Best Assassin Son-in-law

C574 To Headquarters

C574 To Headquarters

Facing Zhou Batian's bodyguard charging at him, Jiang Feng smiled contemptuously. These people were nothing in his eyes.    


Jiang Feng sidestepped the punch the bodyguard threw, then he aimed at the bodyguard's chest and smacked him with his palm.    


Due to the inertia of charging towards Jiang Feng and the strength of Jiang Feng's palm, the bodyguard was knocked into the air and kept spinning in the air.    


Jiang Feng raised his leg and kicked the bodyguard back. At the same time, he smashed down two of his subordinates.    


Jiang Feng saw the opportunity and rushed into the crowd again. No one was able to take one move from Jiang Feng, and the hospital corridor wasn't too big to begin with. With so many people standing in such a narrow space, there was no need to fight them one by one.    


In the blink of an eye, half of the people had been knocked out by Jiang Feng.    


Seeing that Jiang Feng had no intention of stopping, Zhou Batian's bodyguard took out his pistol and pointed it at Jiang Feng. The subordinates behind him who were not beaten by Jiang Feng also took out their guns. Some of them even took out their shotgun and aimed it at the three of them.    


While Zhao Xiongyu was fighting crime, it was not like he had not been aimed with a gun before, but it was still the first time in the hospital. In this kind of place, being threatened by a gun to the head made Zhao Xiongyu extremely angry.    


It also let him know that his ability to fight crime was still not enough. If they managed to get through it safely, they would definitely deal more damage to these people who could possibly cause harm to society.    


"Jiang Feng, surrender now. If you dare to resist again, I'll smash their heads apart."    


"Zhao Xiongyu is the chief guard of Zhonghai. Even if Zhou Batian came, he wouldn't dare to point a gun at him. Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to explain to Zhou Batian when you go back?"    


Jiang Feng had revealed Zhao Xiongyu's identity in an attempt to make these people apprehensive, but it was clear that these people did not believe Jiang Feng at all.    


"Jiang Feng, stop trying to scare us here. Why don't you take a look at your own identity, you can recognize the Director of Zhonghai, don't tease us."    


"Our boss has ordered us to capture you alive, but he didn't say that we can't hurt you. If you know what's good for you, then come with us. We don't want to involve some innocent people."    


"President Jiang, you can't go with them. They won't let you go."    


Lu Xiaomo warned, but Zhou Batian's bodyguard shot her in the shin.    


"You're the only one who talks so much. Be quiet or else the next shot won't be your leg, but your head."    


Lu Xiaomo endured the pain and tried her best not to shout out loud, but tears kept streaming down her face.    


Zhao Xiongyu looked at Lu Xiaomo, who had been shot, and was about to speak when another shot rang out, the bullet piercing Zhao Xiongyu's left arm.    


"You better be quiet too. My target is Jiang Feng, it has nothing to do with you guys. But if you guys are courting death, I don't mind letting you guys report to the Yama King's Palace."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard arrogantly said to Zhao Xiongyu.    


Jiang Feng was good, it was difficult to catch him first, so he had to use Zhao Xiongyu and the others to threaten Jiang Feng. If Jiang Feng didn't want to see Zhao Xiongyu and the others die under his gun, he was sure Jiang Feng wouldn't dare to mess around.    


Zhao Xiongyu had never received such a threat and was immediately enraged.    


"If you dare to touch Jiang Feng, I guarantee that you will die a horrible death. I will keep my promise."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard also did not expect that, at this time, Zhao Xiongyu would still dare to say such words.    


The gun was pointed at Zhao Xiongyu again.    


"If you say another word, I'll break your legs. If you still don't accept it, I'll kill you here. If you don't believe me, you can try. I'll keep my word."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard glared at Zhao Xiongyu.    


Zhao Xiongyu wasn't going to shut him up with a few threatening words. He was about to say something, but Jiang Feng spoke first.    


"I'll go with you guys, but you have to let go of my friends. Otherwise, we'll all die together. Don't even think about it!"    


If it wasn't for Zhao Xiongyu and Lu Xiaomo, just these people alone, they might all have guns, but Jiang Feng had a hundred ways to deal with them without getting hurt.    


Zhao Xiongyu decided to shut up. Zhou Batian's bodyguard had said that if Jiang Feng was to be captured alive, it meant that Jiang Feng would not be in danger for the time being. As long as he had enough manpower, he should be able to take care of this group while ensuring Jiang Feng's safety.    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard had also witnessed Jiang Feng's power. Although he did not think that Jiang Feng could dodge bullets, he could not be 100% sure that his side did not suffer any casualties when he dealt with Jiang Feng. Most importantly, Zhou Batian had said that he wanted to live.    


"At least you're smart. If you had left earlier, you wouldn't have ended up like this."    


"Take him away."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard ordered his men to take Jiang Feng away while he walked behind Jiang Feng, his pistol pointed at him, afraid that Jiang Feng would rebut temporarily.    


As for Wang Rou, he wasn't worried at all. At most, he would just send someone back to kill her.    


Watching the group of people leave, Zhao Xiongyu looked at the medical staff who came to watch, and some patients, and shouted at them.    


"What are you all doing? Can't you see that there are injured people here? "Hurry up and carry her away. Treat her wounds."    


Only then did the medical staff react. They hurriedly carried Lili away and wanted to take Zhao Xiongyu with them to treat her wounds. However, Zhao Xiongyu refused.    


Zhao Xiongyu took out his cell phone and called the guard headquarters.    


"Gather people for me now. Surround Tianhai Security Company immediately. Wait for my next order."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard and his men escorted Jiang Feng to the base of the Sea Sky Security Company.    


"You guys take him up there. The boss's brother is waiting for him."    


Zhou Batian's bodyguard spoke a few words, then went to work on the wound. At the company, he was not afraid that Jiang Feng would be able to get out of here.    


However, Jiang Feng followed them to the room where Zhou Botao and Zhang Jing were.    


Seeing that Jiang Feng had been brought in by Zhou Batian's men, Zhou Botao and Zhang Jing, who were in the midst of pouring, looked at Jiang Feng complacently.    


Zhang Jing and Zhou Botao both hated Jiang Feng to the bone and wished they could cut Jiang Feng into pieces right now. Jiang Feng, however, was looking at them casually, without a care in the world. His face was filled with a smile, and he did not seem to be afraid at all.    


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