Rise Against Desperation



Of course, Lin Hu couldn't agree to this little girl's request.    


"No, I have to go alone. Are you going to listen or not?"    


As if she had worshiped Lin Hua since she was young, Xiao Yue'er nodded, "I will listen."    


"Alright then, when I come back, I'll bring some delicious food for Xiao Yue'er and a super large Three Fragrant Steamed Bun."    


"Really?" Xiao Yue'er's eyes shone as she looked at Lin Hua, causing him to rub his nose.    


"Of course it's true, but if I come back and find out that you're disobedient, then I won't bring it with me."    


"Big brother Lin Hua, I will definitely listen to you."    


At this moment, Lin Hu had already reached the entrance, waving at Xiao Yue'er before heading straight for Xiao Hu's residence.    


In Lin Hua's memory, Xiaohu lost his father when he was three, and had been living with his mother ever since.    


When Xiaohu was nine years old and had offended Lin Fei, his mother came forward to plead for mercy, but Lin Fei's fourth level martial artist's fist landed on his heart.    


The woman's body was weak and fragile, and the warrior had fainted at that moment.    


In the years that Xiaohu was growing up, perhaps due to the injuries he suffered that year, Little Tiger's mother gradually fell into bed with heart failure.    


This was also what Little Tiger had discovered in the past few years, and it definitely had something to do with Lin Fei who had escaped that year.    


This was the reason why Xiao Hu was so impulsive in saying such words, even provoking the scarred face.    


Little Tiger and Lin Hua were both janitor's disciples, and the house they lived in was not much different from Lin Hu's. Compared to the residents of Fragrant Leaf village, Little Tiger was much more unpresentable.    


"Little Tiger."    


Lin Hu, who was outside the door, shouted.    


In less than four breaths, Little Tiger opened the door and rushed out to look at Lin Hua.    


"Bro, you're here!"    


Xiaohu was a little nervous at this moment, because he still remembered what Lin Hu had said before.    


"Quick, bring me in to see your mother."    


Xiao Hu quickly led Lin Hu to his mother's house.    


Pushing open the door, he could smell the fragrance of sandalwood. Although the items inside were simple and crude, the furnishings around the room were extremely elegant and comfortable.    


"Xiaohu, why did you come back? Mom just drank the medicine, is there anything else you need?" The middle-aged woman's weak voice resounded within the room.    


Hearing these words, Lin Hu's nose began to ache, and he greeted Jiang Chen.    


"Auntie Lan, I've come to see you today."    


Xiao Hu's mother's surname was Lan and her name was Ya Xiang. When Xiao Hu's mother opened the curtain, her gentle appearance could be seen.    


However, the corner of Xiaohu's mother's mouth turned white, and her skin darkened, but no redness could be seen.    


The punch from Lin Fei that year caused Little Tiger's mother's illness to become more severe due to the passage of time.    


"So it's a bud!" I have to thank you today, but why are you so impulsive? "    


Hearing this feeble voice, Lin Hu hurriedly went forward to support the little tiger's mother who was about to get up.    


"Auntie Lan, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Today, I've come to treat you."    


Lin Chu's words caused Little Tiger's mother to stare in shock for a moment, and then she smiled gently.    


"You brat, you don't know how many village coaches you've hired over the years. They say that I have to slowly recuperate from internal injuries."    


Afterwards, Little Tiger's mother laid down and grabbed Lin Hua's right arm with her benevolent right hand. She earnestly said, "Brat, it's great that you have this kind of heart."    


"Auntie Lan, don't you believe me?"    


Lin Hu looked at Little Tiger's mother and smiled. The seriousness in his eyes caused Little Tiger's mother to be stunned for a moment before she asked with a trembling voice, "You really have a way?"    


"Yes, I did try."    


"Good!" I believe in you. Have you learned medicine from anyone in the past few years? "    


"No, but I will have to trouble you to cooperate with me in order to cure your illness."    


Lin Hua took out a piece of black cloth, folded it into a rectangular shape, and wrapped it around Xiaohu's mother's eyes.    


"Bud, what are you doing!"    


"Auntie Lan's master has said that you can't let others see that your treatment method is a secret that no one is willing to pass on. Auntie, please forgive my difficulties."    


In order to not reveal the secrets of the stars, Lin Hua had to make up some nonsense. As expected, it worked.    


Seeing the little tiger mother nod her head, Lin Hu was relieved.    


"Little Tiger, watch out for me at the entrance of the courtyard. Don't let anyone disturb me. Remember to never let anyone disturb your mother when she treats you."    


"Alright, I'll be counting on you, Brother Lin Hu."    


Seeing the look of anticipation in Xiao Hu's eyes, Lin Hu's heart felt heavy. He was worried that his own star power wouldn't be able to affect Xiao Hu's mother.    


"Auntie Lan, no matter what happens below, I hope you won't take this cloth off."    


Hearing Lin Hua's solemn tone, Little Tiger's mother nodded her head, and Lin Hua began to channel the Astral Energy within her.    


The room that was initially illuminated by the sunlight was now filled with the radiance of the stars.    


He had activated the Astral Energy to heal the wounds of others. This was something that Lin Hu had only discovered when he was trying to save his purple pupils.    


There were several times when the treatment was ineffective, causing Lin Hua to be afraid that the situation would be the same with Grandfather Huang as with Little Tiger's mother.    


Gathering the power of the stars and channeling it from one's fingertips into another's body was a very tiring and tiring process, not to mention that the opponent was a mortal.    


Without any cultivation, his meridians were extremely fragile, and he needed to control the stability of the star power.    


Under normal circumstances, Lin Hua would have already collapsed for a day or so, but today, in order to save Little Tiger's mother, Lin Hu, he had used all of his strength.    


The starlight around his fingertips condensed into a single point, and his surroundings became as bright as before.    


Looking at the starlight on his fingertips, Lin Hua looked at Little Tiger's mother who was blindfolded.    


"Auntie is going to treat you now. If you feel any pain, shout it out immediately, and I'll stop."    


At this moment, Lin Hu's right hand was pointed at Little Tiger's mother's heart.    


It was visible to the naked eye that the starlight flowing from his fingertips was flowing into Little Tiger Mother's body bit by bit.    


During this process, Lin Hu was extremely nervous. He was afraid that the same situation would happen to Grandfather Huang. Xing Hui did not have any reaction to his injuries, but he was also afraid that Little Tiger would be disappointed because of this.    


"Does Auntie Lan feel anything?"    


"Hm!" The chest that has been stuck in there for so many years feels a little relaxed and comfortable. "    


Upon hearing these words, Lin Hu was overjoyed.    


When he said that the star power had an effect, he immediately increased his strength and carefully controlled the flow of the star power, afraid that he would accidentally hurt Xiaohu's mother.    


About eight hours later, Lin Hu withdrew his right hand and used his clothes to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.    


"Auntie, you can take off your blindfold now."    


Seemingly due to the comfort of the little tiger's mother, she actually fell asleep. A tranquil smile appeared on her face, and Lin Hu did not disturb her as he walked out of the room.    


Seeing Lin Hu walk out of the room, Little Tiger immediately ran up to him.    


"Bro Zhu, why do you look so pale!"    


Seeing Little Tiger rushing towards him, Lin Hu waved his hand.    


"Little Tiger, your mother hasn't woken up yet. Don't disturb her. I have to make a trip to the clan gathering before returning."    


"Bro Zhu, where are you going?"    


"You don't need to know. Your mother should be able to take better care of me in the future. Go see Grandpa Huang and Xiao Yue'er to take care of them."    


Hearing Lin Hu's words, Little Tiger's eyes reddened, and with a 'putong' sound, he kneeled in front of Lin Yu, causing Lin Hu to be so shocked that he immediately went forward to support him.    


"You don't have to be like this. Auntie Lan is my relative. If you continue to be like this, don't ever recognize me, Lin Qiang-ge."    


"Brother Hua, in the future, I will definitely follow your orders. If you let me ascend the mountain, I will have no qualms about it."    


"Xiaohu, quickly get up when we're talking about this."    


Lin Hua used his Stage Seven Fighter cultivation to call up Little Tiger, causing Little Tiger to be stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes lit up as he stared at Lin Hu.    


"Bro, no wonder you dared to fight that Scarface to the death. I didn't expect you to become so strong."    


With regards to Little Tiger, Lin Hu felt a little helpless, he patted on Little Tiger's shoulder and headed towards Fragrant Sky Mountain.    


"Xiaohu, remember what I told you, go visit Grandfather Huang and Xiao Yue'er."    


"Definitely, Brother Lin Zu."    


Hearing the response from behind him, Lin Hua gradually relaxed and rushed towards the center of the Fragrant Leaf Mountain.    


At this moment, he came out to cultivate without a medicine cabinet. He only brought a short wooden machete and some dry rations.    


Because it was daytime, there were more service disciples gathering herbs in the surrounding area. Lin Hua did not swagger to his hidden practice area.    


"Isn't that Lin Hua?"    


Hearing someone calling him, Lin Hua looked over and discovered it was a beautiful young lady. At this moment, Lin Hu also smiled embarrassedly.    


Initially, he was disliked by everyone because of his useless body. Now, a life-and-death battle had spread to these people. However, he was now treated as a joke.    


Lin Hu responded to the greeting and then left. He climbed up the waterfall and sat on a large tree.    


"Erya, what are you calling him for? A dead person shouldn't be tainted with bad luck."    


The pretty girl who had called out to Lin Hu earlier pouted her lips, glanced at the young man beside her, and said unhappily, "Lin Hu is not afraid of the heavens, but he looks so handsome. Brother, when will you be half as handsome as him?"    


Halfway through the climb, the sprout almost slipped and fell down.    


The waterfall within Fragrant Leaf Mountain was delicate and sweet. The forest buds climbed up the trees and quietly sat down to absorb the martial energy from their bodies, nourishing their fatigue.    


"Healing someone else's wounds really is a waste of mental energy. I have to recover as soon as possible."    


Lin Hua was located in a rather secluded area. He was not afraid of being discovered by the other service disciples, so he could focus on his cultivation.    


Wisps of Martial Qi passed through Lin Hua's body before being discharged from his body. Lin Hua's expression gradually relaxed.    


The exhaustion of a mortal could be solved through sleep, and a martial artist could absorb martial energy. This was also the greatest difference between a mortal and a martial artist.    


"The star power is exhausted. If I combine it with my martial qi and go through the circulation around my body, I think the effect can be multiplied by several times."    


In the distance, Lin Yeyu and Lin Yu'er were checking the growth environment of the medicinal herbs. Since there was an endless stream of medicinal herbs to be harvested, it was naturally because they needed someone to sow seeds in the mountains.    


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