Best Assassin Son-in-law

C410 Assassinate Shangguan Yi

C410 Assassinate Shangguan Yi

After Ming Yue changed her clothes, she purposely chose a sleeve that was rather wide, just in case someone discovered the knife she was holding in her hand.    


Ming Yue was willing to go for broke. If her grandfather insisted on marrying Shangguan Yi, even if he killed Shangguan Yi, Ming Yue would not hesitate to do so.    


Ming Yue would rather spend the rest of her days in prison than face Shangguan Yi.    


Shangguan Yi's perverted behavior was truly unacceptable to Ming Yue.    


Ming Yue pushed open the door carefully. Due to the injuries on her hands, Ming Yue's movements were very light.    


The old butler was waiting outside Ming Yue's room.    


Seeing that Ming Yue had changed her clothes and was walking out, the old housekeeper said in a deep voice.    


"Miss Ming Yue, please come with me."    


Ming Yue nodded. She did not say anything as she followed behind the old butler.    


The old butler brought Ming Yue to the center of Ming Family's hall. At this moment, Ming Zhiwen and Shangguan Yi were out of the hall, and there were also a lot of people who followed Shangguan Yi to North Lake.    


Ming Yue only glanced at them once before locking her gaze on her grandfather, Ming Zhiwen.    


Ming Yue stretched out a hand covered in bandages.    


"Grandpa, do you really have the heart to give me to Shangguan Yi? Look at what he's done to me, and this is still within our family. If I follow him back to North Lake, I don't even know what other methods he'll have to torture me with. "    


"Look at the wound on my hand, don't you feel any heartache? I am your granddaughter, and yet you have the heart to push me into the fire pit? "    


Ming Yue questioned Ming Zhiwen loudly.    


The people from the North Lake who came with Shangguan Yi started to discuss softly on the side.    


"Isn't Shangguan Yi a bit too impatient? Isn't he afraid of that old Ming Zhiwen going back on his word by exposing his obsession so early?"    


"Then you really think too highly of Ming Zhiwen. With just him alone, let me tell you, not to mention a granddaughter, even if he were to hand over his daughter, he would still be willing."    


Although the voices of these people were not loud, Ming Zhiwen could still hear them. However, even if he could hear their conversation, Ming Zhiwen did not refute them, nor did he show any displeasure.    


"Ming Yue, your grandfather has his own difficulties as well. I hope you can forgive him as well."    


Ming Zhiwen sighed.    


"You have your own difficulties, I want to know what your difficulties are. Your current status in the Chu Prefecture is still not enough to satisfy you? Must I sacrifice my happiness? "    


Ming Yue was slightly hysterical.    


"Enough, stop talking. You won't understand me."    


Ming Zhiwen looked serious.    


"I already know what happened just now. You made Shangguan Yi very unhappy, so he went over to kneel down and admit his mistake."    


Ming Yue could not believe her ears.    


"Grandfather, you want me to kowtow and admit his wrongs? Look at me, it's all thanks to him that I'm acting like this, and you still want me to admit his wrongs?"    


Lili gritted her teeth. She wished it hadn't come out of Ming Zhiwen's mouth, but the truth was right in front of her.    


"Ming Yue, we'll be family from now on. There's no need to kneel down, but as my wife in the future, it's natural for you to obey my husband's orders. Just come here and apologize to me."    


Shangguan Yi chuckled as he looked at Ming Yue and told her.    


Looking at Shangguan Yi's smile, Ming Yue was terrified and stood in place.    


"Shangguan Yi, it seems like your wife still needs to be taught a good lesson. She doesn't even listen to your words. If others were to know about this, wouldn't they laugh their teeth out?"    


A person beside him teased Shangguan Yi.    


Shangguan Yi stopped smiling and looked at Ming Yue coldly.    


"Ming Yue, don't forget what I said to you in the ancestral hall. If you don't want that, then come over and apologize. Today's matter is over and my patience is limited."    


Hearing Shangguan Yi's threat, Ming Yue's body trembled slightly.    


He believed that Shangguan Yi could really do that, and hardened his heart.    


Pretending to surrender, he slowly walked in front of Shangguan Yi.    


"Is that right?"    


Just as Shangguan Yi finished his sentence, Ming Yue hid in her sleeve and quickly stabbed out with the knife towards Shangguan Yi's lower abdomen.    


When the others saw Ming Yue's actions, they were shocked.    


But Shangguan Yi was not flustered.    


Ming Yue's hands were severely injured. Not to mention wanting to injure him, it was even harder for her to hold the sabre.    


Shangguan Yi struck Ming Yue in the hand holding the knife.    


Lili was in so much pain that the knife slipped from her hand and was caught by Shangguan Yi.    


"You don't want the chance I gave you. It seems that I really need to properly educate you."    


Ming Yue knew that she had no chance, and her eyes were filled with despair.    


Shangguan Yi slapped Ming Yue across the face.    


"As my future wife, you have to obey my orders. Today, I'll let you understand how I discipline my woman."    


Shangguan Yi grabbed onto Ming Yue's neck, and with his other hand, he held onto the blade of the knife. With only an inch left, he directly stabbed it into Ming Yue's lower abdomen.    


Shangguan Yi controlled her well. Although Ming Yue had been stabbed, the place where she had been stabbed and the knife had stabbed deeply into Ming Yue's abdomen were all in Shangguan Yi's grasp.    


In front of everyone, Shangguan Yi didn't hide anything and attacked Ming Yue brazenly.    


Ming Zhiwen frowned, unable to bear it.    


"Shangguan Yi, it's not quite right for you to do this. Ming Yue is going back to marry you, after all."    


Shangguan Yi just looked at Ming Zhiwen with a smile.    


"Ming Zhiwen, you're a doctor too, can't you see that? She has only suffered a few superficial wounds. Even if she were to be stabbed a few more times, there should not be any problems.    


Shangguan Yi pulled out his knife and stabbed Lili twice in quick succession.    


"Look, I already said it's a superficial wound. "Don't worry."    


Looking at Ming Yue's blood-stained clothes, Shangguan Yi said in satisfaction.    


Even the servants of Ming Family didn't quite recognize her as they ran towards the medicine box, wanting to bandage Ming Yue's wounds.    


"A servant wants to stop me from disciplining my own wife? Do you have any rules in your Ming Family? "    


Shangguan Yi said with a displeased expression.    


"Hurry up and come back here."    


Ming Zhiwen shouted.    


The servant could only retreat.    


Shangguan Yi took out a few silver needles and stabbed them into Ming Yue's lower abdomen to stop the bleeding.    


"Look, I already told you that everything was fine, and now even the blood has stopped flowing. No matter what, you all study medicine, don't always act like you have never seen the world before. If others were to find out, my Shangguan Yi's wife's family would not understand anything.    


Shangguan Yi played with the knife in his hand for a moment, then looked at Ming Yue.    


Everything you do, I think it's all in vain. It's better for you to obediently follow me back to the North Lake for the wedding. If you perform well, I won't treat you like this either. "    


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