Legend of Sword King



Seeing these people, Cheng Qing's eyebrows jumped, these people were actually peach wood people!    


They all had the same body, but they weren't wearing any clothes. Their facial features seemed carved into them, and they looked extremely strange. However, their eyes shone with scarlet light, and as soon as they appeared, they started attacking Zhao E Mei!    


They had arms, but no palms. This was because their palms had been replaced by a peach wood sword!    


The peach wood person closest to Zhao E Mei, with the peach wood sword in its hand, had already arrived in front of the dazed Zhao E Mei!    


Cheng Qing didn't have time to think. He gave a low shout, wanting to wake Zhao E up, and jumped out at the same time. The Heaven Lake Sword cut down, the green sword Qi striking the peach wood man in front of Zhao E Mei!    


With a bang, the peach wood person was sent flying. There was an eye-catching sword mark on his body, but he quickly jumped up. It seemed that his body was very stiff, so the movement of him jumping up looked extremely strange!    


At this moment, the other mahogany men had already neared Zhao E Mei. Their speed was unbelievably fast! However, Zhao E Mei did not react at all!    


Seeing that the peach wood sword had already pierced Zhao E's brow, Cheng Qing quickly pushed her away, but he was still a bit too slow. The peach wood sword drew a line of blood on Zhao E Mei's left arm.    


"Lotus Blooming Sword Qi!"    


Cheng Qing had no time to think. He activated the "Green Lotus Sword Song" sword style, causing seven green lotuses to bloom. Meanwhile, Cheng Qing's sword qi headed straight for the eyes of the peach wood man!    


He could already tell that these peach wood people were not strong because when they attacked, they did not even have sword qi.    


However, because the peach wood was carved with runes, it was extremely sharp. Coupled with their tough bodies, their speed and ease in killing Zhao Yimei, they were both extremely difficult to deal with!    


Only his eyes looked abnormal on the entire peach wood person, so Cheng Qing could only try to attack his opponent's eyes.    


She found herself sitting on the ground, her left arm was burning in pain, and when she turned around, she discovered that she was hurt. Her eyes were filled with surprise and confusion, and then she heard a loud popping sound as she looked up, only to see the heads of the seven peach wood people exploding one after another as they fell, and Cheng Qing had only just revealed himself!    


Chen Qing, who had revealed himself, took a step forward. The Heaven Lake Sword pierced the eyes of the eighth peach wood person, and the sword Qi directly smashed his head into pieces!    


Zhao Yimei was also a veteran of the martial arts world, so how could she not understand what had happened? She was the one who was almost killed, and it was Chen Qing who had saved her.    


After dealing with the peach wood man, Cheng Qing sheathed his sword and asked Zhao E with concern, "How are your injuries?"    


Zhao Yimei had already stood up and shook her head slightly. "Thank you, Young Master Chen, for saving me."    


Perhaps it was because she felt that her words were out of character, or perhaps she felt that those words were not her style, Zhao E revealed a charming smile, "Sir Chen has saved my life, how can I repay you? If Sir Chen does not mind, then I …"    


"Promise me with your body? "Alright!" Cheng Qing immediately replied with a serious face.    


Zhao E Mei felt that her charm had been wasted and had no effect on Cheng Qing. Besides, a myriad of flirtatious moves could not make Cheng Qing lose his mind. She could only glare at Cheng Qing helplessly, "Sir Chen, aren't you afraid that Miss Lin will eat you?"    


Cheng Qing nodded and said seriously, "I'm afraid."    


Zhao Yimei rolled her eyes. She was defeated by Cheng Qing, but this guy had never played according to common sense. Even if she had 36 tricks, it would be useless against Cheng Qing.    




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