Rise Against Desperation



In the past, the core disciples of this level had only specified a few moves, but Knifescar didn't. This was because Xiao Hu's luck was bad.    


"Brother Lin Zu, is it really you?"    


With the help of the medicine master, the injured Xiaohu had returned to the position of a janitor disciple. Although he did not enter the core disciples, he was still very happy to be able to enter the outer sect.    


Normally, he would have jumped up and down in joy. However, the matter at Fragrant Flower Village made him unable to untie the knot in his heart, but he also didn't feel too much sadness.    


"Senior brother Hu, don't come here anymore. That's your seat."    


Hearing the surrounding words of worship, Little Tiger couldn't help but to laugh. He looked at the 500 odd service disciples and couldn't find them. Then, he returned to his seat as an outer sect disciple.    


Lin Yuan was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, recalling what he had learned in the past three months. He found that Scarface still possessed some strength, especially when dealing with insidious tricks, which he had to adjust to his best state.    


The competition among the outer sect disciples was already halfway through. It had already been a day, and by the time night fell, the outer sect disciples had already competed for the top three places.    


Lin Hu raised his right hand and said to Senior Lin Yu, who was standing on the stage, as he watched the three people in front of him walk off.    


"I'll give it a try."    


The clan rules stated that one had to become an outer court disciple to be able to challenge the core disciples. He couldn't continue to wait any longer, so he walked out.    


After watching the match for an entire day, the Lin Clan disciples were originally exhausted. The figure that walked out caused the Lin Clan disciples' hearts to tremble. An outer disciple actually had a dark horse? This caused them to look over with interest.    


"Damn, he actually came out from the direction of the service disciples!"    


"Do you see the 20 holes in his clothes? Where did the barbarians come from?"    


"Do you want to go up on stage and embarrass the three of them?"    


"What three people from the outer sect? These three all have the cultivation of Stage Nine Martial Disciples and the highest one is only Stage Ten. From what I see, this kid has the aura of a Stage Three Martial Disciple."    


Initially, there was only a small amount of discussion in the surroundings, but with his next sentence, the surroundings immediately burst into an uproar.    


"Lin Yuan, please advise me."    


After a short period of silence, everyone's gazes were focused on Lin Hu.    


"It's actually him, the genius Lin Hua?"    


"What genius? He's just a piece of trash now."    


On the side of the core disciples, Lin He had already stood up, looking at Lin Hua with a cruel smile.    


As for Lin Caixuan and Lin Nantian, they were both filled with bewilderment as they stared at Lin Hu in disbelief.    


Lin Hu had already made up his mind. Since he would make a move, he would naturally attract the attention of everyone. Although this way, he would be discovered by Lin Hua, but he would definitely attract the attention of the clan lord.    


The Lin Clan had not rotted into the bones yet. There would always be people protecting the high quality seedlings. It was not under the control of these rotten people.    


The top three outer court disciples originally wanted to battle for the top spot, but after looking at Lin Hua, they had a disdainful expression.    


"He's trash. How can he possibly fight against us?"    


"We'll only know after we fight. It's still too early to come to a conclusion."    


Lin Hu then turned his gaze onto Lin Hu, asking him if he could look at the latter as he nodded his head. Lin Hu then revealed a relaxed smile.    




The next few words caused the surroundings to turn silent. Lin Hua, who was on the stage, had an expression of interest on his face as he looked at Lin Hu.    


Patriarch Lin Shan revealed a puzzled look. "Back then, you said that this kid's meridians were damaged and he went out to train?" It seemed like this experiential learning had a good effect. He had a solid foundation, but why was he only at the level of a Fighter 8-dan! Could it be that a problem with his meridians caused his cultivation to drop as well?     


When Lin Hua, who was originally just watching a joke, heard Lin Shan's praise, he immediately revealed a puzzled expression. Back then, his actions were clearer than anyone else that he had secretly crippled Lin Hua that year, and it was not because of his meridians. This sudden appearance of his was actually a martial artist at the eighth stage, which caused him to be overwhelmed with shock.    


"You, a trash, actually want us to attack together!"    


"Bring it on!" It was just two short words, but in their eyes, the three of them thought that Lin Hu was being too arrogant and became angry.    


"Let's go together, I'm in a hurry to face Lin He."    


These words caused the crowd to suck in a breath of cold air. Since the clan gathering had progressed to this stage, meeting such an arrogant person was also a rare occasion.    


"Senior Lin Yu, is this alright?"    


Before Lin Yu could reply, Chief Lin Shan ordered, "Have the three of them attack together and take care of this arrogant brat."    


Seeing how Lin Shan was smiling as he spoke, Lin Yu knew that the clan head wanted to see what capabilities this fellow had.    


"Kid, if you can defeat these three, then come directly to the core disciples. If you can get first place in the core disciple competition, then directly enter the inner court."    


The chief's words clearly showed that he was optimistic about this former genius. This scene caused everyone to be surprised. Could it be that this former genius' meridians had been restored?    


On the stage, Lin Hu stood with his hands behind his back, revealing his Stage Nine Martial Disciple cultivation, facing the three people in front of him.    


"I never thought I would be hiding my cultivation, but I'm only Stage Nine Martial Disciple, it's not even enough!" Accept your death. "    


Lin Hu's release of Lin Hua's cultivation base caused him to stand up, staring at Qin Wentian in shock.    


Looking at Lin Hua's expression, Lin Shan furrowed his brows, puzzled and puzzled.    


As if noticing that he had lost his composure, Lin Hua looked towards Lin He, who was also one of the core disciples. Seeing that Lin He was also puzzled, he stroked his beard, seemingly deep in thought.    


"There's no point in speaking any further. Come and fight."    


The release of Lin Hua's cultivation made those janitor outer sect disciples who had mocked him to remain silent. They quietly watched the martial stage, because it was a slap in the face.    


Lin Hua had used his level nine martial artist cultivation to slap their faces once, and the only thought they had was that the three silhouettes on the stage could defeat Lin Hua.    


In the Martial Spirit Continent, jealousy was the most common and widespread thing. Now, they could only hope for Lin Hua to be defeated, only then would the wounds on their hearts be healed.    


So, the people who had jealousy in their hearts were all staring at the stage without blinking.    


The three outer court disciples were the first to attack Lin Hua, and their fierce gazes revealed killing intent as the corners of their mouths revealed a faint smile.    


"Remember that the three of us are called Lin Long, Lin Lin, and Leopard. Today, you will pay the price for your ignorance and arrogance."    


These words caused the audience to be shocked. The three brothers of the sect were all among the top three outer court disciples.    


The martial skills that the three of them were training in were all martial arts. Three steps forward with one fist and one step forward with the Wind Walk. None of the three had weapons and it was likely that they had yet to practice any weapon martial skills.    


The attacks of the three brothers quickly surrounded Lin Hua, while the Wind Stepping Steps moved swiftly and nimbly towards him.    


With three steps, Lin Hua was hit in the back and the head of his head was hit in the back.    


"The three brothers' teamwork is indeed flawless. This should be unavoidable, right?"    


"Lin Long is Stage Ten martial artist, Lin Hu and Lin Bao are both Stage Nine martial artists. If they were hit by this, they would definitely cough up blood and fall to the ground."    


"Humph!" You think that just because you're a fighter of Stage Nine, you think that you're looking down on everyone else? If this Lin Hua is too weak, let's see how he falls to the ground in a sorry state. "    


The sounds of discussions could be heard from all directions.    


Seeing the three attack, Lin Hua did not use the Eight Movements Chaos Fist, but instead, stepped on the soft steps of the Vermillion Bird Chaser. The Misty Fantasy spirit technique was even stronger than the Wind Stepping Steps, gently dodging the attacks of the three people.    


"He actually dodged it. This Lin Hu's luck is too good. He just happened to pass through the gap in the sky."    


"That's right, why is Lin Yu's luck so good?"    


The three players recovered from the first hit and immediately jumped up, once again surrounding Lin Hua.    


"Good kid, good luck."    


With the aid of the rhythmic movement of her battle qi, Lin Hua didn't say much. Instead, she quietly familiarized herself with the combat techniques of the three opponents.    


Facing this encirclement, Lin Hua drilled through it once again. Her gentle steps made her seem like floating leaves that were blown by the wind, swaying in the wind.    


At this moment, Lin Hua was like a leaf in the flow of martial energy, an arc that was hard to fathom.    


"That little brat dodged it again. He can even dodge it like this. His luck is too good."    


The surroundings once again erupted into a clamor of discussion.    


"This kid's movement technique is not simple!" On the spectator stand, Lin Shan slightly narrowed his eyes as he sized up the situation.    


As the saying goes, an outsider watching the show should be able to see the way for themselves. Lin Hu's movement technique was seen through at a glance by Lin Shan, while the Lin Clan disciples scoffed at him, thinking that Lin Zhu was simply lucky.    


"Brat, why do you only know how to dodge? However, you trash, you can only dodge."    


He ignored the words of the three brothers. Facing their attacks, he was still familiarizing himself with the method of using the Soft Steps of Chasing Chan in actual combat.    


Like a lonely boat, it moved with the wind under the attacks of the three people, always dodging the fatal punch and the palm strike at a critical moment.    


Their gentle and graceful movements had changed from a look of disdain to a serious one. They were no fools; they had already seen that Lin Hu had a movement technique.    


Inadvertently, Lin Hua's greedy gaze could be seen in Lin Hua's eyes. It was obvious that he really wanted to possess this cultivation art.    


Below the stage, the Lin Clan's guards were already discussing amongst themselves. Their eyes were filled with amazement, they were always able to dodge an attack of this length of time.    


It was very difficult for an ordinary person to accomplish such a feat, but the shock on his face turned into ridicule.    


"Trash who only knows how to dodge, so what if he's a Stage Nine Warrior. Trash, he's still trash."    


"Haha, Brother Zhu's words are reasonable. Trash who only know how to dodge will never dare to attack head on."    


"That's right. We cultivators should face the dripping blood head on. However, he only dares to dodge. He is truly giving us cultivators face."    


The audience's discussion did not disrupt Lin Hua's comprehension of Chasing Chan's gentle steps.    


"Did you hear that? The trash said you only know how to dodge, hurry up and attack."    


Lin Long gasped.    


The other two people reacted the same way. The person in front of them was like a feather. Along with the flow of their battle qi, he was able to evade ahead of time. His body was extremely strange.    


On the stage, Lin Hua's eyes narrowed as he carefully examined Lin Hu's movements.    


"This kid's luck is not shallow. He actually managed to learn such a movement technique, and it's even better than the Wind Stepping Steps."    


"Everyone in the Martial Cultivator Continent has a lucky chance. Since this is his lucky chance, even if it doesn't belong to the Lin Family, there is no need to ask about it after the family meeting."    


Lin Shan glanced at Lin Hua and said in an indifferent tone.    


"Yes, Patriarch." Lin He respectfully replied.    


What he didn't know was that no one had noticed Lin Hua's curled lips, and his crafty smile.    


Lin Hu indifferently glanced at the three of them, "The thoughts of others have nothing to do with me."    


Then, with a jolt, his body was struck by the battle techniques of the three cultivators.    


The crowd below the arena burst into an uproar.    


"I've finally won. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."    


"Haha, teach this brat how to be a good person. He is being targeted by the Lin Clan's martial arts' Three Step Inch Fist."    


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