Legend of Sword King



"Alright!" Zhao E agreed without a second thought.    


Cheng Qing laughed. He didn't know if this woman believed in his character or was scared to death by the cave.    


As the two walked on, Cheng Qing walked behind them with a relaxed expression on his face. Even when Zhao E Mei was walking in front, she was still trembling in fear. Sometimes, when her feet stepped on a rock, it would make a loud noise and her shoulders would shake.    


Cheng Qing could have talked to Zhao E Mei to lessen her nervousness, but he didn't choose to do so. It was a joke. If he did, Zhao E Mei would be able to relax and lose a lot of fun.    


An hour later, Cheng Qing suddenly stopped. He looked at the side wall and walked over. He squatted down by the place where the torch was placed and wiped the floor with his hand. His expression slightly changed.    


"What's wrong?" Zhao E asked.    


"There's ash, it's not wet. Looks like someone came here first, and it's just a few days ago." Cheng Qing said in a deep voice.    


"How is this possible!" "No one can pass the light barrier around the cave entrance!" Zhao E said with widened peach blossom eyes.    


Chen Qing saw that Zhao E's reaction was real and did not seem like an act. He said seriously, "The Zhao Family cannot enter, but that does not mean that other people cannot enter as well."    


Zhao E was taken aback, but she still refused to believe him. "But apart from our Zhao Family, we haven't heard of anyone else who has obtained a bronze compass like this. How did they find out about this place?"    


"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean that you haven't. It doesn't mean that you can't discover this place either." Cheng Qing looked at Zhao E Mei's pale face. "Next, we have to be careful."    


Zhao E nodded with a serious look in her eyes.    


After they walked for another half an hour, a bright light appeared in front of their eyes, and the two of them sped up their pace to catch up. When they arrived at the exit and saw the scene in front of them, the two of them looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.    


The two of them were still several zhang away from the ground. From here, they could see a flat valley with a circumference of 100 mu and endless peach blossoms.    


In the middle of the Peach Blossom Forest, there was a small hill surrounded by a small river that looked like the Immortal Island. In the middle of the Peach Blossom Forest, there was a small surrounding mountain surrounded by a small river that looked like the Peach Blossom Forest.    


"Is this not an immortal palace?" Zhao E whispered absentmindedly. The scene before her eyes was simply too beautiful.    


Zhao E had been on tenterhooks the whole time she was walking in the cave, and now that she was finally able to relax, she was naturally relieved. Seeing such a beautiful scenery again, she was so relaxed and happy that she unconsciously took a step forward and jumped down from the exit, landing at the edge of the peach blossoms forest.    


Cheng Qing was about to follow Zhao E and jump off the mountain when he suddenly frowned. A dangerous aura suddenly enveloped his mind, and the Heaven Lake Sword flew into his hand without his summoning. It let out a loud and clear cry, causing his eyes to glaze over as he instantly came to his senses!    


Bewitching Spell!    


Just now, he had been hit by the Bewitching Spell!    


Cheng Qing quickly realized that he had been possessed by the bewitching spell the moment he saw the forest, and thus his mind wasn't on it. He was only subconsciously trying to get closer to the forest!    


This Peach Blossom Forest was definitely not as beautiful and harmless as it looked!    


Did the Peach Blossom Forest activate the bewitching magic, or was there someone hiding inside?    


With Cheng Qing's knowledge and experience, he was still under the effect of the bewitching spell. It was easy to imagine how powerful this technique was. Zhao E Mei was already walking towards the peach forest. She definitely had not woken up yet!    




Chen Qing was about to shout out a warning to Zhao E, but he already saw one figure after another flying out of the forest. There were no less than seven or eight of them!    




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