Legend of Sword King



When Bai Xiuli first came over, he was yelling that he wanted to drink 300 liters with Cheng Qing. In fact, this guy's alcohol capacity was only average. After a short fight with Cheng Qing, he was beaten twice and then fell unconscious on the table.    


Everyone had different postures. Some loved to speak nonsense, some liked to cry, and some just slept very quietly.    


In the middle of the night, a large part of the camp's soldiers had fallen to the ground. Some of them couldn't even stand properly, and had to wrestle by the bonfire; some of them were usually depressed, but now they started to recite the poem aloud; some of them even told the tale of "before drinking, I am cool, while after drinking, I am cold" in full detail.    


Yang Ruoxi and Song Xuejun fought in a very strange way, and the battlefield actually moved from the table to under the table. Song Qianshu curled up the jar of wine on the floor and fell asleep.    


Some of the drunk soldiers directly took his fat body as a pillow and a bed. Before long, a large number of people had fallen asleep on his body. Shen Bei Wang's sturdy frame made him groan, but in the end, he was unable to push them down.    


Li Muhao looked the most serious as he sat cross-legged with his pitch-black saber across his knees, looking as if he was meditating. When a staggering drunkard kicked him down, his body stiffened and fell to the side. However, his posture remained the same, looking very magical.    


Not everyone was drunk. There were only a few dozen cultivators on duty in the sect, and they didn't drink alcohol. Cheng Qing left the table and returned. Seeing such a scene, he was about to return to his tent to rest when Liu Jingan came over with two people to support him.    


"I'm fine." Cheng Qing waved his hand, indicating that he was still awake.    


"Master, we have calculated the numbers for this battle. Do you want to listen to it now?" Liu Jing An couldn't help but ask when he saw Cheng Qing wasn't drunk. Seeing the pride and eagerness on his face, Cheng Qing knew that he had gained a lot in this battle.    


Because the military merits of ordinary soldiers were based on the number of the enemy they had killed, and killing the enemy by beheading their head, in any battle on the battlefield, once the enemy fell into a chaotic battle, the enemy's head would immediately be beheaded and pinned to the belt of the soldier's pants before continuing to fight.    


Many times, on the battlefield, it was possible to see soldiers with dead heads under their arms, while shouting and chasing after the enemy.    


The cultivators of the Tranquil Sky Sect naturally looked down on the heads of the ordinary soldiers. They only saw the Qiankun bag of the wolfwalker in their eyes, so they would definitely take it away with them when they kill the enemy.    


The "harvest" that Liu Jingan had mentioned was mainly for this purpose.    


After the An Tian Sect had returned to the army camp from the Sun Moon City, before they celebrated their victory, they handed all their captured Cosmic Bags over to Liu Jingan – Liu Jingan didn't bother drinking anymore. Instead, he brought the cultivators with him as he held a pile of storage pouches and took inventory of their battle results.    


"Tell me, how much is it?" Cheng Qing asked with interest.    


"In this battle, we have captured 782 Cosmic Bag. Among them, the Xumi Stage Cosmic Bag is about 200. All the magic tools, medicinal pills, and spirit stones added up together make a total of 24,000 Xuan grade 2 spirit stones!" Liu Jing An's eyes lit up as he spoke, his voice changing its tone of excitement.    


Cheng Qing nodded his head. This harvest was not bad. After all, it was just a simple wolfwalker's Qiankun bag, and the military merits gained from slaying the wolfwalker and the ordinary warriors had not been taken into account.    




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