Supreme King In City

C1091 God of the Mortal World

C1091 God of the Mortal World

Chu Xiongfei and his wife also had countless thoughts in their hearts. However, at this moment, what happened earlier gave them too much of a shock that they were unable to calm down. Many things were swirling in their minds, but there was no answer. They even began to reflect on themselves, not knowing if their previous decision was right or wrong.    


However, the two of them were not children after all, so Chu Hee wouldn't worry too much. Therefore, they quickly restrained their emotions and went to the bedroom after comforting Chu Hee.    


After all, they were all in the same house, so Chu Hee was not too worried as he had set up Barrier around the area. Only then did he return to Elder Lee Ze's side.    


He just silently accompanied Elder Lee Ze. Even if he had many questions at this time, perhaps Elder Lee Ze would be able to answer them later, but now, his emotions were not stable. Even if he asked Elder Lee Ze, he might not be able to answer them calmly and in detail.    


The two of them sat cross-legged in the living room for half a day. Elder Lee Ze seemed to have just recovered from his previous mood swings.    


His previously calm and gentle face now had a lot of fatigue and vicissitudes in it.    


According to him, though, it had been centuries. However, Chu Hee could still feel the pain that hatred brought him.    


After all, everything that happened to him when he was in the Heaven Realm. Even after more than a thousand years, he had not forgotten. Rather, he had grown even more profound. It was as if in those three thousand years, hatred had become the only thing that kept him alive.    


"Chu Hee, can I call you little friend again?"    


Elder Lee Ze finally opened his mouth to speak. However, there seemed to be a sense of loneliness and uncertainty in his tone.    


The reason why Elder Lee Ze said that was completely because he knew very well that what he hated the most was lying. However, he had kept his secret to himself until today.    


As for Elder Lee Ze, he always treated him as a friend. Perhaps, they might have met with the Heaven Realm's him, and such a thing might not be possible to calm down. However, now that all the knots in his heart had been resolved, the boundaries in his heart had become even more obvious. At the very least, he could understand Elder Lee Ze's words.    


Despite bearing such a blood feud, he could not move at all. In fact, he was incomparably gentle and calm every day, as if nothing could break his happiness. However, no one could see just how much hatred he had in his heart that late at night, when everyone was quiet.    


The reason why he had been hiding in the Central Plains Empire's Breaking Immortal Academy was because this white robed man was extremely powerful. He wasn't someone he could deal with.    


He no longer had the protection of his race, and he no longer had those powerful resources. Their power grew day by day. Now that his generation had come to a halt, it was likely that his heart was filled with even more despair. But he still managed to persevere. The only thing that could make Chu Hee support him was the hatred in his heart.    


How similar was he to the him of the past!    


"Of course, Elder Lee Ze."    


Chu Hee looked exactly the same as he did when they were talking, even his tone didn't change at all.    


This kind of reaction caused Elder Lee Ze's aged face to soften a little.    


"I know you have a lot of questions you want to know. You can ask me anything you want to know now! Now that our strength is getting weaker, I can no longer bear the hatred of the clan. Originally, I didn't intend to say such a thing, but I didn't expect that the person who appeared here today in Xiao Family would actually be him! It seems like they are already unable to hold back and are ready to make their move! "    


Elder Lee Ze smiled bitterly.    


"What did you all talk about with the God of Mortal Realm? Could it be that your ancient Immortal Cultivation Family was related to one another in the first place? Why did he want to destroy your Li Clan? "What kind of things are you trying to steal?"    


Although the previous conversation wasn't clear, Chu Hee still asked a bunch of questions.    


"Your actions were extremely strong to begin with, and your cultivation has not progressed at all. Clearly, you are not a cultivator of this realm anymore!" The God of the Interface we are talking about is the controller and limiter of an interface. He has supreme power over an interface. And what I mean by "God of Reverse Solution" is this kind of interface controller. They controlled the Spiritual Force s within the interface and controlled all the Heavenly Way's cycles. However, no one knew what had happened back then, since the God of Interface had only left behind five ancient Immortal Cultivation Family, and every family had left behind a divine imprint. It was a divine imprint that could summon the God of Mortal Realm. "    


"At that time, we were able to communicate with the only Divine Seal of the God of Mortal Realm, but it was as if the Spiritual Force in the entire Mortal Realm had disappeared without reason. We also tried to communicate with the God of Mortal Realm, but in the end, there was no result, as if the God of Interface had also disappeared! But who knows when, there seems to have been an ancient message sent to us, the five great families. According to the message, if the Divine Seal is gathered in the hands of the five noble families, we will know the location of the God of Interface. It was precisely because of this that Xiao Jing entered our Li Clan in order to snatch the Divine Seal. But unfortunately, he exterminated the entire clan, causing the Divine Seal to disappear just like that! "    


"Did it really disappear?"    


"Yes sir!"    


Elder Lee Ze sighed as he replied.    


Chu Hee was very surprised by this answer.    


"Fellow Chu Hee, are you also surprised that the Divine Seal suddenly disappeared? I've been confused about this for years. Later on, he knew that if the Li Clan's bloodline died, the Divine Seal would disappear. This was the work of the God of Mortal Realm. Perhaps he was just on guard for this day to happen, but he never thought that it would actually happen! "    


"Has there been any news from the God of Mortal Realm?"    


"No, but it might happen soon!"    


Elder Lee Ze looked at a certain spot outside the city from afar. There seemed to be some emotion in his eyes.    


"You mean the opening of the formation here, might contain news about the God of Mortal Realm?"    


Chu Hee was shocked, he never expected such a thing to happen.    


This was the first time he heard of a god-like existence. Even though he had once become a supreme expert, he didn't know that there was a god-like existence in this world. He didn't expect that it would actually be true. He actually thought of the Great Emperor that he had once dreamt of. What exactly was going on?    


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