Supreme King In City

C1824 Accidental Harvest

C1824 Accidental Harvest

Chu Hee originally thought that it was impossible for him to moderate down any longer. However, due to the fluctuations of those emotions, the middle-aged man's expression had truly eased up!    


"You want to deal with Ruo Feng?"    


Chu Hee's words from before also made him suddenly understand Chu Hee's meaning. Therefore, he felt extremely surprised from Chu Hee's expression.    


"That's right!"    


"So you have nothing to do with Tianan?"    


The middle-aged man seemed to be completely relieved. Although he was asking, his words were very sure!    


"I've already told you that I don't know who Tian An is, and I've never paid attention to the matter of Heavenly Clan either!"    


Chu Hee did not want to continue talking to him anymore. After all, there was no point in talking to him!    


"I never thought that we would meet someone who dares to make an enemy out of Ruo Feng here. That is truly impressive! If you want to go out, you can come find me anytime. I'll personally send you out of this forest! After all, this place has the defensive formation that our Heavenly Clan possesses, the illusion formation! Furthermore, there were also many powerful Devil Beast in the forest! Although your body is strong, you do not have the cultivation of a Spiritual Force, so even if you use any magical equipment or weapons, you will not be able to do so! If we really meet a strong Devil Beast, I'm afraid that only death awaits us! "    


At this moment, the man had completely given up on his previous guard and was instead extremely honest with himself.    


This sudden 360 degree change confused Chu Hee.    


"Why are you helping me?"    


The middle-aged man's gaze landed on him, his expression extremely serious.    


"We are hiding here because we want to avoid Ruo Feng's rule! After all, our Heavenly Clan has always only been one of the protective God Clan, in order to be able to protect the peace of a first level interface! What's more, what we want to see most is peace and security! If it was according to Ruo Feng's previous practice, the entire level 1 interface would have been thrown into chaos sooner or later. Under that kind of rule, this level 1 interface might have also changed, and it might even collide with another level 2 interface! "    


"After all, he changed all the rules of the rank 1 interface. If all the powerful forces are gathered together, the trajectory of this rank 1 interface will be completely changed!" This is basically playing with fire! "    


At the end of his words, the middle-aged man even had a hint of indignation!    


Even though their conversation didn't have much specific content, Chu Hee could hear the dissatisfaction towards Ruo Feng's actions from the middle-aged man's words.    


"You also ran away because you violated Ruo Feng's rule?"    


Chu Hee never thought that the person he met by chance would have the same goal as him.    


However, the middle-aged man shook his head and denied Chu Hee's words, "Although I am dissatisfied in my heart, within the Heavenly Clan, everyone speaks lightly. Back then, the Great Elder wholeheartedly wanted to surrender to Divine King Ruo Feng and express his goodwill to him! For this, he even killed my parents! Anyone who disagrees with him will be wiped out by him! We escaped by risking our lives, only then were we able to find such a hidden place, and we have been struggling for so long! After recuperating here for so many years, his original thoughts had long since changed. The only thing we want to do now is to protect our present peace! If not for your appearance, you might not have broken the peace we have now! "    


Chu Hee did not deny the middle-aged man's words.    


It was an unintentional move after all. Since they had the same thoughts about each other, they wouldn't be as defensive as the enemy!    


"Since that's the case, senior, please help me to get out of this forest!"    


The middle-aged man looked at him indifferently, "You can't be thinking of relying on your current strength to find Divine King Ruo Feng, right? I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to get close to Divine King Ruo Feng! "    


But Chu Hee laughed bitterly, "Senior is right, with my current strength, I'm afraid I can't even get close to Ruo Feng, let alone deal with him! But in this forest, I have no way to recover my cultivation! If I can just leave like this, I can find my friend. Maybe I still have that glimmer of hope! "    


Chu Hee couldn't help but think of Divine King Leaving-fire!    


After all, Divine King Leaving-fire had been taking care of him ever since he entered the Level 1 interface. There seemed to be nothing Divine King Leaving-fire didn't know! As long as he was able to smoothly search for Chen Peng and the others, then he might have even more hope!    


"Brat, if you need to, maybe this clan leader can help you find out what's the problem! Although our strength and cultivation are not as good as Divine King's, people of our Heavenly Clan are people who have been brewed from the essence of heaven and earth. They possess the bloodline of the Primordial Ancestor and control a portion of the energy of heaven and earth! Although our current bloodline has been weakened quite a bit, we naturally possess the innate God Clan of our own! Coincidentally, medicine was one of them! The other village heads do not dare to say, that I am one of the top doctors in our Heavenly Clan! Back then, the reason why the village chief did not break through Divine King's cultivation level was largely because of the fact that the village chief devoted all of his energy into his medical skills! If not, you would not have been this village chief's match! "    


The middle-aged man no longer had his initial enmity, but now looked warm and kind. However, he was, after all, still the head of the village and was once the most outstanding person within the Heavenly Clan. Especially when he fought with Chu Hee before, he didn't easily gain the upper hand, which made him brooding over it. That was why he couldn't help but want to take back 10% of the current situation!    


Chu Hee's body was trembling slightly because of his words!    


On the way, Chu Hee persevered and never stopped his training. There was even a kind of beautiful fantasy in his heart, hoping that one day, with his diligent cultivation, the powerful Spiritual Force in his body would be able to return to their original state and recover.    


However, they had been delayed for such a long time. All their efforts seemed to have been wasted. Not even a single sound could be heard! Although he hadn't given up yet and had gradually gotten used to this kind of outcome, this kind of calmness didn't mean that he didn't care!    


It was also because of this calmness that he paid even more attention to it! Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he would receive such a harvest! His originally unchanging face also revealed an expression of uncontrollable anticipation.    


Although Chu Hee's heart was in turmoil, under the change in his expression, he quickly returned to normal!    


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