Bigwig Son-in-law

C161 Punishment

C161 Punishment

Judging by their expressions and attitudes, they must have come from the government.    


Especially one of the women. At this moment, she was lying lazily on the sofa with two maids by her side, massaging her legs.    


Everyone knew that this was the City Lord's office. Usually, only the City Lord could sit in this position.    


But now, even the City Lord did not have the qualifications to do so. This also showed how terrifying the identities of these big shots were.    


Other than the female C big shots, there was also a middle-aged man. There was also a one-eyed woman with an eyepatch on her right eye. Both of them were accompanied by the military officers.    


The one-eyed woman was very beautiful. Although she had an eyepatch on her right eye, it did not affect her beauty.    


On the contrary, she gave off a heroic aura.    


"Lin Dong, let me introduce you. This is the governor of our Youzhou, Wei Mulan!" The first person Chu Lianyi introduced was the lazy woman.    


Governor, This position and City Lord were not the same concept.    


There were hundreds of cities in the Country of Dragon, but there were only nine states!    


How respectful was the status of the lord of a state? Her power was equal to one-ninth of the royal power. No wonder this woman was able to sit in this position.    


"These two are one star general, Ximen Liulang, and three star general, Hua Fengling!"    


One star general, and three star general. At this level, they were definitely big shots among big shots.    


In this country, generals represented the highest level of military power.    


Especially that female general lord behind, her level was actually a three-star general lord. Thinking about how difficult it was to reach this level, it was not lower than becoming one of the Seven Stars of the Dark Night.    


The most terrifying thing was her age!    


Under normal circumstances, the person who could become a general was at least 50 years old.    


For example, the one-star general, Ximen Liulang, was already fifty-four years old.    


However, Hua Fengling was probably not even 30 years old!    


To be able to achieve such an achievement at such an age, there must be something extraordinary about her.    


In short, these three were all high level figures.    


Apart from these three people, there were also a few accompanying martial officials, all of them existences that were much stronger than Rose.    


The one with the lowest strength was also at the captain level.    


"This is Lin Dong, a friend of mine. He is also a member of the government. Chu Lianyi introduced Lin Dong.    


She could only introduce him this way because she did not know Lin Dong's exact identity.    


The three of them looked at Lin Dong at the same time. Each of them had a different expression.    


Wei Mulan was still very lazy.    


Ximen Liulang narrowed his eyes.    


Hua Fengling, on the other hand, appeared to be somewhat disdainful.    


A thirty-year-old three-star general, Hua Fengling indeed had the right to be proud.    


On the other hand, Ximen Liulang, because he was old enough and experienced enough, had a smooth way of doing things. He did not look down on Lin Dong just because Lin Dong was young.    


On the contrary, he took Lin Dong seriously. After all, he would not be an ordinary person if he was valued by a city lord.    


Wei Mulan was a big shot who rolled around in the government. Naturally, he was more tactful.    


She always had a lazy expression, making it impossible for you to see her true expression.    


"It's him who provided us with information?" Wei Mulan and Ximen Liulang did not speak. Hua Fengling was the first to speak.    


Her attitude was very arrogant and even somewhat impolite.    


"Yes." Chu Lianyi nodded.    


"Humph!" Hua Fengling snorted and said to Lin Dong, "You have made a big mistake, do you know that?"    


"Really? What mistake did I make?" Lin Dong narrowed his eyes.    


Hua Fengling's achievements were indeed amazing, but her attitude toward him was disgusting.    


The strength she displayed was even greater than Wei Mulan's.    


"You lied about reporting military intelligence and made us waste our time. You even made our Governor lose face. Isn't this a big mistake?"    


Lin Dong frowned and looked at Chu Lianyi.    


"Lin Dong, we have gone to the place you mentioned. We did not find anything." Chu Lianyi sighed.    


After getting Lin Dong's information, Chu Lianyi immediately reported it to the governor.    


Human and beast gene recombination experiment. It's forbidden in any country.    


After the higher-ups received the news, they attached great importance to this matter. Wei Mulan, the governor, along with two big shots in the military, personally went to the private aristocratic hospital of the He He Association.    


She even sent out a thousand soldiers. However, they did not find anything.    


Lin Dong had said that the genetic warriors there were very powerful. They could even be compared with the sage realm.    


Therefore, they were treated according to a small-scale war.    


However, in the end, there was nothing.    


This made the three great figures extremely furious.    


Especially Wei Mulan. She had already reported this matter to the Empress of the Country of Dragon and had issued a military order to kill those who dared to do illegal experiments.    


However, when they arrived at their destination, it was completely empty.    


This was equivalent to deceiving the Empress. Cheating the Empress was a serious crime!    


"This is impossible!" Lin Dong's expression changed slightly.    


That was because he had personally gone to the underground laboratory in the private aristocratic hospital of the Harmony Association. There was a large amount of gene modification equipment and genetic warriors there. He had seen this with his own eyes.    


Moreover, he had even fought with genetic warriors before. How could he not have?    


"Lin Dong, do you know what kind of punishment will there be for lying about military intelligence? According to the laws of the Country of Dragon, what kind of punishment will there be?" Hua Fengling asked sternly.    


Lie about military intelligence?    


If it was light, he would be imprisoned for life, and if it was heavy, he would be beheaded!    


This time, a prefecture lord and two generals moved out, but they did not discover anything. It was very clear that the impact this time was very great, very bad.    


Even the empress knew about this matter.    


"It's fine if you lied about reporting military intelligence, but you even implicated our prefecture lord. This is an even greater crime!" Hua Fengling saw that. Lin Dong did not say anything.    


"We can't blame him for this. I'm also responsible for this. I reported it to the Empress before the investigation was completed. Sigh..." Governor Wei Mulan sighed softly.    


This Wei Mulan was much more likable than Hua Fengling.    


Of course, the reason why she said that was probably because of her smooth and smooth personality.    


"I believe Lin Dong. He won't lie to us. There must be some misunderstanding." Chu Lianyi said so.    


If she really wanted to talk about responsibility, then her responsibility was also very big.    


"City Lord Chu, at this time, you actually still trust him so much?" Hua Fengling raised her eyebrows.    


As a three-star general, he couldn't be said to be of a higher level than Chu Lianyi.    


However, Chu Lianyi was a civil servant and she was a military servant.    


Since ancient times, martial servants had always been superior to civil servants. Whoever had a strong fist would be stronger!    


A general holding military power would have a very strong deterrence, especially a general with a relatively high star rating.    


A five-star commander, even someone at Wei Mulan's level, would not dare to look down on him.    


As a three-star commander, Hua Fengling could already talk to Chu Lianyi in a domineering manner.    


If it was in the past, as the city lord, Chu Lianyi would not be afraid of Hua Fengling.    


Most importantly, she was at fault in this matter.    


She had reported this matter before she had investigated it thoroughly.    


Because she trusted Lin Dong too much. Even now, she felt that Lin Dong did not lie to her.    


"Lin Dong, can you give us an explanation?" Chu Lianyi said through gritted teeth.    


If this matter was to be investigated, it would have a huge impact.    


The first was Wei Mulan. If the Empress of the Dragon Country wanted to pursue this matter, she would definitely be punished.    


Wei Mulan had been punished. Could Chu Lianyi escape?    


Lin Dong would bear the greatest responsibility for the instigator of this matter.    


Lin Dong frowned and said, "Sister Lianyi, please tell me the exact situation."    


"You want to know the specific situation? Sure, I'll tell you. The specific situation is that what you said is just a morgue set up by a private aristocratic hospital of the Harmony Association. What you said about genetic warriors is simply a fabricated story." Hua Fengling snorted coldly.    


"Do you have anything else to explain?" At this moment, Wei Mulan slowly spoke.    


Lin Dong was silent for a moment. "I don't have anything to say," he said.    


After hearing Hua Fengling's words, he roughly guessed what was going on.    


Obviously, it was the private aristocratic hospital of the Harmony Association that transferred the nutrition tanks and experimental equipment, and then quickly changed the laboratory into a morgue.    


It was very normal for a hospital to have a mortuary. It was very difficult to transfer all the nutrition troughs to the morgue in such a short time without leaving a trace.    


However, it was not necessarily impossible.    


But Lin Dong did not say it out loud.    


Firstly, people would accuse him of finding an excuse to say this at a time like this.    


Secondly, others might not believe such an explanation.    


"Then you plead guilty?" Hua Fengling squinted her eyes.    


Chu Lianyi's heart sank. Once Lin Dong was convicted, Lin Dong would be sentenced to at least ten years or even life imprisonment.    


Lin Dong finally raised his head. He looked at Hua Fengling without fear and said, "How about I plead guilty? So what if I don't?"    


"Bastard, how dare you talk to me like that in front of me? Do you want to die?" Hua Fengling was furious.    


She was a three-star general. Even if Lin Dong was as talented as Chu Lianyi said, he should still respect her.    


"The biggest responsibility for this is on me. I am willing to accept all punishment!" Seeing Hua Fengling angry, Chu Lianyi quickly said.    


She was not afraid of Hua Fengling. However, in the office, apart from Hua Fengling, there was also a one-star general. There was also a state lord! Such a line-up was indeed powerful! Even Chu Lianyi felt a heavy pressure at this moment.    


"City Lord Chu, I hope that you can consider it well. If you bear the responsibility alone, then your position as City Lord will be gone and you may face imprisonment!" Hua Fengling said coldly.    


Although the City Lord did not have as much power as the Regional Lord, he was still an influential figure in the Country of Dragon.    


From an influential figure to a prisoner, the disparity was obviously very great.    


However, Chu Lianyi's gaze was firm as she said, "I know, I can."    


It was just a few simple words, but it completely expressed her determination.    


Of course, she knew what the intentions of these three people who came to denounce her were.    


This matter had already alarmed the empress, so there had to be someone to take responsibility for it!    


Otherwise, everyone involved in this matter would be in great trouble.    


In any case, she could not escape responsibility. She might as well take all the responsibility. At the very least, she could ensure Lin Dong's safety.    


"City Lord Chu, are you protecting him?" Hua Fengling squinted her pretty eyes and asked.    


Although City Lord and Empress were different, they could fall in love.    


However, if the City Lord were to delay his official business due to falling in love, he would also be punished.    


If Lin Dong and Chu Lianyi were lovers, Chu Lianyi would be punished even more severely.    


"Commander Windling, this matter needs someone to take the blame. If no one takes the initiative to take the responsibility, it is obvious that everyone will not have a good time. I advise Commander Windling to take it as he sees fit." Chu Lianyi looked at Hua Windling and said calmly.    


Although she was a little afraid of Hua Fengling, she was not afraid at all.    


"Chu Lianyi, are you threatening me?" Hua Fengling had always been proud and aloof. When she heard Chu Lianyi's words, she frowned.    


"Fengling, since City Lord Chu has taken the initiative to take all the responsibility, don't say anything else!" At this moment, Wei Mulan spoke.    


A three-star general could not give City Lord face.    


However, she still had to give the city lord face.    


Since Wei Mulan had already spoken.    


Hua Fengling naturally didn't say anything else.    


"Alright, let's end today's matter here. I will report the situation to the Empress." Wei Mulan stood up and said calmly.    


Then, she prepared to leave.    


Seeing this scene, Chu Lianyi finally heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, she sent this Great God away.    


Although what awaited her next would be a very severe punishment, she had at least protected Lin Dong.    


It was worth it.    


Her life was saved by Lin Dong. Now, she could be considered as repaying Lin Dong for saving her life.    


However, just as Wei Mulan stood up and was about to leave, an indifferent voice sounded.    


"Stop right there!"    


It was none other than Lin Dong.    


Everyone was stunned when Lin Dong said that.    


One should know that Wei Mulan was a prefecture lord!    


Lin Dong actually dared to speak to her in such a tone?    


"Lin Dong, what are you doing!" Chu Lianyi's expression changed drastically.    


Although Wei Mulan needed someone to take responsibility, it did not mean that someone could be rude to her.    


She was the governor of one of the states in the State of Luo. Her status was below one person and above ten thousand people!    


Even if this matter was really blamed on her, she would be punished, but it would not be too serious. She would just feel that it was very shameful.    


If someone dared to provoke her dignity, then she definitely wouldn't let it go.    


Hua Fengling's face revealed a hint of ridicule.    


This kid was really bold to speak to a governor like this.    


"Were you talking to me just now?" Wei Mulan turned around. The laziness in her eyes had disappeared. What replaced it was a dangerous aura emanating from her body.    


The two maids beside her were actually her military officers. The expressions on their faces became serious.    


Their auras locked onto Lin Dong at this moment.    


Lin Dong dared to be disrespectful to the prefecture lord. He was simply a fool. They were prepared to launch a thunderous strike at Lin Dong at any time.    


The strength of the prefecture lord's military officers had already reached the level of captain of the Dragon Group.    


How strong would the prefecture lord's military officers be?    


Dragon Group's captain level!    


Furthermore, there were two of them!    


Chu Lianyi's face instantly turned pale at this moment.    


Even though Lin Dong was very powerful and brought her out of the devil cave, he was like a god descending to the mortal world.    


But even if Lin Dong was very powerful, it would be very difficult for him to defeat two powerful military officers.    


Moreover, even if Lin Dong's strength could defeat two military officers, his true enemy was the prefecture lord.    


Once Lin Dong made his move, Wei Mulan would be able to accuse Lin Dong of assassinating the prefecture lord.    


In this way, no one in the Country of Dragon would be able to protect Lin Dong other than the Empress of the Country of Dragon.    


"Lin Dong, hurry up and apologize!" Chu Lianyi was very anxious.    


However, Lin Dong's eyes were still calm. He said to Wei Mulan, "Yes."    


It was over!    


"What a daring maniac! How dare he disrespect the Prefecture Lord! I'm going to take your life now!" Wei Mulan's military official did not make a move. Instead, Hua Fengling made a move first.    


She did not know why, but she was annoyed by Lin Dong.    


Hua Fengling was young, beautiful, and had a high position. She was a genuine three-star general.    


No matter who it was, when they faced her, their eyes would be filled with admiration and worship.    


Hua Fengling was very beautiful. Even though she wore an eyepatch on her right eye, it could not hide her beauty.    


However, when Lin Dong looked at her, it was as if he was looking at an item.    


There was not a trace of admiration for her!    


It was as if she was a table and a chair.    


This made Hua Fengling, who was used to being proud and aloof, very angry.    


Today, she had to let this arrogant brat know what kind of attitude he should use to face a three-star general! Let him know how terrifying a three star general lord is!    


Hua Fengling wanted to take the initiative to attack, so Wei Mulan naturally wouldn't stop him. Chu Lianyi closed her eyes, she didn't dare to look at this scene at all.    


She seemed to be able to predict the scene of Lin Dong's blood splattering on the spot.    


One should know that the general was the leader of the military. They didn't need to be very strong.    


But many generals were also martial artists themselves!    


Hua Fengling was a general!    


Otherwise, how could she have such a high star rating at such a young age?    


Ximen Liulang was fifty-three years old and was only a one-star general.    


With the strength of martial arts, growing into a general general was a terrifying thing.    


It could be said that her military officer... It's just a decoration, she's more powerful than a military officer!    


However, the expected battle did not happen.    


Lin Dong did not spill blood on the spot either.    


Chu Lianyi opened her eyes.    


She saw Hua Fengling standing in front of Lin Dong, raising her palm high as if she wanted to split Lin Dong's head with one palm.    


However, her hand didn't slash down, but froze in midair.    


In Lin Dong's hand was a epaulette.    


Seeing the epaulette in Lin Dong's hand, Hua Fengling's throat moved slightly. A look of disbelief appeared on her beautiful face.    


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