Supreme King In City

C151 Financial Crisis

C151 Financial Crisis

Chu Hee split these lists in two. He only wrote down one set of corresponding herbs that Pill and Pill needed to buy. As for the rest, he kept them all by himself! After all, these items needed to be auctioned off together.    


Even though he and the old man had reached an agreement and they could be considered to be sincere, that was only if they were equals. If the old man knew that he possessed such a powerful resource, according to the old man's level of mysteriousness, he might even directly snatch him away!    


After collecting the list, Chu Hee left the room and prepared to go downstairs to get something to eat. After all, he had consumed a lot of energy in the past two days. Although his current strength could last for a few days, it would be better if he could eat more to replenish his energy!    


The huge villa was deserted, even Chu Xiongfei and Chu Shan had disappeared. His mother Liu Wenqing, who you wanted to prepare food for him, surprisingly didn't prepare anything for him. Chu Hee was a little disappointed and helpless.    


Chu Hee had no choice but to take out some pickled vegetables and instant noodles from the fridge. After matching up with some simple dishes, he started eating.    


Perhaps it was because his movements quickly attracted Xiaojian over. However, when Xiaojian saw that the one who made the noise was him, his originally serious expression relaxed a bit. Finally, he silently retreated. However, before he could return to his room, he was stopped by Chu Hee.    


"Xiaojian, where are my parents?"    


Chu Hee had completely adapted to this silent bodyguard. However, she knew a lot of things about the mansion like the back of her hand, so Chu Hee asked casually.    


After all, something must have happened to his parents for them to be so abnormal.    


"Master and Madam went to the company! However, their expressions were somewhat heavy as if something had happened. I asked the master if she needed any help, but they said I couldn't. "I was the only one who told you to take good care of me!"    


"What about the hill?"    


Chu Hee stopped his hands and asked. From the looks of it, there was definitely something going on in the subsidiary, or his parents would not have given up cultivating and rushed over to the company! During this period of time, in order to cultivate, they had slowly transferred all matters of the company to the professional managers. If it wasn't for this incident, the two of them wouldn't have gone to the company together.    


"The young master went to school, there seems to be a meal between him and his classmates. He doesn't know anything about the company, he only said that he might not come back tonight! "    


Chu Hee was in no mood to continue eating. Although he didn't know what had happened at the company, it didn't seem like much trouble from the looks of it. He might as well go over and take a look!    


Jiang Ping's matter from before was the talk of the town in the entire Zhongjing City. Ordinary people already knew that Chu Group Group was not easy to mess with, so in such a short period of time, there shouldn't be anyone who would be so blind. But what else could happen to the company? Chu Hee pondered for a moment and decided to go to the company.    


If he waited at home and made wild guesses, he would not be able to help. Instead, it would be better if he personally went to the company to have a look. If the company really encountered any problems, he might be able to help! After all, in the years since he left home, he had never paid anything for the company. He had even earned quite a bit of money from the company, so it was only right for him to contribute a bit!    


"Xiaojian, come with me to the company!"    


Chu Hee said indifferently. Afterwards, he had already disappeared from where he stood, leaving behind only the strange fluctuation of spiritual energy in the air.    


Xiaojian didn't say anything, but his actions confirmed his reply. The two of them, one in front and one behind, quickly disappeared from the Chu Family Villa and rushed to the comprehensive office building of the Chu Group Group.    


Both of them were cultivators, so their speed was very fast. In just a few moments, they had already arrived downstairs. Meanwhile, the entire Chu Group Group office building was brightly lit, as if they were still doing something.    


Chu Hee didn't say anything and just went straight to the CEO's office upstairs.    


Inside the office, Chu Xiongfei and Liu Wenqing were sitting on the sofa in front of the desk. Both of them were staring at the documents in front of them and were looking at them very seriously. Beside the two of them sat a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. The man was a bit bald and his expression was serious. There was even a trace of panic on his face.    


The atmosphere in the office was depressing. The three of them didn't seem to have noticed the arrival of Chu Hee and Xiaojian at all.    


"Zheng Yao, are you sure this project will be profitable? You made such a big decision, why didn't you discuss it with us? Now that the capital chain is broken, and we need so much money, and we've invested so much in so many projects, where can we get so much money? Aren't you going too far? "    


Chu Xiongfei and Liu Wenqing looked at the documents again and again before finally putting down the documents in their hands. They looked at the middle-aged man with a grave expression and spoke with strict words.    


Chu Hee, who was standing at the door, seemed to have heard some news from their words. Who would have thought that he would arrive just like that! He was just worried that he would bite off more than he could chew off, but before he could even begin to earn money, the problem suddenly appeared!    


"Boss Chu, I've asked you to do this before. This is because you said you believe in my abilities! Furthermore, before investing in these projects, I had already done some calculations and verified the accounts of the company. According to the rules, these projects should be done step by step, and there shouldn't be any breakdowns in the capital chain. But it's the young master who's doing the worst. "    


That middle-aged man felt very wronged after being scolded like that by Chu Xiongfei. It was as if he was trying to defend himself.    


Hearing his words, Chu Xiongfei became even angrier: "You said that it has something to do with the river? I'd like to hear, what does it matter? You yourself are too greedy and impulsive, but now you are blaming Little River, it's really ridiculous! "    


After all, this Chu Group Group was Chu Xiongfei's life's work, he did not want his life's work to be completely destroyed. If they couldn't get the funds in place as soon as possible, they might lose the bonus period of the project. At that time, not only would they not earn the money, they might even lose the chance to return the money!    


"Originally, the budget that I was working on was meticulously calculated. The remaining 86 million or so would be needed to close the budget. As for the other projects, after they ran out of money, they could be refunded. With the support of others, they could be active! However, the problem lay with the young master. His black card had been swiped for more than 100 million! If the money was still there, we wouldn't be in such a predicament right now! "    


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