Super Master



"You guys stay here in the capital. This place is dangerous."    


In the room, Yue Feng was on the phone.    


"But …"    


"No need, but Sister Lan, listen to Director Shen." The situation on this side was still very complicated. People from the gate will come in at any time, and I won't be able to protect you then. "    


Yue Feng said.    


This call was to Han Yalan.    


After the battle ended, Han Yalan wanted to rush over with Shen Yihan as soon as possible.    


However, he was stopped.    


Because of Hong. Yue Feng wouldn't let them take the risk due to the uncertainty of the door.    


"Then your injuries …"    


Han Yalan said with a slightly depressed tone.    


"It's fine. Please help Director Shen and me report our safety." Other than that, you all need to fight for the Nine States Group to occupy the highest point in the Asia-Pacific region. This is an opportunity. "    


Yue Feng said. Currently, the several large corporations around the world were all eyeing this place covetously.    


It was fortunate that Prince William and the others intervened, which was why they didn't dare to act rashly.    


And Yue Feng also wanted to see Shen Yihan.    


He had been out in the open, fighting battles, and he had spent less and less time with Shen Yihan.    


Sometimes he dreamed of himself, as if he were still in that small company in Chuzhou, driving for Director Shen, supervising the security training in the gym every day.    


At this moment, these scenes could only be seen in his dreams.    


"When the time is up, I will have you guys come over."    


"Oh right, I've sent people to protect you guys. If you have anything you want to say to them, you can say it at any time."    


"Also, do not leave the capital. That is Hua." The center of the summer, Hong. The person at the door will not go in unless he has no other choice. "    


Yue Feng said. He, who had always been straightforward, now looked like a nagging old lady.    


"Alright, alright. That's so long-winded. I'm hanging up!"    


Han Yalan said as she hung up the phone.    


At the same time, in the office building of Beijing's Nine States Group …    


"Director Shen, we …"    




Shen Yihan said indifferently as she continued to process the documents.    


However, no one noticed that her fingers, which were pinching the brush, had already turned white.    


It was caused by overexertion.    


She gripped the pen tightly and finished writing the last word of the document.    




A teardrop suddenly rolled down his face and landed on that page.    


However, she did not stop. She opened up another page and completely covered up the tear.    


On the previous page, where no one would see it.    


whoosh whoosh whoosh *    


Shen Yihan's expression did not change at all as the tip of the brush continued to slide past her.    


Similar things happened in the Hong Kong Island.    


"Why aren't you letting me go?!"    


Zheng Shumei had lost her temper in the house and had broken quite a few things.    


"Ah Mei, it's about time you grew up. Now the whole world is watching us, let alone the Western Regions. If you go over there, you will only cause them to become even more flustered. "    


"I know you're worried about him, but the war is far from over. We are at the back, cooperating well with the Land of the Nine Prefectures, isn't it also to help Mr. Yue? "    


Zheng Shumei's mother was trying to persuade her.    




Days passed, and the brothers in Wolf Soul also gradually recovered.    


Every day, the cold demon would use the six supreme techniques of the spirit dao to treat them.    


The effect was also very obvious.    


The Blood Tomb and Blood Ying siblings who were in charge of searching in the desert had found quite a lot of Wolf Soul Brothers's dead bodies.    


However, there were only more than a hundred corpses. Furthermore, most of them were badly damaged.    


Even if he could be revived, he would only be a cripple in the future.    


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