My Line Connect To The Demon World

C473 Wechat Transfer

C473 Wechat Transfer

The middle-aged man continued: "My jade thumb ring, cane, and service are all priceless. If you take them, I'm afraid you'll be remembered"    


Then, he took off a button from his shirt. "Boss, this button is lower than the account of my daughter's red. Please accept it."    


Ye Fan subconsciously wanted to rush.    


He wanted to change his daughter's red button with a broken button?    


You have taken all the advantages.    


But thinking about it, I'll just let it go.    


After all, the guests here are all rather strange.    


Furthermore, the money he earned wouldn't go into his pocket.    


He just had to turn a blind eye.    


"Alright, then I'll take it. You're welcome to come again next time!"    


Ye Fan played with the buttons for a while.    


He could not tell what material it was.    


The whole thing was grey, and it didn't look like anything valuable.    


He curiously posted the button in the group chat.    


"Everyone, help me take a look. What is this?"    


Black Mountain Old Demon: It's gloomy. Is this something from the Underworld?    


Grandma Tree Demon: Trash, trash.    


Su Daji: I can't tell what it is, but it shouldn't be of much use.    


Hundred-eyed Devil Lord: Haha, you still need to rely on me to recognize things! Always Drilling Wind, this thing was called the Returning Yin Pearl. It was not very useful, but its only use was to play dead.    


Always Drilling Wind: Oh? What did that mean?    


Hundred-eyed Devil Lord: As long as you put it in your mouth, your anger will be gone, just like a dead man. It's alright to confuse a normal little demon, but when faced with us, we can see through it with a single glance!    


Ye Fan came to a realization.    


He didn't expect it to be a divine artifact that pretended to be dead.    


It was useless to others, but it might be useful to him.    


Hmm... He secretly took it back.    


Mr Ox had said that he could put some strange things into his own pocket.    


Of course, he wouldn't take it for free.    


At most, he could just take out his own pocket and make up for the empty money.    


He would sell a bottle of Daughter Red for three taels.    


Ye Fan still didn't quite understand the meaning of three taels. It was only when he opened the drawer that he realized it.    


Damn it, it was full of underworld coins.    


It wasn't strange anymore.    


However, the value on it was incomparably huge, and it was not the amount used in the secular world at all.    


The largest denomination in the secular world was at most one hundred billion yuan.    


But here, not even a fraction of it was enough.    


According to the rules of this place, he had to pull at least a truck of Underworld Paper before he could pay for a bottle of Daughter Red.    


Ye Fan sighed.    


He felt sad for the people in the mortal world, especially the poor.    


They did not have much wealth when they were alive, and they lived a poor life.    


It was not easy for someone to burn some paper after their death, and their family thought they had enough money to spend.    


However, they did not know that the money was still a fraction of what they had spent. It was still not enough.    


He was still poor after entering the Underworld!    


No, if there was a chance.    


When he returned, he would definitely print a huge amount of money on the road to poverty.    


He must let his compatriots be the big money below.    


No matter how much the Dark Paper required, Ye Fan would not have to worry about it.    


In any case, we have money.    


He quickly opened Hee Lo's WeChat.    


"Stop picking up girls. I'll give you guys a mission."    


"Search the whole city and buy all the Underworld Paper you can buy. At least one truck."    


Hee Lo was stunned.    


His head spun quickly.    


"Boss, who in our family is missing? Do you need me to contact a company and get a dragon service?"    


"I'll handle it. Don't worry! I'll definitely make the arrangements from End of Termination Seven. "    


I'll go.    


Is this a curse on me?    


Ye Fan cursed angrily, "F * ck off, no one is dead! I just need it. I need it fast. It's best if I can finish it in ten minutes. "    


Hee Lo smiled bitterly.    


"Boss, aren't you going to make things difficult for me? It's already forbidden to burn paper. Where can I buy it for you?"    


"Besides, ten minutes isn't enough. I don't think I can even get out of the dormitory."    


Ye Fan thought about it and agreed.    


He had stayed in the Underworld for two days, but in reality, it had only been ten minutes.    


It was simply not enough.    


Forget it, let's see if he'll secretly return tomorrow.    


I'll personally go and buy it.    


"Then don't be idle. Find a place for me to print underworld coins, communicate, and finalize the details. I'll directly go and buy it later."    


"No problem with that."    




He put down his phone.    


Ye Fan suddenly saw the door of the underground warehouse open.    


What was going on?    


Is he asking me to retrieve the goods?    


Obediently, I don't dare.    


However, the chilly wind was blowing, and if he didn't go, it would be even more horrifying.    


Ye Fan mustered up his courage and walked forward step by step.    


Entering the warehouse, what entered his eyes was darkness.    


Only at the end of the warehouse was a bright spot.    


The light was very dazzling, but it seemed unusually lonely.    


No matter how bright it was, it still couldn't illuminate the space beside it.    


It was so damn strange.    


Ye Fan saw through the light that opposite him, there were three big words written in Ghost World Castle!    


He knew some of the rules of the Underworld.    


It was said that after a person died, they would go to the Underworld and experience thirteen stops, which was also thirteen places.    


Ghost World Castle was the 11th stop, and this light should be the entrance.    


This also proved that Ye Fan was at the 10th stop - the Supply Pavilion.    


This was the place where ghosts received their offerings.    


Ghosts could live their life here, and then enjoy the Six Paths of Reincarnation.    


No wonder Ox-Head opened the shop here.    


Ghosts in the Support Pavilion were the richest.    


What a cute little business girl!    


Ye Fan shook his head and continued to plan in his heart.    


He could not come for nothing.    


He decided to do something big.    


Even a button had such a huge effect.    


If he didn't cheat some other magical equipment, he wouldn't be able to bear it.    


"Ding Ling!"    


Another customer walked in.    


It was a girl dressed in yellow. She was youthful and dressed like a foreigner.    


This type of customer had to be sold normally.    


"Welcome, what would you like to order?" Ye Fan asked politely.    


The girl smiled, revealing her two canine teeth.    


"Boss, give me two bottles of good wine and one serving of beef."    


Don't look at how harmless she is.    


But the food she ate wasn't harmless at all.    


Through the Fiery Golden Eyes, Ye Fan found that wine was the longevity, and beef was the candle.    


Just thinking about the scene of them eating made Ye Fan shiver uncontrollably.    


However, he didn't show it.    


It wouldn't be good if he angered the guest.    


"Okay! Wait a moment."    


This time, Ye Fan personally went to the shelf to get beef and wine.    


It was not bad to give the customers a choice.    


But if he met a customer like the red dress again, he really couldn't afford to entertain them.    


"How much is it in total?"    


Ye Fan calculated briefly.    


"950 wen."    


"Oh, okay."    


The girl took out the underworld coin and handed it to Ye Fan.    


He needed to find 50 wens.    


But when he opened the money cabinet, Ye Fan felt awkward. There was actually no 50 wen.    


He smiled. "Beauty, I don't have any change. How about I give you a piece of beef? Or add another serving of vegetables? "    


"Are you forcing me to sell it?"    


The girl's tone was very cold.    


With just a few words, the air seemed to drop a few degrees.    


Ye Fan unconsciously shivered, and his back unconsciously broke out in cold sweat.    


What was going on?    


Were all the customers in the ghost market so powerful?    


Any one of them could step on me?    


The girl's face became darker and darker, and the temperature also became lower and lower.    


Ye Fan knew that this kind of terrifying aura was killing intent.    


Furthermore, he could clearly feel that if he said something wrong, the girl would kill him without any effort.    


At this moment, a thought flashed through Ye Fan's mind, and he quickly came up with an idea.    


"Beauty, don't misunderstand, I really don't have any change! Why don't I transfer the money to you through WeChat?"    


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