Supreme King In City

C949 Enchantment

C949 Enchantment



Chu Hee felt as if he was hit by a huge force, and the heavy sound seemed to break his own ribs. If it weren't for the fact that his physical body was so strong, he would have definitely received a fatal blow from such a heavy injury.    


However, the next moment, Chu Hee's pupils contracted as if he saw something unbelievable.    


Because Chu Hee suddenly realized that the huge impact that was emitted when it landed on his body was not the real Spiritual Force, but a living, soft body.    


His hand reached out and caught the body. All the Perceptual Strength s immediately recognized the person in front of them.    


In an instant, his eyes turned blood-red.    


"Xiaojian, how are you?"    


After all, they did not attack this time to take his life, and the situation of Chu Hee and the others were basically at the end of their road. Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, the two of them did not go any closer.    


At this moment, the aura from Chu Hee's body made them feel that he was a bit dangerous. Therefore, they were unwilling to take any more risks.    


This choice gave Chu Hee more time to catch his breath.    


Chu Hee had already discovered that the person who had collided into his body was Xiaojian. Apparently, when Soul Master Lin Dong attacked earlier, that kind of power didn't affect his body. It wasn't because his strength was too weak, but because Xiaojian used all of his strength to build a safe wall for himself at the last moment.    


Such powerful soul power almost destroyed all the life in Xiaojian's body. Even though she was in Chu Hee's embrace, the powerlessness of her life force left him in extreme pain.    


"Young Master, run!"    


When Xiaojian clearly saw the face of the figure in front of him, she also slowly raised her palm. On the palm of her hand, there was an invisible thing that landed into Chu Hee's hand with an extremely comfortable and warm feeling. She didn't even have the strength to say anything as she spat out three words with extreme difficulty.    


Although Chu Hee didn't know why Xiaojian would give such an item to him, but looking at Xiaojian's current state, it was obviously more like he was taking care of some back affairs so he could escape as soon as possible.    


"Xiaojian, it will definitely be alright!" You just have to hang on, and I'll definitely bring you out with me! "    


Chu Hee never thought that he would encounter such a situation. Ever since he returned from the Heaven Realm, he had never experienced any kind of injury or change in his heart. It was as if such intense emotions had never stirred any ripples in his calm heart. However, looking at Xiaojian's aura becoming weaker and weaker in this situation, he only felt as if there was an invisible power giving him the power to break all the obstacles in front of him with a monstrous hatred.    


However, this hatred did not submerge his mind even though he had already become calmer.    


In an instant, Chu Hee quickly took out a Pill from his Spirit Ring and stuffed it into Xiaojian's mouth.    


Although he did not have much use for Xiaojian's current situation, he could at least slow down a little. As long as he could successfully leave this place, he would be able to refine more Pill and let Xiaojian consume the stronger Pill. Perhaps, he could pull her back from the jaws of death.    


Xiaojian's entire person seemed to have gradually lost consciousness. When the Pill was swallowed into his stomach, the warm breath caused all the injuries in his body to be repaired by a mysterious power. Although there weren't any obvious changes, at least the injury was no longer worsening like it was before. It seemed like Xiaojian's situation stabilized at this moment.    


Sensing Xiaojian's change, Chu Hee's originally berserk mood seemed to calm down a little.    


In this current situation, he didn't have much of an emotional change. He only had one clear thought in his mind, and that was to leave this place as soon as possible!    


Xiaojian's life could not be delayed too much!    


After confirming Xiaojian's gradually calming situation, Chu Hee also slowly stood up. The hostility surrounding him was not as calm and tranquil as before. However, that strength seemed to be controlled by a clear sense of reason.    


There was actually a kind of evil Qi around him.    


"You guys are the ones who hurt Xiaojian! Then let's die with him! "    


At this moment, Chu Hee no longer held anything back. All the Spiritual Force in his body started to surge crazily, and the Profound Thunder Lofty Sword in his palm suddenly exploded, shooting into the sky like a ray of light.    


The Strength of Thunder also slowly swam under the control of a Spiritual Force like him, but it was a type of destructive power.    


The Longsword reached the sky as if it was connected to the heavens and the earth, causing the surrounding space to seem much dimmer. At this moment, Chu Hee was like the only giant that existed in this world. It was as if his raised sword could destroy all living things!    


This was because in front of them, it was as if the entire Demon City had been enveloped in dark clouds, as if a kind of berserk energy was slowly condensing. Even though it hadn't fully materialized yet, that kind of frightening feeling had already spread outwards. Even if they wanted to get closer, the fear made them afraid to take another step forward.    


No matter how loyal they were, it was likely that they would be of no use even if they appeared in that kind of strength after being covered by the obvious shadow of death. Instead, they would only become useless cannon fodder and be sacrificed for nothing!    


"This... What was going on? Even the Soul Master may not be able to unleash this kind of power, could it be that the ancestor of Lin Family has appeared here? "    


Han Liang looked at the scene before him with an extremely ugly expression. It was rumored that Patriarch of Lin Family, with his heaven piercing strength, had never come out of seclusion. It was as if he wanted to keep on peeping at the mysteries of heaven and break through the shackles of Cultivation Realm, but no one knew whether it was true or false. However, this kind of power was impossible for even the Lin Family's Soul Master to emit out. It seemed that other than the Lin Family's ancestor, they could not think of anyone else that could unleash such a powerful strength!    


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