My Line Connect To The Demon World

C647 Female Elder 300 Million Pan Gu as the Younger Brother

C647 Female Elder 300 Million Pan Gu as the Younger Brother

"Chirp chirp!"    


Lyi Xue shouted and quickly covered her eyes.    


Don't look at indecent behavior.    


He... How could he come out without wearing clothes!    


Ye Fan smiled. "How is it? Your figure is not bad, right?"    


"Are you addicted?"    


"Get lost!"    


Lyi Xue's face was red, as if she could drip blood.    


It was indeed not bad.    


But she could not let Ye Fan be pleased with himself.    


"It's only average. It can't be compared to those who play bodybuilding."    


"Uh... the nature is different, okay? And they're not as strong as me." Ye Fan showed off his pectoral muscles, that was called strong.    


"Fine, fine, fine. You are amazing! Hurry up and leave. My dad is waiting anxiously."    


"Okay, wait for me for a while."    


Ye Fan put on his clothes and went to Lyi Xue's house.    


Once he entered the house.    


He didn't expect Mo Xiaozhi and Yang Guo'er to be here.    


"Wow, is brother-in-law here? You are a little strange today!"    


"What's wrong?" Ye Fan was stunned.    


"He's so handsome."    


Ye Fan's face darkened.    


Never would he have thought.    


It was actually a rustic remark.    


"When will I not be handsome? Tell me."    


"Hehe, every day I will be handsome. That's enough!"    


Lyi Xue said lightly, "My two younger sisters also came over to freeload. I hope you don't mind."    


"What do I mind? Come, let's eat."    


At the dining table.    


The two girls seemed to be very interested in Ye Fan.    


After eating a mouthful of rice, they looked at Ye Fan as if they had countless things to say.    


"Hey, are you two done yet? No matter how handsome I am, it's not to the extent that I don't even want to eat. Just look at me." Ye Fan said helplessly.    


"Hehe, what a smelly fart."    


"We just have a question for you."    


"Go ahead."    


"[Can you ask me alone?]"    


Ye Fan shifted his gaze and looked at Lyi Xue. Luckily, Lyi Xue did not have any expression on her face.    


"Okay, let's talk in the kitchen."    




"Tell me, what do you want?"    


"It's about the last time we were racing. We found that since that time, our bodies have changed a lot."    


Yang Guo'er's face was full of doubt.    


“ Oh? What changes?"    


Both of them were about to die that time.    


Meng Lu was scared away by Ye Fan, which was why she was lucky enough to survive until today.    


Could it be that she agreed to that sentence?    


The King of Hell wanted you to die three times more, and he wouldn't let you live until five.    


The two of them will die in another way?    


"Let me tell you."    


Mo Xiaozhi quickly said, "I just feel that my body is getting better."    


"I used to be weak and sick. My stomach hurt in three days and I caught a cold in five days. I was afraid of getting cold."    


"But now I'm eating. It smells good and my body is much better."    


Yang Guo'er nodded crazily.    


"Me too. Even my strength has increased a lot. It did not take much effort to go up to the fifth floor in one breath."    


Ye Fan smiled and said, "Then this is a good thing. What is there to worry about."    


"Yeah, but we just want to know what is going on."    


"Last time, we had a feeling that we were about to die. Although we were in a coma, we felt that our souls had been wandering around. That kind of fear is something we will never forget for the rest of our lives."    


"If I only felt it myself, it wouldn't be a big deal. Xiaozhi also had it, so we felt that the source of the problem was you."    


Yang Guo'er's analysis was very thorough and accurate.    


"You guys guessed it right."    


Ye Fan said seriously.    


“ Oh? Then explain it to us."    


"Actually, it's you guys who are going to die. I forcefully saved you guys from Impermanence's hands."    


"If your body becomes better, it might be a natural phenomenon that breaks the life limit"    


The two widened their eyes in disbelief.    


"You can see Impermanence? Is it the Impermanence in the myths?"    


"That's right."    




" We don't believe it when you say it's so mysterious. "    


Ye Fan had already predicted that they would not believe the truth.    


"It's fine if you don't believe me. Don't ask me about such boring things in the future, okay?"    


As he spoke, he returned to the dining table.    


Lyi Xue asked faintly, "What do they want?"    


"It's nothing. It's just that brother-in-law is too handsome, so I am a little envious and jealous."    


"Wow, don't accuse us behind our backs."    


"Haha, I'm telling the truth."    


They had a hearty dinner.    


This time, Ye Fan did not drink much.    


After all, he still had to take revenge for Sun Wukong in the Holy Region tomorrow.    


He couldn't delay the official business.    


In the evening.    


Ye Fan had just started practicing Heaven-Shaking Staff Techniques in the courtyard when Lyi Xue came looking for him in the dark.    


"Xiaoxue? Why are you here?"    


"I want to talk to you."    


"Talk about what?"    


She looked so serious.    


Ye Fan also put away his playful thoughts.    


"Do you have any plans for the future?"    


I'll go!    


What's the situation?    


Ask about the future?    


Was he here to urge a marriage or to break up?    


My one-year promise with her hasn't expired yet.    


Ye Fan shrugged. "I haven't thought about it yet! I like to have fun at the right time and live a good life right now."    


"Besides, I'm only in my third year of university. Why should I be in such a hurry?"    


"That's true, you're still young"    


Lyi Xue's face revealed a touch of sadness.    


Ye Fan's judgment of people was quite accurate.    


It seemed that Lyi Xue was a little worried about her age.    


She might dislike him for being old.    


"Why are you so melancholic when you are old?"    


"But I'm three years older than you."    


Ye Fan sneered. "Three years old? That is nothing."    


"Haven't you heard of that saying?"    


"Third year female student, carry a golden brick"    


"30th year female student, gift the country"    


"Thirtieth year female student, give him an Immortal Pill."    


"Three thousand years for a female, ranked in the Immortal class."    


"Thirty thousand years older female, feed the Royal Mother."    


"Three hundred thousand females in the Immortal class. Stand in front of the Buddha."    


"Three million females, you have the final say in the Immortal World."    


"Thirty million females, the Six Realms are up to you."    


"Three hundred million. Pan Gu is your brother."    


"In conclusion, you don't have to worry at all. It's still early, and you still have a long life ahead of you."    


Lyi Xue's eyes grew bigger and bigger.    


She finally realized.    


Nonsense, Ye Fan was really the best.    


If he could really meet someone 300 million years older, he probably wouldn't be able to make it in time.    


He would even acknowledge Pan Gu as his younger brother?    


However, after what he did...    


Lyi Xue was in a much better mood.    


The main reason was that she saw Ye Fan and Yang Guo'er chatting with each other today.    


She thought that she was old and could not keep up with the trend of the times.    


Only now did she understand.    


Ye Fan was talking to people when he saw them. What the hell was he talking about?    


It was not his original thinking at all.    


"Thank you."    


"What's there to be polite about? Speaking of which, you're so worried. Have you fallen in love with me?" Ye Fan squinted his eyes and sent out a Soul Interrogation.    


Lyi Xue gave him a flirtatious glance.    


"Hehe, what do you think?"    


I say?    


If I can say it, do I need to ask you?    


Women are indeed an elusive animal.    


Forget it, since he doesn't want to answer, then he naturally won't press on.    


"Alright, let's get down to business."    


" Oh? Is there anything else?"    


Lyi Xue was a little embarrassed, as if she had made up her mind before she spoke.    


"Yes, I know that your martial arts skills are exceptional, and you can even do some supernatural things."    


"I want to learn, is that alright?"    


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