Legend of Sword King



Under the night sky, the howls of the wolves were loud and clear, and the waves on the surface of the river rippled in all directions. Swimming fishes leapt out one after another, as if they were on a pilgrimage. Birds flew up from the mountain forest, and all sorts of cries rose and fell.    


This scene, no matter how one looked at it, was a bit shocking. No matter what, this big bad wolf was definitely not an ordinary wolf. With Cheng Qing's experience, he couldn't tell what kind of wolf it was.    


What surprised Cheng Qing was that before the big bad wolf's howl even fell, there was someone running out from the treetops. The other party was petite, but agile like a monkey. His explosive force was great. He would jump from tree branch to tree branch, and with every step he took, he would jump dozens of feet away.    


The young lady flew out from the treetop, her brown curly hair blooming like a flower. Her agile body stretched out in the air, and with an elegant somersault, she landed precisely on the back of the direwolf.    


When the girl appeared, the big bad wolf's howls abruptly stopped. Now that the girl had settled down, it raised its head and howled. It looked like a war horse welcoming its master, about to set foot on the battlefield.    


Looking at the other party, Cheng Qing had a warm and sincere smile on his face. The young girl was naturally none other than the wolf-robed young girl who had given him tears. She was still dressed in the same introduction, her brown curls hanging down over her shoulders, full of life, and her wolfskin dress adding a touch of wildness.    


Her face, however, was plump and delicate, like a porcelain doll's. There were no blemishes on her face, only a little baby fat. Of course, what struck Cheng Qing the most were those eyes that were even brighter than obsidian. They were clear and bright, without impurities, without desire, without emotion, like a green leaf or a clear pool.    


She sat on the back of the big bad wolf, her white and slender calves buried in its hair. It made her look especially small and petite, just like a seven or eight-year-old girl. The wolf girl was also surprised to see Cheng Qing, but she didn't move her eyes away from Cheng Qing, as if she was waiting for Li Ye to speak.    


Not long after, two people and a wolf sat together in front of the bonfire by the river.    


Cheng Qing was in charge of grilling the fat fish, while the wolf girl was in charge of devouring the fat fish. A pile of fish bones soon formed at her feet. Her skill in eating fish was extremely brilliant. After eating a fish, she basically didn't destroy the skeleton. This skill of hers even frightened Cheng Qing.    


The big bad wolf was sitting next to the girl in wolf robes. After it had eaten one fish, it didn't have another. The originally majestic war wolf was now like a child, stretching out a claw and occasionally giving the wolf girl a nick.    


However, the wolf girl didn't care about it at all. She ate happily as she had never tasted anything so delicious before. She didn't even care about the big bad wolf as she pushed its thick claws away from her.    


Cheng Qing admired the wolf-robed girl's appetite. She had already eaten more than a dozen pieces, but had no intention of stopping. Cheng Qing really didn't know how long it had been since this guy ate.    


However, judging from the other party's appearance, it was impossible for him to eat anything good, so it was quite pitiful to think about it. Therefore, he didn't say anything else and grilled the other party fish peacefully.    


Two hours later, the great cause of grilling and eating fish finally came to an end. Cheng Qing had not eaten a single fish, but he no longer had the strength to roast fish. He could only starve.    


He took out the dagger that he had bought in the West River town and gave it to the wolf girl. The dagger had finally found its owner.    




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