Super Master

C1488 Grand Ending

C1488 Grand Ending

A few more days passed.    


Chu Zhou City, Nine Prefectures Building.    


"All of you, hurry up. Look at all of you, haven't you eaten your fill?!"    


Inside the gymnasium, a group of security guards who had just joined the Nine States Company were undergoing training.    


As the head of the security department, the person supervising their training turned out to be Tan Qiu.    


At this moment, he was covered in muscles and muscles, and looked extremely robust. He was no longer as frail as he was before.    


However, that face still had that familiar appearance.    


"Director Tan, can you not let me clean the corridor? I want to go to the gym to practice, okay?"    


There was a broom outside the door. It was Qi Jun.    


Qi Jun, the nephew of Eighth Master, a shareholder of the Nine Prefectures, was once a young master in the Nine Prefectures. But now, he had been reduced to cleaning the corridor.    


"Let you be lazy for me? "Swish, you're not allowed to come back until you've cleaned up the corridor."    


Tan Qiu said, there was no room for negotiation.    


She glanced at him and then ignored him.    


"No, Brother Tan …" "It's good for you to punish me with push-ups. Cleaning the corridors is too boring …"    


Qi Jun said with a sad face.    


"Brother Qi, just let him come back to train. Look at his bitter look, he's been working as a cleaner in the corridor for half a month."    


Another guard in the gym said.    


His name was Luo Dakui, and he used to be a follower of Qi Jun.    


"Begging for mercy?" Make me twenty sets! "    


Tan Qiu said coldly.    




Luo Dakui instantly became listless and could only return to his fitness equipment.    


"How big is that? Isn't it just sweeping the floor?" "You're still not willing?"    


At this moment, a magnetic voice suddenly sounded.    


Everyone's body trembled as they all looked towards the door.    


"Brother Yue? So early for work today! "    


A few people greeted him.    


The person who came was Yue Feng.    


"Brother Yue, you must be tired from working today. Let me massage your shoulders."    


Qi Jun stepped forward and raised his hand.    


"Stop changing the topic," Yue Feng blocked Qi Jun's hand and said, "Why aren't you sweeping the floor? "Do you want to be punished by Director Shen again?"    


"Ah, I don't dare. I'll go right now!"    


Qi Jun said and ran off with the broom over his shoulder.    


How could he dare to retort against Yue Feng?    


Upon seeing this, the others also began to laugh.    


"Brother Yue, going back so early today, are you out on a date with your sister-in-law?"    


Tan Qiu suddenly approached her and asked in a small voice.    


"Brat, you're the one who's thinking too much!"    


Yue Feng smacked Tan Qiu on the head and scolded him with a smile.    


"Hehehe …"    


Tan Qiu laughed dumbly.    


"You need to call me Director Shen at the company, do you understand?"    


Yue Feng said with a scowl.    


"Got it, Director Shen!"    


"No, I got it, Brother Yue!"    


Tan Qiu stood up straight and gave Wu Tie a salute.    


"That's enough, train well for me!"    


Yue Feng said and walked out the door.    


At this moment, at the corner of the corridor, a familiar figure was looking at him with a smile.    


He was wearing a flowery shirt with two buttons on the front.    


An air of elegance and elegance, without a doubt.    


The familiar evil smile was still on his face.    


The only difference was the one-eyed blindfold he wore on his face.    


Xu Tianlang.    


"How about a drink at my bar tonight?"    


Xu Tianlang walked up and patted Yue Feng's shoulder.    


"Oh? Have you reopened your bar? "    


Yue Feng asked curiously.    


"Yeah, I found out that drinking and flirting are more suitable for me."    


Xu Tianlang laughed.    


"How about tomorrow? I have to prepare dinner for Director Shen tonight, so I won't be going."    


"Yo, I didn't notice. You kid can cook?"    


Xu Tianlang was surprised and looked Yue Feng up and down.    


It was as if the person standing in front of him wasn't Yue Feng.    


"There are still a lot of things that you haven't discovered yet. Hurry up and scram, don't stand in my way anymore."    


Yue Feng said and pushed Xu Tianlang away.    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, they really value women more than friends, they really forget everything they see in their lives!"    


Xu Tianlang smiled and left the place in big strides.    


Just as Yue Feng turned around, he saw Shen Yihan walk out from the elevator.    


"Director Shen."    


Yue Feng quickly straightened his body.    


"Let's go back."    


Shen Yihan said, still looking the same as before.    


She tightened her jacket and started walking.    


Yue Feng smiled and accompanied Shen Yihan to the garage below.    


At a familiar place, the familiar Maserati was parked.    


Yue Feng opened the car door for Shen Yihan and then got in.    


Just like before, all his movements seemed to have become a muscle habit that was etched into his heart.    


However, the current him had an extra procedure.    


That was to personally buckle up Director Shen's seat belt.    


"Director Shen, sit tight."    


Yue Feng laughed and straightened his body.    


Just as he was about to start the engine, Shen Yihan suddenly turned her head and quickly kissed the corner of his mouth.    


A faint lip print was left behind.    


Yue Feng's body trembled. He wiped the corner of his mouth and felt warm inside.    


"Let's go, my assistant."    


Shen Yihan tilted her head and smiled.    


Yue Feng turned around and looked at Shen Yihan's delicate face.    


How long had it been since he last saw Shen Yihan?    


Yue Feng didn't know.    


However, this was the first time he saw such a sweet smile on Shen Yihan's face.    


After looking at each other and smiling, Yue Feng said:    


"Yes, my CEO."    


Turning around, Yue Feng stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.    


The familiar scenery rapidly receded, just like the familiar time, just like everything that had happened in the past.    


There were less and less people on the road, and the cars were getting farther and farther away.    


And the path in front of them seemed to never end.    


The sun was setting on the wide road, lengthening the shadow of the Maserati.    


No one else.    


An assistant, a CEO, a Maserati.    




The entire book was finished.    


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