Legend of Sword King



After being punched in the nose by Cheng Qing, Lu Sha's vision turned dark, while his mind was immersed in an endless blank. He felt as if the sky had turned dark, and he suddenly lost all consciousness.    


When he crashed into the wall of the shop, the pain finally brought his consciousness back to his body. When he realized that he had been sent flying by Cheng Qing's punch, humiliation and anger completely surrounded him.    


He crashed into the wall, then fell to the ground. Unable to control himself any longer, he spat out a mouthful of blood. At that moment, Lu Sha felt a wave of irresistible weakness, as if all the strength in his body had been sucked out.    


His heart was greatly shaken. He struggled to stand up, but his feet staggered and his legs were as soft as noodles. He was unable to support his entire body at all. This caused him to be extremely shocked, and he felt as if he had fallen into a cave of ice.    


Then Lu Sha saw Du Li and Bai Jingxue, and the surprise and disbelief on their faces. It was obvious that they were not prepared for Lu Sha's complete and complete defeat.    


However, what truly humiliated Lu Sha was the doubt in Bai Jingxue's eyes.    


It was a question of his strength.    


It was as if he was saying, "My boss is so incompetent, he can't even beat a young man?" Then why is he still my boss?    


Lu Sha went crazy at this moment. With a low growl, he did not care about the pain from his broken nose nor the blood that came out of his nose. Like a tiger and leopard, he charged towards Cheng Qing!    


"Little bastard, I'll kill you!" Lu Sha roared.    


Before he got up, he had swallowed a military breaking pellet.    


It was a Mysterious grade spirit pellet, priceless. After consuming it, it would greatly stimulate the potential of the cultivator and increase his battle prowess by one entire realm. It was a powerful weapon that could turn the tides and kill the enemy in the face of battle.    


However, after the effects of the medicine were over, cultivators would suffer from internal injuries and would require continuous rest and nourishment from the medicine before they could recover — the amount of medicine needed to heal injuries was too great for ordinary cultivators to bear.    


This "Breaking Military Pill" was a medicinal pill used in the military. Normally, it was given to middle and low ranking generals to unleash their battle prowess and reverse the tide of the battle.    


After the war, only the military could give the generals large amounts of medicine they needed to recuperate from their injuries.    


This was why this pill was called the "Military Breaking Pill".    


Lu Sha had spent a huge sum of money and expended a great deal of effort to obtain this "War Breaking Pill". It was his life saving weapon and would not be used unless he was at the end of the line.    


But now, being beaten up by a young man in front of his subordinates in just a few moves, it wasn't just a matter of his dignity being humiliated, but also the loss of his dignity.    


If this matter were to spread like this, there would probably be many people who would question his strength. Without prestige, how could Lu Sha lead his team in the future?    


Thus, in this battle, even if Lu Sha were to go all out, he absolutely could not afford to lose!    


After consuming the "War Breaking Pill", Lu Sha's momentum soared, giving off a sense of oppression akin to a mountain range. His strength was already at the ninth level of the Xumi Stage, and now that he had taken the "Army Breaking Pill", his strength was infinitely close to that of a prisoner.    


"I didn't think it would be, little bastard. I have the Destruction Pill in my hands!" You can go and die now! " Lu Sha roared, "If you let me waste this' War Breaking Pill ', after you die, I will hack you into a thousand pieces and use your minced meat to feed this wild dog!"    


Looking at Lu Sha, whose face was flushed and his hair was disheveled like a mad demon, Cheng Qing's expression was calm, and there was even a hint of disdain in his eyes. "You want to compete with me for pills?"    




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