Legend of Sword King



A single proof of military merits of the Xumi Stage was enough to make a valiant cultivator extremely proud. After boasting for half a day, it drew the admiration of everyone, and they even dared to take the initiative to provoke other cultivators.    


Moreover, among the proof of military exploits that Cheng Qing had poured out, there were no less than 20 fifth grade Sumeru Realm wolfmen, and there was no lack of sixth or seventh grade Sumeru realm martial artists. This was with Cheng Qing concealing a portion of his high grade military exploits.    


The way the crowd looked at Cheng Qing gradually became strange.    


A 16 or 17 year old youth, yet he was actually able to kill a Sumeru Realm sixth or seventh grade Wolf King. This was truly shocking. It was not that such a person did not exist, but he had to at least be a member of a family. Furthermore, he had to be one of the absolute geniuses within a family.     


Could it be that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him was actually a Young Master of some influential family?!    


No matter who Cheng Qing was, it was undeniable that he was an absolute warrior, stronger than most of the people present by more than one level! Compared to him, that elite cultivator's boasting military merits were not even worth mentioning.    


The face of the elite cultivator was filled with shock. He could not help but take two steps back, almost losing his balance. To be able to kill a fifth-grade Summoner, that was his limit. With Chen Qing's military achievements, it was possible to guess how many wolfwalker experts he had killed.    


When the two competed, their strengths weren't even on the same level.    


When he thought of the provocation he had just received from Cheng Qing, the elite cultivator was filled with regret. He was so regretful that his intestines turned green.    


The female cultivators who had been looking at the vigorous cultivators with shining eyes also turned to Cheng Qing, but they did not act rashly, because they knew that with this kind of strength, Cheng Qing's background must not be small, and would not lack women. With their beauty, they had no right to even approach Cheng Qing!    


No matter what the other cultivators were thinking, they had already come to the conclusion that Cheng Qing was not a simple person. They could only befriend him, and not offend him.    


The one in charge of registration was a short, fat, middle-aged man with a red face. He excitedly said to Chen Qing, "Sir, you have brought a great amount of military merits. It will take a lot of time to count them. Please follow me to the second floor since you don't have enough men."    


Cheng Qing nodded and followed the middle-aged official to the second floor. It was for ordinary cultivators. With the military merits that Chen Qing had brought back, it was already sufficient for him to enjoy the VIP service. Naturally, he could go to the second floor, where there was only a small number of people, one-on-one service.    


Chen Qing sat down in a private room on the second floor, and the middle-aged official ordered some people to serve tea before he started chatting with Chen Qing. Chen Qing sat down in a private room on the second floor, and the middle-aged official ordered some people to serve tea before he started chatting with Chen Qing.    


Cheng Qing didn't say anything and just waited.    


The middle-aged official continued, "The amethyst mine and the Wolf God Ruins, which were discovered at Mount Qilian, are of relevance to the century-long fortune of our Western Lion Empire and the Uighurs. It is no small matter, because right now, the two countries' cultivators are pouring in and fighting each other. This is an all-out war between the young and heroic!"    


Cheng Qing, seeing that the other party had the intention of going on with his speech, could not help but to wave his hand and make up his mind. "Sire, if you have something to say, you can just say it."    


The middle-aged official was interrupted without a care. He chuckled and said, "Alright! Master Chen is a straightforward person! Since that's the case, I'll be frank. I am currently not a Minister for Foreign Affairs, I come from the Qi Feudal Lords, and I want to invite young master to join my Qi Feudal Lord team to hunt the wolfwalker together with me! Of course, Young Master Chen is a rare talent, and the Qi Feudal Lords would never treat you unfairly. For the military merits that Young Master Chen has obtained, other than obtaining a reward from the military, the Qi Feudal Lords would also reward Young Master Chen equally! "    


The battle of Qi Lianshan had become a battlefield for the young generation of the Empire's younger generation only because of the fact that they were able to move freely in the rising star realm and the Xumi realm. In order to encourage the Feudal Lords families to send out their young talents to participate in the war, the Empire established a military merit list and rewarded those who performed outstandingly, including officials, titles, and cultivation resources.    


For the Feudal Lords families, their disciples could obtain military merits in this battle. Other than gaining face and glory, there were also official positions and benefits. Naturally, they would not hold back in the slightest and fight to be the first to arrive.    


The disciples of the Feudal Lords families can bring their followers into the battlefield. In this case, the fighting strength of the followers directly affects the military merits of the disciples of the Feudal Lords family.    




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