Supreme King In City

C1960 Primordial Fire Source

C1960 Primordial Fire Source

"Little Hee, why am I not dead? This dragon even thought I was dead for sure. "    


The golden dragon that was originally recuperating in Chu Hee's Space of Rules had also recovered. The black color on its body had disappeared, and all of its injuries seemed to have completely healed. It was gleaming with golden light and was extremely imposing! The huge dragon spiraled out. However, there was still some uncertainty in its voice. It looked around and looked at its own draconic body, as if it was uncertain.    


Seeing that the Little Golden Dragon had returned to normal, Chu Hee, who was originally still confused, regained his senses and looked at the golden dragon.    


"You've recovered pretty quickly! "Looks like my injuries from before aren't as dangerous as I thought!"    


The Little Golden Dragon seemed to not agree with Chu Hee's words, "Little Hee, how can it not be dangerous? This divine dragon has risked his life for this little life. If this divine dragon wasn't trying so hard, how could we have recovered safely? "    


The Little Golden Dragon seemed to be very proud of its contribution. It raised its head and puffed out its chest, and its dragon body leapt out as if it was soaring into the sky.    


However, Chu Hee was puzzled as he looked at the excited Little Golden Dragon. "If you really worked so hard, how could you recover in such a short period of time?"    


"I don't know how it happened either, but it's just that the burning power of the flames seemed to have received an extremely quick nourishment, and it's as if a formidable power suddenly appeared in your spatial laws, and it's more like a recovery power that has gained control over the Strength of Flame, which is why I was able to recover so quickly!"    


The Little Golden Dragon seemed to feel quite dissatisfied with Chu Hee's suspicion, and explained seriously.    


Originally, Chu Hee was still a little confused, but after the Little Golden Dragon explained it to him in this way, his mood seemed to fluctuate a little.    


"In that case, could it be because of that ball of fire?"    


The Perceptual Strength also quickly entered the space between the eyebrows of the clone in his dantian's Qi Sea. There seemed to be a flame pattern there, making his clone look especially different, as if his clone also had an indescribably ancient and primitive feeling. Even if his clone did not have any changes, under the fusion of the fire pattern, there seemed to be an additional formless pressure!    


The Little Golden Dragon's head had already moved closer to Little Hee at some point, "Little Hee, what is the meaning of this?"    


The Little Golden Dragon also felt Chu Hee's confusion from Chu Hee's reaction, so it showed a curious expression.    


Chu Hee didn't have any intention of hiding anything. After all, although the Little Golden Dragon in front of him came out of its shell a bit late, it knew a lot more than him. After all, it was a natural born godly beast. Fortunately, he had told the Little Golden Dragon everything regarding the strange situation. Even his clone was summoned, and the pattern on the center of his forehead was clearly displayed in front of the Little Golden Dragon.    


"Little Golden Dragon, do you know what exactly this is? Why would there be such a strange change? The five fire spirits unexpectedly shined and turned into a small flame the size of a thumb! The flame did not have any destructive power, making it appear very docile! The reason why these Strength of Flame s don't have any impact on us right now is because this flame has fused with my clone, allowing me to obtain power that is similar to instinct! "    


When the Little Golden Dragon heard Chu Hee's explanation, it also had a face full of surprise.    


"Tsk tsk tsk tsk …"    


The Little Golden Dragon seemed to be extremely excited, and the Dragon Eye also revealed an expression of amazement!    


"Little Hee, your luck is really good!" "If what you have said is true, I am afraid that the thumb-sized green flame should be the Primal Chaos Fire Source!"    


Chu Hee did not expect the Little Golden Dragon to know something about it, so his eyes revealed an expectant look.    


"Chaos fire source?" Is there any difference between this Primal Chaos Fire Source and the Chaos Fire? "    


Chu Hee was very alert and seemed to feel something different from this name.    


The Little Golden Dragon, on the other hand, became more profound, "Of course there's a difference! However, they had come to the same conclusion on different paths! It should be said that the Primal Chaos Fire Source is one of the Chaos Fire, it's just the weakest type of Chaos Fire! A powerful Chaos Fire was also grown from a Primal Chaos Fire Source! It was said that the reason the Chaos Fire were strong was because the Primal Chaos Fire Origin was growing bit by bit, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth like a baby. Of course, most of it was Strength of Flame, which combined the essence of the heaven and earth Strength of Flame, and then slowly grew to become a true Chaos Fire! Where there was usually a source of primal chaos fire, it was very likely to not be far from the existence of Chaos Fire! Of course, this is only the majority of the possibility, and there will be exceptions! "    


Under the Little Golden Dragon's explanation, Chu Hee's gaze once again fixated onto the flame Rune on the center of his clone's forehead. He also felt extremely excited in his heart!    


Even though Chu Hee had a lot of hope walking within the Skyfire Island, his hopes were slim before. Now that the Primal Chaos Fire Source had appeared, it was like it was holding onto the tail of hope, causing Chu Hee to be extremely excited!    


After all, they only had half a year's time, and Chu Hee's desire to let his family and friends recover became stronger and stronger. In fact, many times, he would think of Xiaojian and think of what Xiaojian did for him. Now, it was finally his turn to do something for Xiaojian.    


And now, this hope had grown even greater!    


"Since all of the Primal Chaos Fire Sources are here now, this means that it won't be long before we can find the Chaos Fire, or even the heart of chaos! They were saved! Regardless of whether it's your Dragon Clan or the interspatial spaces that were destroyed by Ruo Feng, all of them can be restored to their original state, as if the calamity before had never happened! "    


Chu Hee's eyes also became more determined and sharp as he looked at the flames that were rolling in front of them. At this moment, the flames were no longer harmful to them, and under the swaying of the flames, it seemed to shine with a red light of hope! He could not help but feel excited, as if he could see the dawn of victory!    


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