Bigwig Son-in-law

C159 Who the Hell Are You Firing?

C159 Who the Hell Are You Firing?

"Now that you mention it, I suddenly remember that there is indeed another request." Lin Dong's eyes fell on Liu Yu.    


The beautiful principal was in her thirties, but she was still very attractive.    


More importantly, she actually said that she had never had a boyfriend...    


Liu Yu was a little embarrassed by Lin Dong's gaze, but she did not say anything.    


She even moved her body on purpose so that her curves could develop better in front of Lin Dong.    


It couldn't be helped, Lin Dong was too generous.    


He donated 500 million in one go.    


Liu Yu had seen people who were willful, but she had never seen someone who was so willful.    


No wonder this guy didn't give her any face before.    


To be able to casually take out 500 million, what kind of big shot was that?    


Even the beautiful principal of Jiang University would be eclipsed in front of him.    


If Lin Dong were to ask her for too much right now, perhaps she would not refuse.    


After all, not only was Lin Dong rich, he was also quite good-looking.    


She had thought that Lin Dong was a little arrogant before, but now it seemed that he did have the right to be arrogant.    


"I'm willing."    


"What are you willing to do?" Lin Dong was stunned. He had not even asked for anything and had already agreed?    


Wasn't he afraid that he would ask too much?    


"No matter what request you make, I can agree to it." Liu Yu said shyly.    


Ah? You will agree to any request?    


Alright, since that's the case, then I won't be polite.    


Lin Dong immediately said, "I have a little cousin who wants to study at Tianhai University, but she doesn't have a degree..."    


"Ah?" Liu Yu was slightly stunned when she heard Lin Dong's words.    


Initially, she thought that Lin Dong was going to make some excessive request.    


It turned out that he was only going to let his little cousin study at Jiang Da University.    


"No problem!" Liu Yu immediately agreed.    


Lin Dong wanted one person to study in the school, but even if he wanted ten people to study in the school, he would not be able to do so. That's not a problem.    


However, when she heard Lin Dong's request, she was a little disappointed.    


"However, you have to get her an exam paper first. If she can pass the exam, let her come to school. " If she can't pass the exam, then don't let her come. "    


"There's no need for that. Just come directly. No matter which major she wants to enter, she can do it." Liu Yu said directly.    


"Uh... Principal Liu, I don't think it's good for you to do this for personal gain..." Lin Dong's mouth twitched.    


"You misunderstood me. Donating the teaching block is a huge thing for the school. It's to benefit thousands of students. Compared to this, your request is not excessive at all. It's almost negligible. No one will say it's unfair behind the scenes."    


"No, we must take the exam. The rules cannot be broken." Lin Dong said seriously.    


"Sure." Liu Yu felt helpless.    


Perhaps this was the life of the rich. It was simple and plain, but it also had principles.    


"Then it's decided."    




Lin Dong was very happy. He had wanted Chu Lianyi to help him get Wu Shuangshuang into Jiang Da.    


Now it seemed that he did not need her.    


As for donating 500 million, he did not feel any heartache at all.    


Just like what Liu Yu said, this was to benefit the students. It was a great kindness.    


Young people were strong, countries were strong.    


In any case, money was just a number to him.    


Lin Dong and the principal had a pleasant conversation, but outside the office, Teacher Ouyang was already as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.    


"No, I have to go in and take a look!" Teacher Ouyang frowned slightly.    


It had already been an hour. Lin Dong and the principal hadn't come out yet.    


She was really afraid that Lin Dong would do something unimaginable.    


Frankly speaking, she had a good impression of Lin Dong. She didn't want Lin Dong to walk the path of breaking the law.    


"Don't worry, Teacher Ouyang. Even if you go in now, he has already done what he needs to do." Feng Lili did not care.    


"You still have the nerve to say it. It's all because of you!"    


"What does it have to do with me? It's my uncle who said he wanted to talk to the principal alone. Right, "Teacher Ouyang, tell me, if my uncle had gotten the principal, the principal wouldn't have fired me, would he?" Feng Lili suddenly said with a face full of excitement.    


Teacher Ouyang was so angry that he gave Feng Lili a burp.    


"At such a time, you are still joking with teacher. It would be strange if your uncle could hook up with the principal!"    


What level was Liu Yu at?    


She was someone who was on par with Mu Caiyun. She was the most beautiful principal in Tianhai.    


It was impossible for an ordinary person to become the principal of a university without being fifty or sixty years old.    


Liu Yu, on the other hand, had already become the principal of Tianhai City University at the age of thirty-three.    


Of course, her ability was extraordinary.    


Most importantly, there were many men who wanted to pursue her, but none of them succeeded.    


It couldn't be helped. Liu Yu's mind was focused on her career. She didn't have the mood to fall in love at all.    


It was said that Liu Yu had never fallen in love until now.    


There were even rumors that Principal Liu's sexual orientation was problematic.    


Lin Dong took Liu Yu down? It was even lower than the probability of a comet hitting the earth.    


"Wu, Teacher Ouyang, I only said one sentence. Don't take it seriously..." Feng Lili touched her aching head and said in a wronged manner.    


"Feng Lili, could it be that you still think that there is a turning point in this matter? Let me tell you, no one can save you!" Chen Tao limped over with a face full of hatred.    


After the examination, he was not seriously injured, but the doctor told him that he could not touch girls in the next three months.    


To him, this was a huge torture.    


Today, it was useless no matter who came. He must fire Feng Lili.    


It could not be helped. Those who donated the teaching block were just so arrogant.    


"Chen Tao, you are classmates. Why are you so ruthless?" Teacher Ouyang felt very depressed.    


"Teacher Ouyang, I almost f * cking lost my virginity. Do you think I'm going overboard?" Chen Tao said angrily.    


Ouyang Yun swallowed hard.    


Indeed, this girl was too cruel. Luckily, nothing happened to Chen Tao. Otherwise, he might have to eat in prison.    


"Chen Tao, I know you want to laugh at me, but let me tell you something. I don't care. Isn't it just a lousy university? At worst, I won't go to school!" At this moment, Feng Lili had completely accepted the fact that she was expelled.    


According to the goods that she broke down this time, expulsion was a matter of nails nailed to the bench.    


"Lili, just say a few words less!" Ouyang Yunni also had some sadness in her heart.    


"And your uncle. Humph, he even threatened Principal Liu. I've already called the police. When the police arrive, he will be taken away!"    


As if to confirm Chen Tao's words, a police car drove over.    


A few policemen got out of the official car.    


"Who called the official?"    


"It's me, the police. Someone kidnapped our principal. He's in the office right now. This person might have done something bad to the principal. Hurry up and arrest him!" Chen Tao immediately said to the police.    


"Where is he?"    


"He's in the office, but the door is locked."    


"Prepare to break the door and rescue him!"    


The police made a prompt decision. A few policemen were ready to break the door and enter in the next moment.    


But at this moment, the door opened by itself.    


Then, Lin Dong and Liu Yu walked out at the same time.    


"Then, let's meet again next time." Liu Yu took the initiative to extend her hand and shake Lin Dong's hand.    


Seeing this scene, the policemen looked at each other.    


"She was coerced. Why doesn't it look like it to me?"    


At this moment, Liu Yu's face was full of smiles and red light.    


No matter how you looked at it, it didn't seem like she was coerced.    


After all, he had been coerced and shook hands with someone when they parted?    


After shaking hands with Lin Dong, Liu Yu suddenly saw the police. She looked puzzled. "Is something the matter?"    


"Madam, someone called the police and said you were coerced. They wanted to do something bad. I don't know. Is that so?" The leader of the police walked in front of Liu Yu and asked.    


"Nonsense. When was I coerced? I was just chatting with this gentleman in the office. Isn't it against the law to chat?" Liu Yu said, waiting for her pretty eyes.    


"Oh, then it's fine."    


"Okay, it's okay. Let's go. Feng Lili, let's go back to class." Liu Yu said to Feng Lili.    


Hearing Liu Yu's words.    


Feng Lili was stunned.    


Teacher Ouyang was stunned.    


Chen Tao was also stunned.    


What was going on?    


Didn't Feng Lili already get fired?    


Why did the principal let her go back to class?    


Feng Lili's beautiful eyes widened. She looked at the beautiful principal and then at Lin Dong.    


She said with a face full of surprise, "D * mn, Uncle, you can't really take care of Principal Liu, right?"    


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Dong rolled his eyes at Feng Lili.    


"I donated a building to protect you. Don't make any more trouble.    


"That's not right, principal. Didn't you fire Feng Lili already?" Chen Tao asked in disbelief.    


"When did I say I was going to fire Feng Lili?" Liu Yu said plainly.    


"Feng Lili beating up a classmate and beating up a teacher is already a serious violation. She should be fired!" Chen Tao gritted his teeth and said.    


"Student Chen, please pay attention to your words. I feel that there is something fishy about this matter. It is most likely that someone is trying to frame Student Han. I will investigate thoroughly!"    


At this moment, Chen Tao was completely stunned.    


Why did the principal's attitude suddenly change drastically?    


Could it be that he was really f * cking taken care of by Feng Lili's uncle? It was not entirely impossible.    


She had heard that this beautiful principal had never been in love before.    


Perhaps she didn't know the benefits of men.    


Feng Lili's uncle had let her see what a man was...    


Damn it, what a slut!    


"Principal, don't forget that our Chen family donated teaching blocks to the school!" Chen Tao said unwillingly. He was ready to use his last trump card.    


Previously, whenever he met Liu Yu, he would use this as an example and it was quite effective.    


However, there was nothing he could do about it.    


As the saying goes, when you eat someone, your mouth is soft, and your hands are short.    


If someone donated the teaching block, they would definitely give some preferential treatment.    


But now it was different.    


Chen Tao's family donated a thousand square meters?    


Lin Dong donated ten thousand square meters!    


How could this be compared?    


There was no comparison at all.    


Moreover, if the teaching block was donated, it would belong to the school's property. It was impossible for it to be refunded.    


Liu Yu was not afraid of what would happen to the Chen family.    


The Chen family donated the teaching block in order to publicize their own company.    


Even the name of the teaching block was named after their company.    


"What? Student Chen, can you do whatever you want just by donating the school building? Can you slander your classmates and bully them?" Liu Yu said coldly.    


"Donate the teaching block. Our school is very grateful to your Chen Corporation, but even so, I won't allow you to do anything in the school! The school is a sacred place. All students are treated equally!"    


Chen Tao:... ""    


"You didn't say that before.    


Lin Dong couldn't help but want to give her a thumbs up after hearing what the beautiful principal said. No wonder this woman was able to become the principal at such a young age.    


This ability to distort the black and white was truly the pinnacle.    


But no matter what, she wasn't doing it for her own selfish desires, but for the development of the school and to provide a better teaching environment for the students.    


This point was worthy of praise.    


Lin Dong felt that this five hundred million was more cost-effective.    


"Principal, you, you really don't want to fire Feng Lili?" Teacher Ouyang was so shocked that he could not say anything.    


"Yes, although Student Feng has made a mistake, it is understandable. Furthermore, she has a good attitude and is actively cooperating with the education. We should give her another chance. There is no need to fire her, just give her a verbal warning!" Liu Yu said in all seriousness.    


Teacher Ouyang could not believe his ears.    


He had beaten up his classmate and teacher, yet he still had a good attitude?    


Was this a joke?    


What was going on?    


Teacher Ouyang was truly at a loss.    


"Principal, you have to make the decision for me! You must expel this scum!" At this moment, Teacher Chen, who had undergone emergency treatment, came back and said with a pained expression.    


"Teacher Chen, as a teacher, you... You were supposed to be a teacher, but what did you do? You actually instigated a female student to sell her body for money? Do you have the nerve to call yourself a teacher? I feel that... Student Feng fought very well, and it was too light. From today onwards, you don't need to come to school anymore. You are fired! " Liu Yu said coldly.    


Chen laoshi ... ""    


What the f * ck is going on?    


Principal, are you mistaken?    


I'm here to see you fire Feng Lili.    


I'm not here to see you fire me...    


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