Rise Against Desperation



After hearing this, the general of the Northern Lights was filled with shock as he fell into deep thought. With a doubtful tone, he said, "Young Hero Lin Yu, I have something that I do not know!"    




Lin Hua nodded his head with a smile on his face, causing the Northern Lights general to clasp his fist: "How did you find out that there is a possibility of us being evil spirit masters? In all the wars, nothing wrong was found! "    


"Very simple!" When I was on the stage before, I saw that those people had a strange look in their eyes! "    


"What kind of eyes?"    


"When I said those words to stop the war, the expressions of those people were filled with extreme reluctance. It is obvious that they were acting in an abnormal manner!"    


The general of the Northern Lights quickly nodded his head as if he had understood the logic behind the words.    


"There are no deep grudges between the two armies to begin with. Why do you say that they are extremely unwilling to stop the war? Why do they desire it so much? Those are the only ones who desire it!" Evil Soul Master! "    


"Understood!" We will listen to what Young Hero Lin Hua has to say tonight! I'll go down and prepare! "    


Seeing that the Northern Lights general was about to leave, Lin Hu spoke with a look of astonishment, "We do not need any arrangements!" As long as the three of us know about this, it'll be fine.    




As Lin Hu spoke, he returned to the tent to rest. His eyes were filled with a contemplative look. If he didn't come tonight, then his guess must have been wrong!    


Dawn gradually arrived and the sky completely darkened. The moon was bright and the stars were thin. It was a very beautiful night, yet this beauty seemed to reveal something unusual in the air.    


After sniffing the air in the air, Lin Hu opened his eyes and said with a smile, "It should be coming!"    


After exiting the tent, they sneaked out of the tent and hid at the place where they had previously agreed upon Hao and waited quietly. At this time of the day, besides the patrolling soldiers, the rest of the soldiers in the army would start meditating or cultivating according to the rules and regulations!    


The three of them hid under the tent, watching the scene in front of them. After a long time, nothing out of the ordinary happened.    


Lin Hu's eyes darted around as he watched this. With a thoughtful expression on his face, he sent a telepathic message, "Don't be hasty and wait any longer. Who knows, you might be here soon!"    


After hearing this, the three of them hid in this remote area. Lin Hu's soul rapidly spread out to search for traces of their presence!    


The release of his soul consumed a lot of his mental energy. Lin Hua nodded with a thoughtful expression. From the looks of it, the scene did not occur as expected.    


As time passed, Lin Hua frowned. It was already the middle of the morning, but there was still no sign of movement! Seeing this scene, Lin Hua was just about to wave his hand and leave when he saw the following scene. He instantly crouched down and stretched out a hand, signaling everyone's attention!    


They were in an extremely remote corner and could clearly see the strange activity within the tent! From within the tent, two figures could be seen moving cautiously towards the thatched cottage!    


This unusual action caused the general of the Bei Liang Country to squint his eyes. The soldiers that were previously heavily injured had disappeared on the second day, so everyone thought that they had betrayed them and escaped. Now that they saw this scene, they finally knew where those people went to, it was clear that they were swallowed by the Evil Soul Masters!    


Facing such a scene, the general of the Northern Lights could no longer bear it and sent a sound transmission to him, "When are we going to make our move?"    


"Wait for them to come closer! Don't alarm those who haven't come yet! It definitely is more than just a little! "    


The straw house was located in the southwest corner of the military camp. There was an extremely great distance between them. If they were to end the battle at the fastest speed possible, they would not be discovered.    


After saying that, the long spear in An Ying's hand was infused with Lin Hua's starlight aura, and so was the generals of the Northern Lights. In the dark night, the two of them were like a ghost as they rushed forward, instantly piercing through the two people's chests, bringing with them the unbelievable two who wanted to release their black qi. However, with the support of the starlight, the black qi was completely useless against the starlight!    


"Damn it! The power of the laws of the world! "    


Upon seeing this, the two of them immediately took action. They did not quickly kill the two but instead quickly dragged them to their original positions.    


Towards the two of them, the corners of Lin Hu's mouth revealed a smile: "Hehe! Do you know how I found you? And you, don't look around! "    


"Please let me go!" We don't know! "    


"You don't need to know! I can tell you now that I can let you off, but you can answer whatever I say! Do you understand? "    




This cry sounded out once again, causing Lin Hua to nod his head in satisfaction: "Very good! "How many people are in your team this time?"    






Lin Hu grabbed the long spear and twisted it within his words. A miserable cry swiftly sounded out.    


"I'll say it!" I say! "    


After these words were spoken, Lin Hu nodded his head in satisfaction, "Speak the truth and tell me everything. Do not hide anything from me!"    


"There are a total of twenty of them!"    


This scene caused the general to be extremely astonished. He didn't even realize that there were twenty of them in his army. This was an extremely terrifying thing to happen.    


Why was it so terrifying? If Lin Mu's starlight could not counteract this powerful regeneration ability, then the ability to regenerate from the other species could be said to be extremely terrifying.    


Bei Liang, who had tried his best to stabilize his body, spoke with a heavy voice, "Right now, I want to know one thing. Did you guys secretly devour those fleeing soldiers from the north?"    


"I've never consumed it!"    


These words were swallowed by the others. Upon seeing this, the corners of Lin Hu's mouth cracked open. He waved his hand and shouted, "Kill them!"    


"You! We agreed on it before! "    




With a smile on his face, Lin Hua said, "You can use your credit to the humankind, but you don't need your credit. Your existence was driven away by righteous humans anyway, do you understand?"    




After speaking, his body turned into a clot of blood and disappeared from the area. Towards the deaths of these people, Lin Hu did not reveal any of his emotions, the deaths of these evil spirit masters were not worth lamenting.    


There were twenty Evil Spirit Masters in the Northern Cold Army camp, and now two of them were dead, meaning there were still eighteen left.    


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