Rise Against Desperation



Lin Hu had already released the cultivation of the Martial Spirit Realm around him. This cultivation made them give up on the idea of killing him!    


Time passed very quickly. The martial artists that entered the mountain range would glance at the Lin Hua who was sitting on a giant rock. They would ignore these strange looking Lin Hua and would only nod and continue their cultivation!    


As night fell, the wind of the forest resounded within the luan. Accompanied by a humming sound, the roars of the Lion Bird rang out in the sky. Lin Hu raised his head and looked towards the sky with a smile, "It's here!"    


"Kid, you're quite punctual!"    


After nodding his head, Lin Hu did not speak any further. He continued to sit down and observe the scene before him! He stood up and asked, "Where to?"    


"Follow me!"    


Carrying a large saber on their backs, the fourteen of them once again entered Spirit Beast Mountain. Lin Hu placed Bai Yue on the back of his neck and let Bai Yue hug his neck. His hair covered Bai Yue's body. Although he knew that Bai Yue had an indescribable power, he still had to be careful!    


When they entered the Spirit Mountain, Sis Wu did not follow the path up the mountain. Instead, she turned in another direction and headed towards an extremely remote area, where Lin Hua had never gone before. The broken abyss that appeared once in a while made Lin Hu carefully check it out, there must be a reason for their caution!    


It was likely that this place was extremely dangerous and could threaten everyone's lives. Otherwise, they would not be so vigilant. Lin Hu followed behind, and he would occasionally release the soul of the old deity to observe their surroundings!    


After the party of fifteen advanced a kilometer, Lin Hu's eyes narrowed as he shouted, "Wait! There's movement ahead! "    


These words were very soft, causing the fourteen people to squat down in surprise. They looked at Lin Hu with astonishment!    


"Brother Lin Geng, what did you discover?"    


The person who spoke was none other than the person who Lin Hu had punched and knocked to the ground that day, and as she asked this question, Sis Wu turned her head to look at Lin Hu with a puzzled expression. He really hadn't discovered anything.    


"Three hundred meters away, there are people on the branches!"    


With these words, the crowd sucked in a breath of cold air. With a cultivation at the eighth level of the Martial Spirit Realm, how could a soul spread out to three hundred meters? Normally, this cultivation level could reach two hundred and fifty meters by itself, but this young man actually possessed such a divine soul?    


This scene caused Lin Hu to reveal an expression of incredulity and shock. Lin Hu had already snuck up to him, and everyone followed him. Their movements were extremely careful, as if they were afraid of being disturbed by the wind and grass!    


With a pensive expression on his face, the youth in front of them waved his hand at the group when they reached a distance of 200 meters, signaling them to be quiet! Following that, the youth moved quietly and took a few steps forward. The figure moved with extreme speed and its soft figure floated forward!    


"This movement technique is so elegant!"    


At this moment, Lin Hu's figure was like a gentle breeze as he jumped between the leaves. He rapidly advanced forward, and with an extremely gentle and beautiful posture, he leaped forward!    


After a long while, the youth returned with a corpse in his right hand. The corpse began to turn into black mist at an extremely fast speed before disappearing from the world.    


Afterwards, only a straw doll appeared, at this moment Lin Hu's face was filled with deep thought, "You guys have discovered the base camp, if my guess is correct, it should be in front, but with the Evil Soul Master guarding the area, we need to be careful, otherwise we will alert these scouts!"    


Everyone swallowed their saliva as they looked at the youth in front of them with expressions of admiration! As expected, the young genius' soul had spread out for more than three hundred meters!    


Sis Wu nodded with a pensive look on her face. She then looked to the front and shouted softly, "All actions below are under Lin Hu's command!"    




These words caused Lin Hua to nod his head. His soul had spread far and wide, so he was able to take on this heavy responsibility. Afterwards, he smiled and said, "I will fulfill my mission!"    


After everyone heard this, they nodded their heads and followed the young mistress in front of them as she carefully made her way forward. Seeing this, Lin Hu smiled and said, "Let's go!"    


At this moment, Lin Hu was walking at the very front! A smile appeared in his eyes. His soul perception was the furthest away, so there was no problem for him to walk in front!    


Two hours later, Lin Chu entered a canyon according to the words of Sis Wu. Not only that, there was a huge hole in the canyon, and there were only two people passing by it.    


Seeing this, Lin Hu smiled and asked, "Go down?"    


"Go!" They are right below us! "    


Along the way, Lin Hu had already killed countless of evil spirit masters, there should be around ten of them, everyone was very curious about why Lin Hu could instantly kill an evil spirit master! Evil Soul Master's recovery ability was extremely strong, if it was not fatal, then the body would have been restored!    


This scene caused Lin Hu to smile widely!    


"My physique is a little special, so it's useless for you to ask. In any case, my body specializes in restraining these evil things!"    


"So that's how it is!"    


Everyone fell into deep thought. Lin Yuan's ability to do something like this had left them puzzled! Now that he heard this, he naturally nodded his head!    


With a smile on his face, Lin Hu nodded his head once more, "You may leave!"    


The Evil Soul Grandmaster did not reveal any assured expression as her soul spread throughout the hole. It was unknown just how many of those beast races were occupying the base!    


"Go down! I have already investigated before, there are only two king level Evil Soul Masters down there, I believe your strength can restrain one of them! "    




After finishing his words, he looked at the big hole, which was very conspicuous under the moonlight.    


The people behind also followed in Lin Hua's footsteps and quickly jumped down.    




When Lin Hu landed, she quickly stuck to the wall inside the cave. When Sis Wu came down, she immediately pulled Li Rui's body away with a smile. "Take the right passage!" The left side is where the corpses are kept! "    




Lin Hu looked at the hole on the left and nodded. Then, he moved towards the hole on the right. As the fourteen people entered in a line, he stopped two hundred meters away!    


It was not pitch black down there! It was the soup fire that lit up the entire cave. When the fire was released, it lit up the entire cave. There was a huge blood pool in the huge cave with a radius of six hundred meters, emitting a strong bloody smell!    


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