Supreme King In City

C1887 Fusion

C1887 Fusion

Without any further verification, Chu Hee was completely sure that this black cup was the fifth god's cup he was looking for!    


Chu Hee also reached out and grabbed the fifth divine cup in his hand. Even though it looked like trash in the middle of the ruins, this unremarkable divine cup did not seem to be affected by anything, nor did it seem to be damaged in the slightest, as if the cataclysmic movement of the Force Wave did not affect it at all. Although it looked ordinary, and there were no movements of the Spiritual Force around, but compared to any other magical equipment or spirit object, it seemed to be more intact, as if it was not affected at all!    


When Chu Hee held the fifth God Cup in his hand, it seemed to resonate with the other four God Cups. Immediately, the ordinary black cup seemed to release a dark glow at the same time. It seemed to resonate with the other divine cups. The five divine cups had five different colors: black, red, earth, green and green. Each color seemed to have an invisible force spreading between them. The originally ordinary faint light rays seemed to become even more resplendent when connected with the five lights.    


Under the connection of the light rays, it was even more dazzling. It even enveloped Chu Hee completely!    


This sudden change surprised Chu Hee a bit, but before he could figure it out, five rays of light instantly erupted from the place where the five rays of light gathered, and spread far away from the world. No one knew where these rays of light connected to, and Chu Hee could also feel his body being completely condensed by some kind of powerful force, as if his entire person was gathered on the light spots where the five divine cups of light connected. The power of the five different colors directly penetrated through his chest, as if it had converged into a primal chaos.    


Chu Hee felt as if his body had lost control of itself. Under the cover of this power, his injuries seemed to be healing rapidly. In fact, Chu Hee could no longer feel the power of the Heavenly Jewels, as if he did not need the power of the Heavenly Jewels to resist the Devouring Strength!    


Even though Chu Hee did not have any control over his body, he could feel a warm power circulating within his body as if it had become stronger. Even the injuries in his body were rapidly recovering under the flow of this power, and the cultivation of the powerful Spiritual Force that had originally been lost seemed to be increasing bit by bit! Such speed, even Chu Hee felt that it was hard to believe!    


With regards to this sudden situation, even though Chu Hee didn't know what the condition of the Primordial God Cup was, but it seemed like it would only bring him benefits and not harm! At least, it seemed that the desperate situation had changed!    


Since he could not change anything, Chu Hee let the power flow through his body rapidly. The danger they were in had been unknowingly resolved!    


Chu Hee felt the huge power and went straight into the cultivation state.    


Chu Hee did not know how long he had been in this state. However, his originally empty Dantian and Qi Sea seemed to once again be filled up under this condition, and even his Spiritual Force cultivation seemed to have been restored to its peak state. There was even this cloud of chaotic energy circling above his Dantian in his Qi Sea.    


The originally pale golden Spiritual Force also seemed to hover below the Dantian as if it was on the ground, while the chaotic color was like a cloud floating above the Dantian, as if the two types of energies were like a conversation between Yin and Yang, one above and one below, the two types of energies clashed, causing an even more powerful force to erupt. It was as if the fusion of these two powers could form new powers, and there was even a never-ending flow of power.    


Although Chu Hee wasn't sure what was going on, he could clearly feel that under the fusion of these two powers, his Spiritual Force's energy consumption seemed to be greatly reduced. Under the interfusion of these two powers, that kind of energy could also quickly recover by itself, just like the Vital Strength in the Rules Dimension.    


When Chu Hee's cultivation was fully recovered, the connection between him and the Heavenly Jewels also seemed to have become clear.    


"I didn't expect your luck to be so good to be able to meet the fifth divine cup here! With the combination of the five divine cups and the Chaotic Force acting as the center, you have now become the owner of this primordial divine cup. You have even completely absorbed the original Chaotic Force into your dantian, replacing the original position of the Chaotic Force! Originally, I thought that it would take some time for your cultivation to recover to Divine King's realm, but now, it seems that you're worrying too much! Congratulations, your cultivation has returned to normal! "    


Although the Heavenly Jewel's voice was like a machine, without much emotion, but its words seemed to express its stance!    


Chu Hee seemed to have also slowly regained his consciousness under the fluctuation of this voice. The five colored lights that had completely sucked him in like a burst of light also seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment. The five divine cups that were originally floating in five different directions actually fused together into one and then turned into a beam of light, directly fusing into Chu Hee's chest!    


Chu Hee was also provoked by this light. He could not help but raise his hands to block this blinding light, but his hands were useless. The light went through his palms, and a moment later, it had completely sunk into his chest!    


After a moment, he regained his composure. All the light had disappeared and the injuries on Chu Hee's body seemed to have completely recovered as well. It was just that the primitive god's cup seemed to have disappeared.    


The Perceptual Strength also quickly checked his own body, but it did not find anything wrong. Only, the originally miraculous Primordial Divine Cup was now floating in the middle of his chest, surrounding his heart and forming a strange Defensive Strength.    


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