Supreme King In City

C711 Channels

C711 Channels

Chu Hee stood at the edge of the cliff. His Divine Sense's perception spread out from his surroundings, as if it was searching for the bottom of the cliff from the top of the cliff. It was as if his whole body had fallen down. That kind of powerless struggle allowed him to recognize that Chu Hee's state of mind was not affected at all.    


His Divine Sense's perception spread out like a huge net, and after a few moments of searching, he managed to sense the location of the Spiritual Force.    


Although this cliff face seemed extremely wide and couldn't be crossed easily, he didn't feel like this at all. As a result, Chu Hee's perception passed through the cliff and explored the other side.    


Just as his perception made contact with the surroundings, he instantly discovered that there seemed to be an extremely powerful Spiritual Concentration Array around the Spirit Mountain. The Spiritual Concentration Array gathered all of the Spiritual Force together, and gathered them all at the location of the Spirit Mountain.    


And the reason why Chu Hee felt some familiarity was because of the Spiritual Concentration Array.    


Although Chu Hee had already returned to the mortal world from the Heaven Realm for a long time, he wasn't unfamiliar with the Spiritual Concentration Array at all. Even when he was in the academy, Chu Hee had already used this kind of Spirit Concentration Formation. It was only because the Spiritual Concentration Array he had previously been using was a simple set up. As time passed, Chu Hee almost forgot that when a cultivator's strength reached a sufficient level, he could set up a huge Spiritual Concentration Array with a flip of his hand.    


Spiritual Concentration Array like this could absorb the spirit energy of heaven and earth to gather in one place, and form a small spirit spring. The density of that spirit energy in the Mortal Realm was comparable to that of the rather powerful Spiritual Vein.    


However, due to the lack of cultivation resources within the Mortal Realm, especially the existence of the Spirit Concentration Formation, it had been completely lost. It's just that the Spirit Concentration Formation was no longer as powerful as it was in the beginning.    


Therefore, within the Mortal Realm, Spiritual Vein were especially important.    


Under this kind of exploration, Chu Hee slowly started to understand clearly that the precipice was set by a line of Spirit Concentration Formation. If one wanted to enter the Spirit Mountain, they only needed to circulate their own cultivation technique, maintain a cultivation state, and use the Divine Sense to control their own bodies, they would be able to reach an agreement with the Spirit Concentration Formation, and then borrow the power of the Spirit Concentration Formation to enter the Spirit Mountain.    


Naturally, this method wasn't a problem for Chu Hee. However, it was a bit troublesome for the others.    


After Chu Hee understood everything, he slowly opened his eyes. As emotions flooded his mind, he did not know how to teach others.    


After all, under this cliff, there was a high chance of falling into the abyss and shattering into pieces! Even though they were cultivators, their physical body wasn't much stronger than an ordinary person's. If they were to fall from such a place, they would still die.    


"Chu Hee, have you found a way to enter Spirit Mountain?"    


Golden Phoenix was the first to ask. Looking at Chu Hee's expression, he didn't seem to be thinking about how to enter the Spirit Mountain at all. Instead, he seemed to be thinking about how to lead everyone inside.    


Although she did not have the same understanding of Chu Hee as Xiaojian and the others, she was able to sense a lot of things regarding the training process.    


"It won't be difficult for you to enter this Spirit Mountain, but before you enter it, you must have some understanding of the Spirit Concentration Formation. Because in this Spirit Mountain, all the spirit energy was gathered together due to the Spirit Concentration Formation. So, if we want to enter the Spirit Mountain to restore our strength and absorb the Spiritual Force within, we must ensure that the Spirit Concentration Formation is not destroyed. Furthermore, we must also borrow the Spirit Concentration Formation to smoothly traverse this thirty thousand meter deep abyss. All of you close your eyes and pass along the specific methods of passage to you. "    


This formation wasn't something that an ordinary cultivator would be able to achieve just by running into it. Chu Hee was very clear that they did not have much time to waste here. Thus, Chu Hee thought about it and came up with this idea.    


As long as they could control the Spiritual Force to a certain degree, it would not be difficult. Everyone was originally one of the top students in the academy. They had nimble minds and were extremely receptive. Therefore, if he wanted to smoothly enter the Spirit Mountain, as long as he was at the side protecting it, it shouldn't be too difficult.    


As long as everyone understood something, he would be able to set up the next suggested passageway. As long as they could control the Spiritual Force, they would be able to pass through this place smoothly.    


Everyone felt that Chu Hee's words were quite profound. Thus, they also followed Chu Hee's instructions and directly closed their eyes, silently learning everything Chu Hee told them.    


Seeing that, Chu Hee did not interfere any further. He flew up and the Spiritual Force around his body started to dance under his control.    


His hand seals danced as they followed his fingers and flew bit by bit towards one of the Spirit Concentration Formation s.    


It was a good thing that Chu Hee had a deep understanding of formations. Even though he hadn't recovered much of his strength, he was still able to do nothing to obstruct the formation. Moreover, this kind of array channel was not troublesome and only required a bit of time.    


Time passed bit by bit, Chu Hee issued "Fats without Zhizhi", and Xia Na's path became more and more obvious. The original void formed a faint golden light, and that golden light spread out from the cliff like a transparent road. If it was an ordinary person, they would not dare to step on it.    


Even if an immortal cultivator wanted to step on this golden light, it would be extremely dangerous. But luckily for them, each of them had their own cultivation, as long as they could control their own Spiritual Force s and coordinate with the golden light tripod, they would be able to smoothly enter the Spirit Mountain.    


When Chu Hee's golden path was fully formed, he also quietly waited for everyone to wake up.    


He has no other way, I can only set up this kind of tunnel. If there is someone who is unable to successfully pass through, then they can only accept this kind of cruel result. After all, the road of cultivation was a path of extreme danger. If one was unable to even control the balance of such matters, one would inevitably die sooner or later. It was extremely dangerous and cruel for anyone! So there was no such thing as a pity!    


As those thoughts rolled around in his mind, there were also people in the crowd who opened their eyes one after the other. They looked at Chu Hee with fanatical gazes, waiting for his next arrangements.    


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