Super Master



Everyone was deeply immersed in the yellow sands. At this moment, they were already exhausted.    


The one who fell down was Hong Lingtong. The few experts who survived.    


At this moment, they were like corpses that fell into the desert without any reaction.    


Previously, because of the Monster King, many of them were already severely injured.    


And because of what happened afterwards, they had very little power left in them.    




It was a good time to make up for his mistake.    


Right now, Yue Feng's entire body was still blood-red.    


Relying on his remaining power, he activated six extreme techniques.    


Curse, Ghost.    


They were instantly killed without any resistance.    


After killing them, Yue Feng also fainted completely.    




A week later, the wind was gentle and the flowers were fragrant.    


Yue Feng woke up from his bed.    


His eyes were hazy and his head hurt.    


Before he could clearly see the scene in front of him, he felt a force on his back, helping him up.    


Rubbing his eyes again, he finally saw what was in front of him.    


This was his room in the Western Regions stronghold.    


In front of him stood his brothers and friends.    


Xu Tianlang supported himself with a walking stick and smiled faintly.    


Eagle King's eagle claw pinched the air twice as if he was greeting Yue Feng.    


Ye Yiming was bandaged, and there was even a bloody plaster on his head.    


Qin Shuhua was mixing the medicine on the side while Faang Kelan sat in a wheelchair at the end of Yue Feng's bed.    


Qin Mulan, Fu Jiangming, Qing Jizi, and Black and White Ghosts were all looking at him.    


"Sister Lan?!"    


Yue Feng looked down and suddenly realized that Han Yalan was sitting in front of him, staring at him with interest.    


"You just saw me, asshole. Don't you know who's behind you? "    


Han Yalan said in annoyance.    


At this moment, Yue Feng suddenly turned around.    


It was a dream-like figure.    


Shen Yihan.    


She was wearing a short black coat and her hair was slightly tied up, but it was a bit messy.    


Her flashing eyes met Yue Feng's.    


The two of them were speechless.    


Suddenly, Yue Feng's heart seemed to have been moved. With a flick of his nose, a tear suddenly fell from the corner of his eye.    


In his entire life, Yue Feng had never cried before.    


Even though he had walked between life and death countless times, and had watched countless people die by his side, experiencing countless life and death experiences as they parted ways.    


Yue Feng did not shed a single tear.    


But now, he was crying.    


Looking at this beautiful figure in front of him, his heart felt like it was being gnawed by ten thousand ants. It was incomparably painful!    


"Alright, everyone is here."    


Shen Yihan said softly. She closed her eyes and held back her tears as she pulled Yue Feng into her arms.    


However, in the end, he still couldn't hold it in.    


The feelings that he had suppressed for so long poured out at this moment.    


When Ye Zichen held Yue Feng in his arms, two drops of tears rolled down from his eyes.    


When the others saw this, they too were moved.    


They couldn't bear to watch this any longer.    


"Leave some space for them."    


Ye Yiming said softly.    


Thus, everyone left the room.    


They knew that the time Yue Feng and Shen Yihan spent together was too little. They were like strangers.    


However, they were still worried about each other.    


After they left, they went into the living room.    


"Hello, Sister Lan!"    


At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind him.    


"Chu Tianyu?!"    


Han Yalan could not believe it. Chu Tianyu had also come to the Western Regions!    


However, Chu Tianyu seemed to be much stronger than before.    


Chu Wujiang and the Hong Kong Island, Zheng Shumei had also come along with Chu Tianyu!    


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