Legend of Sword King



Full moon hill.    


When Xiliang and Hui Wei cultivators fought in the Hundred Miles Battlefield, this was once the Qin family's war zone.    


A few days ago, when the cultivators had decisively won the Hundred Miles Battlefield, the Qin Clan's cultivators had attacked the Full Moon Hills. After the opening of the Sun Moon City battle, the remaining cultivators had gone with them. The only fortifications and barracks that had been built in the past few days were empty.    


But now, on the defensive wall of Full Moon Hills, a group of people dressed as merchants and guards appeared. They stood on top of the stone wall and looked towards the northwest.    


Not long after they appeared, a group of people wearing the same merchant uniform walked out of the forest towards the entrance of the hill. Judging from their speed and movement technique, none of them were below the fifth level of the Xumi Stage.    


Qin Zong Quan stood on top of the city wall, looking at the approaching elite group of wolfmen, and expressionlessly said to Yale Ming Guang who was beside him: "The person who came to pick you up has arrived. When you get back to Uighur, don't forget our agreement. "    


Even if Yeru was wearing ordinary guard attire, his heroic and imposing aura could not be concealed. However, the long term torture wounds still left scars on his face and body. Putting everything aside, his emaciated and pale appearance looked rather miserable.    


"Rest assured, the warriors of the Great Wolf God will definitely keep their promise. The benefits I promised you will be delivered soon. Just you wait. " Looking at his arrogant attitude, he did not seem like a prisoner at all.    


Qin Zong Quan's voice was equally cold: "You may leave."    


Yershin cast a glance at Qin Zong Quan. "To warriors of the Great Wolf God, you lack the least amount of respect. To friends who conspire against you, you lack the least amount of friendliness."    


Qin Zong Quan also looked at Yeluo Mingguang and said with a sneer: "There is only trade between us and there is no friendship, both sides are just taking what they need. And don't think I would respect a Uighur. "    


Yeluo Mingguang was not angered by these words. On the contrary, his previously slightly contemptuous gaze now underwent a change.    


The Uighur came to stand in front of the stone wall. The leader held his chest as he saluted to Yale, "Young master, we are here to pick you up."    


Before leaving, Yeru turned around and glanced in the direction of Zhenyuan City. At that moment, the arrogance on his face disappeared, and a deep sense of humiliation and unwillingness filled his eyes.    


"Cheng Qing..." One day, I will fight you to the death again! " And he swore in his heart.    


Qin Zong Quan's expression remained as unfathomable as ever as he watched Yeru Mingguang leave the city walls and disappear into the forest with the Uighur Wolves. He did not stay any longer and quickly turned around to leave. "Let's go."    


Just as Qin Zong Quan and his entourage were descending from Full Moon Hill and were about to head to Sun Moon City to meet up with the caravan on the main road, suddenly, a member of the Qin family hurriedly came to report: "Reporting to elder, a group of cultivators have come rushing towards us. They are extremely fast and will be arriving soon!"    


Qin Zong Quan frowned: "Who is it?"    


That cultivator said, "Someone from the An Tian Sect!"    


The An Tian Sect had quite a grudge with the Qin Clan. If one were to say that the cultivators of the Qin Clan didn't recognize them, then it would be quite unlikely.    


"What are they doing here? Is he trying to cause trouble for you? " A cultivator beside Qin Zong Quan asked curiously. Although he was dressed as a merchant, he was still a member of the Thousand Extreme Martial School. Moreover, he also had the identity of an elder. In terms of position, he was not inferior to Qin Zong.    


Qin Zong Quan's eyes darkened. Normally, he would fight to the death with the An Tian Sect to avenge the Black Stone Mountain that day. But now that the war was over, and there were many caravans on the main road, private battles were inevitable under the eyes of many, and were not tolerated by martial law.    




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