Supreme King In City

C107 Mood Repair

C107 Mood Repair

Chu Hee naturally sensed this, but he didn't have any extra power to stop it. Xiao Yan frowned slightly. He did not know what hidden danger this fellow had left for him before he died.    


He looked coldly at Jiang Feng, who couldn't be any more dead, and ignored him. Although he was furious and resentful about what had happened, this feeling only made him want to complete the final act of revenge. His goal was to kill Jiang Feng, the goal that had affected him had been achieved, and he didn't want to bother with anything else!    


What's more, his parents and Chu Shan were covered in wounds, especially Chu Shan, whose blood dyed his clothes red and made him look very pathetic. It was a shocking feeling! It was impossible for him to not care about it. His heart ached even more! In these past few years, his little brother had made him an extremely precious treasure, and the brotherly relationship between the two of them was extremely good! Otherwise, Chu Shan would have betrayed him long ago after being tortured like that! He shouldn't have been beaten to such a state by Jiang Feng!    


Chu Hee quickly checked their injuries and used his spiritual energy to heal them. He then took out three healing Pill from his Spirit Ring and placed them one by one into their mouths. Only then did he relax!    


Jiang Feng seemed to have tortured them to force him to show himself, but he did not take their lives. All the attacks were not aimed at their vital points, allowing them to luckily preserve their lives! Unfortunately, his arrogance did not reap any rewards. Instead, it caused Chu Hee's heart to not feel too much regret!    


After determining that the three of them were not in any life-threatening danger, Chu Hee walked to Jiang Feng's side again and felt around him. After all, cultivators might have some life-saving magical equipment or other treasures on them, and when he was in the Heaven Realm, he also reared himself through battle. Otherwise, how could a Mortal Realm boy like him, who was alone and had no one to rely on, grow so fast within the Immortal Realm? Every cultivator would hide some magical equipment, or Pill, or even some other rare treasures, and once they won a battle, they could take back those treasures and use them for cultivation or for healing their wounds!    


Even though Jiang Feng was someone he was very angry at, he had already formed a habit of moving closer to him! After all, no one had any grudges against these treasures!    


After fumbling around for a while, Chu Hee only found two talismans that were used for escaping, they seemed to be Teleportation Formation s. In addition, there was also a cultivation technique, it was the same as Qing Feng's leg from before. Other than this, there was only one other talisman, an unknown amount of money. However, according to Jiang Feng's conduct and conduct, the card definitely had a lot of money inside!    


Jiang Feng packed them all up and put them all away.    


After all, these things were still of some use to him, especially within the Mortal Realm. In the eyes of ordinary cultivators, these things were pretty good! Jiang Feng probably did not expect that these items that he painstakingly bought were reluctantly put away by Chu Hee after a while of disgust.    


Bringing all the spoils of war, Chu Hee once again got Xiaojian to bring a car, and then everyone sat in the car, driving back to Chu Family Villa.    


Even though Jiang Feng had been dealt with, his mental state had slowly recovered. However, right now, he still needed to cultivate his senses and completely restore his mental state!    


In his view, as long as he could smoothly restore his state of mind, then the Yingtian Spell would definitely increase by a lot!    


So after returning to the mansion, he settled the four of them down and confirmed that they were fine. As long as they started cultivating and recovered, they would be able to recover completely. So, Chu Hee had nothing to worry about.    


After settling everyone down, he returned to his room and arranged for the Barrier to enter his cultivation state once more.    


Chu Hee shut his eyes tightly. It was as if he was the only one left with consciousness. However, the thoughts in his head were changing. It seemed that he was back to three years ago, when he was beaten and humiliated by Jiang Feng's subordinates.    


Those scenes played in his mind over and over again. His calm state of mind also started to have traces of fluctuations, as if ripples had suddenly appeared on a calm sea surface. The energy that was stored within his state of mind began to disperse bit by bit. The Spiritual Aura within the world seemed to have lost some due to the fluctuations of his state of mind.    


As his state of mind fluctuated, Chu Hee quickly transferred all the memories of Jiang Feng's death into his mind. These memories were like healing potions, slowly calming down his originally changing state of mind.    


However, the fluctuating sea could not calm down immediately, just like before. Chu Hee wasn't in a hurry either. He seemed to have a feeling about this kind of thing. It was as if he suddenly realized how natural this fluctuation was. It was like life and death. The process needed to wait.    


Chu Hee was completely immersed in this feeling, as if from birth to growth, all the bitterness and bitterness were due to the growth of his strength, which made him stronger. The chill and anger that was originally in his heart seemed to have been relieved at that moment.    


There was a layer of faint light surrounding his body which was quickly flowing through the surrounding spiritual energy. The sunlight was also being absorbed into his body through his pores. As his senses became deeper, the absorption speed became faster and stronger!    


Beep! Beep!    


Unless he did not know how long he had been immersed in this state, he could only feel that there was no longer any trace of anger and hatred in his heart. Unless he did not know how long he was immersed in this state, only feeling that there was no longer any trace of anger and hatred in his heart, and could only feel that his heart was still as still as water, as if he was putting all of it into the spiritual energy.    


All of this made him feel incomparable comfort, and the spiritual energy that flowed into his meridians became more and more powerful!    


Along with the sound of the dripping, Chu Hee clearly felt that the spirit energy in his body had already reached a saturation point. His state was even more so as he steadily stopped at the seventh level of Body of Spirit Tempering, it was as if all the blood vessels in his body had been strengthened! As he stopped absorbing, he slowly opened his eyes!    


All of the spiritual energy was withdrawn. Chu Hee got up slowly and felt a sense of gentleness. However, there was also a faint domineering aura in this calmness. It seemed like he was not angry, but at the same time, had a sense of majesty!    


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