Legend of Sword King



With a bang, the fist in Cheng Qing's hand landed directly on the bearded official's face, smashing his nose into his face. The small mustached man didn't even have time to react before his black body was sent flying. Blood spurted out of his nose, forming an arc in the air.    


Only when his body knocked over the cabinet documents behind him and flipped over on the ground did he let out a pig-like scream. However, after struggling for a while, he did not manage to get up. Instead, he fell to the ground several times before fainting.    


It was only then that the guards who had rushed in finally reacted from their disbelief. The captain of the guards bellowed, "You're dead for sure today!" "Let's attack together!"    


As the sound of his voice faded, Cheng Qing turned to look at him. Upon seeing the other party's icy gaze, the guard captain couldn't help but shiver. It was a pair of eyes he had never seen before.    


But how vicious were those eyes? No matter how fierce a person's eyes were, they could never be more vicious than a wild beast's. It was just that these eyes were too emotionless. They were merciless, the eyes that had killed too many people and looked at him as if he was an ant that could be crushed at any time without the slightest fluctuation of emotion in his heart.    


Facing such a gaze, even the captain felt his heart palpitate. That was the fear and despair of facing a powerful devil, knowing that the other party would immediately kill him, and that he would be powerless to do anything.    


However, the captain was not an average person, and this feeling of despair was quickly suppressed by him. At that instant, even he felt that it was absurd. The person standing in front of him was only a sixteen or seventeen year old youth, so how could he have the temperament of someone who had lived for many years and experienced slaughter?    


The absurd feeling angered the guard captain. He couldn't help but growl as he drew his sword and raised it high above his head. Then, he used his Essence to slash down towards Cheng Qing!    


The saber exploded forth with a cultivation at the eighth level of the Xumi Stage. A violent storm formed in front of the saber, forming a tornado that could be seen with the naked eye. From this, it could be seen that this captain was also someone of power.    


One had to know that the Elders of the four big clans of the Spirit Martial County were at this level. They were extremely respected in the Spirit Martial County. However, in the military, a Xumi Stage Level 8 could only serve as a guard team.    


Facing this cut, Cheng Qing's face showed no fear at all.    


Facing this saber strike that was like the tides, he simply punched out.    


A simple straight punch.    


Directly facing each other.    


This punch was ordinary and nothing special. At least, that was the case with the captain's knife. If anything was different about him, it was that he was too fast, compared to the blade of the captain.    


Because of his speed, before the long blade of the guard had even landed, his fist had already struck the door.    


Because the blast had hit him in the face, the captain could only fly backwards like the bearded officer. Blood spurted out of his nose in an arc.    


His cultivation was at the eighth level of the Xumi Stage, but his end was the same as the little mustache at the sixth level of the Xumi Stage. In front of Cheng Qing, who was only at the fifth level of the Xumi Stage, they couldn't withstand a single punch. They couldn't withstand a single blow.    


However, at this moment, the other guards also made their move. They had five people, and all of them were at least a fifth-grade Xumi Stage!    


Cheng Qing didn't spare them another glance.    


In other words, Cheng Qing had seen their movements for a long time.    


After knocking out the captain with one punch, Cheng Qing strangely disappeared. His speed was too fast, to the point that when everyone saw him move, all they saw was a series of afterimages among the guards.    


This was the ultimate movement technique and extreme speed; at least in the Xumi Stage, no one could defeat him.    


This was the result of Cheng Qing's cultivation of the Soaring Sky Technique.    


One by one, the guards were sent flying off the ground!    




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