Supreme King In City

C1966 Absorption Phagocytosis

C1966 Absorption Phagocytosis



Chu Hee extended his palm downwards. The azure-blue flame looked harmless, but it directly landed on his palm. It did not seem to reject it at all.    


However, when the flame landed on his palm, it instantly formed into a devouring burning power, causing a portion of the flesh on his palm to burn away, revealing the dense white bones within!    


Chu Hee also quickly reacted and formed a powerful force that solidified on top of the white bones that were defending him.    


The fear of death made Chu Hee forget about the pain and he just fought desperately to defend against it!    


Even Chu Hee did not expect the Essence of Fire to be so terrifying!    


However, now that he had made his move, he had to walk down a path to the very end. There was no possibility of retreat. Therefore, even though the scorching power had completely spread outwards and the pain from the dried up bones in his palm almost made him lose control of his palm, Chu Hee was still using his strong will to firmly grasp the cyan Essence Origin.    


The Spiritual Force in his body rolled around to form a powerful Vital Strength, quickly repairing the palm that was being burned by the flames. At the same time, the Spiritual Force also engulfed the palm, wanting to completely fuse all of the energy into one and similarly devour the azure blue colored flame into its body.    


Chu Hee's cultivation technique was already quickly circulating, and a powerful Devouring Strength was immobilized by the blue flames from the Spiritual Force.    


Little Hee, once this kind of flame completely melts, if you are unable to control it, this kind of flame will completely turn you into ashes and directly annihilate you within this flame.    


The Little Golden Dragon's voice did not seem to be as forceful as before, as though her words still contained some apprehension and worry.    


After all, in the current situation, Chu Hee did not have any power to control it. Once it truly exploded, the power would also be extremely terrifying. It was not something that they could endure easily.    


"Little Golden Dragon, we have no other choice!"    


The Spiritual Force was like countless threads that had swallowed everything in its path. The originally terrifyingly powerful green-blue flames were finally forced to move and howl towards his meridians under the entanglement of the Spiritual Force like him!    


Under Chu Hee's devouring, the blue flame was no longer as calm as it was before. The flame also seemed to have gone berserk at that moment. The explosive force quickly struck the Spiritual Force! The terrifying burning power had swallowed a portion of the Spiritual Force in just an instant. Such an outbreak of power made Chu Hee flustered and unable to control it!    


His body also emitted a faint light, almost all of his defenses were controlled around his meridians, forming a strong defense, so as to not be devoured and burned by the terrifying Strength of Flame!    


However, the strength of this Strength of Flame was far beyond Chu Hee's expectation. All of his defenses had crumbled in an instant, and the Strength of Flame had almost burnt through all of his meridians. It was as if he was already at death's door!    


Once Chu Hee's meridians were burned by the Strength of Flame, then his power would scatter all over his body and form an extremely terrifying force of impact!    




The golden dragon, which was almost completely fused with Chu Hee without any movement, seemed to have moved quickly in an instant. A golden light flashed for a moment and all the golden light appeared in Chu Hee's burning meridian. The frightening flames caused the golden light to dim quite a bit under the impact. However, that kind of danger seemed to have been temporarily eliminated!    


Chu Hee did not even care about what happened to the Spiritual Force from before. Under his control, the Spiritual Force had once again covered the sky like an inescapable net, wrapping itself around the azure blue flame.    


A terrifying ray of light appeared, and without holding back the force of the impact, it fiercely exploded outwards. It was as if Chu Hee was also roaring in his heart, giving off a terrifying aura!    


"Be honest with me!"    


All the light gold Spiritual Force s also carried a Strength of Flame. The Strength of Thunder was similarly incomparably domineering as they ruthlessly smashed onto the blue-colored Essence Fire Source.    


The originally terrifying burning power was finally affected by the violent collision.    


It was as if two terrifying forces were clashing. In a situation where their strength was equal, they could only rely on pressure and willpower! And Chu Hee's pressure and willpower also played a huge role! He was able to persevere to the end even under this kind of resistance!    


They could see that the repelling force of the green-blue flame gradually dissipated, and slowly, it completely fused with Chu Hee's Spiritual Force. Everything had already calmed down, and Chu Hee's Spiritual Force seemed to have become more pure under the fusion of the flames. Even the Spiritual Force that had originally reached an extremely pure state, seemed to have been forced out a little bit of its impurity under the burning of the flames.    


When the impurities were completely expelled, Chu Hee's Spiritual Force seemed to have turned gray, as it floated in his dantian's aura sea like chaos. Even the doppelganger that was in his dantian's aura sea seemed to be affected by this kind of energy, and the light became more solid, almost like a real entity. It was as if Chu Hee had changed greatly between people! However, the injuries on his body from before seemed to have completely exploded and disappeared. Chu Hee, who originally had that threatening force, fell straight to the ground and completely lost consciousness!    


Chu Hee vaguely felt that he had entered a misty world, as if his eyes were covered by something. Everything was originally in a primitive state, and all the power was completely concentrated in this world. It made him have a strong desire to act, to completely separate the power!    


Under the control of Chu Hee, there was almost no hesitation as he slashed out. It was as if he wanted to completely split the darkness in front of him, dividing it into the Sun, Moon, and Heaven, and the Light and the Darkness! Chu Hee felt as if he could feel how powerful that sword attack was. It was as if he was completely immersed in that terrifying power!    


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