Best Assassin Son-in-law

C375 Caohuan

C375 Caohuan

The sound of the police siren when the police car arrived had long attracted Cao Family Member over. However, no one expected that the one who would be taken away would be Ah Da.    


A large group of people were discussing.    


"Didn't you say that the kid is Cao Lin's Live-in Son-in-law? Why is he so rich? The car he's driving is definitely not cheap. "    


"In my opinion, that car definitely isn't his. In the worst-case scenario, where did he rent it from? If he wants to back himself up, he might even lose face."    


Among the crowd, there was a person who left immediately after seeing Jiang Feng's car. He ran to Cao Lin's villa to look for her.    


"Cousin, cousin, quickly open the door for me. I have good news to tell you."    


Before Cao Lin's anger could subside, she unhappily opened the door.    


"Cao Xiaoqing, what are you doing here? Are you mocking me? I don't have the time to bother with you."    


Cao Lin said snappily.    


Cao Xiaoqing was surprised by Cao Lin's words, but immediately said with a flattering look on her face.    


"Who is this ignorant person that angered his cousin to such an extent? Tell me, I'll go and find him to discuss this."    


Cao Lin looked doubtfully at Cao Xiaoqing. Although their relationship wasn't that bad, it definitely wasn't this good. Did Cao Xiaoqing eat the wrong medicine today?    


"What on earth is the matter? Hurry up and say it, I'm just annoyed."    


Cao Lin said impatiently.    


"Cousin, I've come today to give you my good news."    


Cao Xiaoqing said with a smile.    


"Announcement?" What is it? If you don't stop me, I'll burn incense. I almost didn't even get in my house today, what kind of happiness could I possibly have? "    


"Look at what you said, didn't I already tell you? I just saw your son-in-law driving a sports car back with Wang Rou, and I immediately recognized who that sports car belongs to."    


Hearing Cao Xiaoqing say that Jiang Feng had come back with Wang Rou in a speeding car, Cao Lin's heart skipped a beat. She thought that Jiang Feng must have stole it from the outside.    


"It must be Jiang Feng's doing again. Where are they? I'll go find them now. "    


Cao Xiaoqing steadied Cao Lin.    


"Cousin, what are you doing? Just listen to what I have to say first."    


"Hurry up and tell me. I still need to hurry over. If others were to find out, wouldn't they poke my spine and scold me?"    


Cao Lin panicked.    


"You misunderstand. No one will criticize you, much less curse you. Didn't I say that I was here to congratulate you?"    


"I know the car your son-in-law drove. I saw Lu Qi drive it before, I think it must be because your Wang Rou was attracted by Lu Qi and gave it to him. Just now, Ah Da called the police, but they took Ah Da away. If it really was your son-in-law who stole the car, then it must be him."    


"It's that Ah Da again, he's simply bullying others too much."    


Cao Lin muttered.    


"Cousin, did you listen to me? I said your Lili is with Lu Qi, your family is going to be rich in the future."    


Cao Xiaoqing said again.    


Cao Lin was stunned for a moment before realizing that her daughter was finally enlightened. Although Lu Qi had done too much to Wang Rou before, both of them were still children at that time, so they didn't understand anything.    


If Wang Rou really took a fancy to Lu Qi, then Wang Family would soar to the skies. Not only in the company of Liuzhou, but also in the future, there wouldn't be any problems in developing Zhonghai after returning. Furthermore, everyone in the family who looked down on her would have to flatter her.    


"Hurry up and bring me there."    


Cao Lin urged.    


The rest of the Cao Family also thought that Lu Qi had given the overrun to Wang Rou, and they all expressed their good will to her.    


"Cao Lin's daughter is really capable, to be able to get a young genius like Lu Qi, the Cao Lin family will definitely not be easy to deal with in the future."    


When Wang Rou heard their discussion, she felt that it was extremely harsh. Forget about others, no matter what, she would never fall for Lu Qi, even if it wasn't the case then, and even more so now.    


Wang Rou was in a hurry to explain as Cao Lin rushed over with Cao Xiaoqing.    


When Cao Lin saw the overrun parked at the side, it really was Lu Qi who gave it to her.    


After seeing Cao Lin, the people from Cao Family all went up one after another. Their attitudes were all better than before, and even Cao Ailee who loudly called Cao Lin a thief before had a 180 degree change in attitude.    


"Cousin, I was too reckless before. You better not lower yourself to me. When your family is rich, don't forget about us."    


Although Cao Lin was angry at Cao Ailee, she also enjoyed their flattery.    


"My good daughter, you're finally enlightened."    


Cao Lin did not avoid Jiang Feng at all.    


Jiang Feng only touched the tip of his nose and did not say anything. He knew that Cao Lin would not believe what he said now, and if she told him that he had won the race against Lu Qi and the others, he would definitely be scolded by Cao Lin.    


"Mom, what are you talking about? It's not like what they said, just listen to my explanation."    


Wang Rou was about to explain, but was called away by Luo Hongxia, who had rushed over.    


"Wang Rou, Jiang Feng, the two of you follow me. The old man has something to talk to you two about."    


Cao Lin was stunned.    


"Could it be that even the old man knows about this? Looks like our family is really going to rise up again this time."    


Cao Lin thought about it and urged Wang Rou and Jiang Feng to hurry over.    


"Jiang Feng, when you see the old man in a bit, be more honest and listen. If the old man isn't happy, then see how I'll deal with you."    


Jiang Feng agreed and went with Wang Rou to meet Cao Huan with Luo Hongxia.    


The two of them arrived at Cao Huan's room. At this moment, Cao Huan was actually sitting on the master chair in his room, looking at the two of them.    


This was the first time Jiang Feng saw the old man from the Cao Family.    


Cao Huan was already seventy today, but he was maintaining his body well. It was impossible to tell that he was an old man of seventy years of age. It might have something to do with his usual focus on maintaining his body.    


Although his hair was already gray, his face was radiant, making him look all the more dignified in his Tang suit. However, looking at Cao Huan's serious expression, Jiang Feng knew that it was definitely not a good thing for him to call them over this time.    


"Grandpa, long time no see. How are you?"    


Wang Rou saw Cao Huan say hello and nudged Jiang Feng.    


"Grandpa, I'm Wang Rou's husband, Jiang Feng."    


Cao Huan looked at the two of them in displeasure.    


Luo Hongxia found him as soon as she and Cao Xuemao got back and told him about the race.    


When Cao Huan learned of this, he asked Luo Hongxia to call the two of them.    


"Why aren't the two of you kneeling down and admitting your wrongs."    


Cao Huan said with a serious expression. His voice had traces of age in it, but it also had a meaning that no one dared to go against.    


Wang Rou did not understand, and Jiang Feng did not seem to recognize his mistake at all.    


Seeing the two of them standing still, Cao Huan became even angrier.    


"Grandpa, you told us to scram and admit our wrongs as soon as we arrived. I wonder what Xiao Rou and I did wrong?"    


Jiang Feng stood straight, his eyes looking straight at Cao Huan, and asked in a neither humble nor haughty manner.    


"Cao Xuemao and Luo Hongxia have already told me about what happened between you two today. Your car was won over by Lu Qi, and you still have the nerve to ask me where your faults lie?"    


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