?" Gu Xiaohui glanced at Wai Dayong and asked Sun Yan, "Ms Sun, do you know Liu Chuang?"    


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