Legend of Sword King



Cheng Qing jumped up from the roof, stepped on the wall, bowed and ran. With a few leaps, he reached the roof of the gate.    


Lin Xin ran out right after, her body like a sparrow, a pair of daggers in her hands already tightly clenched, green light flickering around her.    


Li Muhao took out his black broadsword and pointed it in the direction of the main entrance, "The Tranquil Sky Sect! "Kill them all!"    


With these words, he jumped down from the roof and landed in the courtyard. Around him, all the cultivators of the Tranquil Sky Sect took out their magic tools and shouted in unison, "Slaughter the Tranquil Sky Sect!"    


Li Muhao took the lead as the twenty Ascension Realm cultivators of the An Tian Sect followed him out, charging towards the door with incredible momentum!    


On the roof of the gate, Cheng Qing looked coldly at the two sides of the street. The street outside the gate was undoubtedly the place where the attackers were gathering.    


Chen Qing snorted coldly, jumping down from the roof to the left. Raising his Heaven Lake Sword high above his head, he poured all the Essence in his body into the sword. The dense ancient runes on the Heaven Lake Sword lit up and quickly spread to the entire sword blade.    


Like a battleship that had suddenly entered the sea from a shipyard, it stirred up an earth-shattering wave. The attackers within fifteen meters of the street, whose clothes suddenly burst open, instantly forming a bloody mist that scattered to both sides of the street like a peony that had just bloomed and withered in the blink of an eye.    


The might of the sword caused more than ten cultivators to perish on the spot, and a large portion of the street was suddenly emptied. The might of the sword caused more than ten cultivators to perish on the spot, and a large portion of the street was suddenly empty, leaving only corpses on the ground.    


After a single strike, Chen Qing landed on the street. The Heaven Lake Sword swept horizontally, and the azure sword Qi once again shot out.    


The green light was so dazzling that even the walls of the courtyard on both sides of the street were clearly visible. The green light was so sharp that the person blocking in front of it was cut into two halves. They did not even have the time to let out a scream before they lost their lives.    


"Plop, plop." The attackers fell one after the other. The entire group was like wheat harvested, directly falling to the ground.    


Cheng Qing stepped forward with his sword in hand. His face was calm, and he did not utter a single word. However, his eyes were filled with murderous intent!    


That killing intent was so clear that it radiated from Cheng Qing's eyes, it was as if it was real, more powerful than even the ice-cold arrows. Anyone who saw the look in Cheng Qing's eyes would be greatly shocked.    


The Heaven Lake Sword slashed horizontally and horizontally. Two sword Qis formed a cross, respectively shooting forward like shooting stars in the sky, clearing the path in front of him.    


"You dare!" An angry roar sounded as a burly man wearing a glyph armor rose from the ground. He held a silver spear in his hand as he jumped forward. When he arrived in front of everyone, the spear glinted with a silver light as he fiercely swung it.    


Two sword energies were directly sliced in half in front of him by his silver spear!    


This burly man's cultivation base had reached the sixth level of the Nazi realm!    


The talisman armor he wore was refined using the strength of talismans and could protect his body. It was a rare magic tool with no blind spots on his defense. Only cultivators who had broken through to the Nazi realm and reached the Xumi Realm would have the qualifications to refine such armor!    


At the same time, the sword Qis of the Ascension Realm cultivators were also unable to penetrate the talismans, injuring the people under them!    




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