Naruto: One-click 999



"This is the last group …"    


While Ohnoki's side was busy rebuilding after the war, Xiao Tian stretched out his hand to rub Hei Tu's small head and then looked at the young man beside him.    


"Mm, next, should we fight our way in?"    


The long door with only the Eye of Reincarnation spoke faintly.    


After three years of recuperation, along with the help of Xiao Tian and Orojimaru, not only had the long door increased his physical fitness, but it had also recovered some of his damaged pupil.    


But even so, the attitude of the Zhang Clan towards Xiao Tian was still not very good.    


According to their thoughts, the reason why Xiao Tian kept him and the reason why he listened to their orders was because they were using each other to their advantage.    


Other than that, there was nothing else.    


"You're still brooding over my words?"    


Xiao Tian naturally could see what was on the mind of the long door.    




This was the reality. There was no need to deny anything.    


Seeing that the door agreed so readily, Xiao Tian merely shrugged his shoulders, then continued to hold the black soil in his small hand and shook it as he spoke.    


"Long Door, rather than disgust, I feel that you should feel lucky right now. You should feel lucky that you still have some value in using them. When humans are alive, all sorts of interactions are being used on one another."    


"If, in the eyes of others, you are completely useless, then you truly need to feel lamentable. Because, at that time, you no longer have any reason to continue staying in this world."    




Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the door fell into a deep silence. They didn't know what to say now.    


However, he was certain of one thing, and that was that the person using him was indeed not lying to him.    


"Maybe you're right."    


"Why not?"    


Xiao Tian shrugged. At the same time, he pinched her cheek and played with her.    


Regarding this, not only did the long door not pay attention to it, it even added on.    


"The two of us have similar thoughts. We both choose to use absolute force to sweep away all obstacles in our path, and then use tolerance to accept the other party. We will protect the peace of this world and let the world know how precious peace is."    


"But on this road, you are clearly going farther and better than we are. If Yahiko didn't die, perhaps he would really admire you. "    




Xiao Tian was stunned when he heard what the long door said.    


Yahiko? The founder of the organization.    


If he could collect enough points to complete the perfect and filthy earth reincarnation process, he would definitely want to revive that guy.    


Facing such an interesting brat, Xiao Tian was never stingy with his help.    


However, although he thought this in his heart, he still acted as if he didn't care and casually waved his hand.    


"Forget it. I don't want to be chased by a little brat every day. That kind of appearance is too annoying."    




The door didn't believe or mind Xiao Tian's answer at all.    


After three years of interaction, he had a rough understanding of Killer God of Konoha and Xiao Tian's personalities.    


This guy always liked to quietly help others. He seemed heartless on the surface, but in reality, he was extremely warm-hearted.    


Of course, this side of Xiao Tian would only be shown to specific people. As for Xiao Tian's enemy …    


He could only face Killer God of Konoha, who terrified everyone.    




Just as the long door was chatting with Xiao Tian, the Thunder Shadow from Hidden Cloud Village sensed that something was amiss.    




"What did you say?" The scouts outside the village have all disappeared? "    


"Dammit, why do I have a bad feeling about this!"    


Thunder Shadow slammed his fist on the table in front of him, his expression turning serious.    


"Immediately put the village on full alert and send some people to make a competition. At this time, he shouldn't be wandering around outside, so he shouldn't prepare for any concerts."    


"Yes, Lord Lei Ying!"    


Hearing Lei Ying's words, the Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members who were kneeling on the ground immediately agreed.    


It was just that not long after that Assassinate Tactical Special Forces member left, an angry beast's roar sounded from the side of the Hidden Cloud Village.    


Hearing this voice, Lei Ying did not waste any words, his entire body was filled with lightning attribute Chakra s, and he rushed out of the office.    


"Not good, this is more dangerous!"    


"Come with me!" You, go and notify all Assassinate Tactical Special Forces members to join the battle! "    


"Yes, Lord Lei Ying!"    


For a moment, the entire Hidden Cloud Village surged.    


Just as Lei Ying rushed out of Hidden Cloud Village, the eyes of the long door suddenly froze.    


"Someone's coming."    


Not only that, he could faintly hear the angry roars.    


This voice did not seem to belong to someone that the Ninja could have. Could it be that the person who had come was …    


"You didn't guess wrong, that's the Eight Tailed Human Column Force of Hidden Cloud Village, the Qi Rabbi. He is known as the brat who has the most tacit understanding with the leader."    


"You should go and try him. Don't disappoint me. Show me all the results of these three years of training."    




Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the long door already knew that other than taking action, he had no other choice.    


Furthermore, when he accepted Xiao Tian's suggestion to return to Konoha, he had already given up on himself.    


He only wanted to obtain even more powerful strength so that he could personally take revenge on Uchiha Madara.    


So right now, even if Xiao Tian wants to destroy the entire Hidden Cloud Village, I won't hesitate at all at the door.    


Not to mention, their orders were merely sabotage.    


Thinking of this, the door slowly raised its hands as it floated in the air.    


"Shinro – Heavenly Siege!"    




The frightening repulsive force crazily rushed in all directions at this time. Even the Eight Tailed Human Column Force who were rushing over had no choice but to be forcefully stopped in their tracks.    


"Comparing, this guy is very dangerous."    


"I know. "However, since this guy wants to attack the village, it means that he also wants to kill Big Brother."    


At this point, he pulled out several ninja knives from his waist, a resolute look on his face.    


"Therefore, no matter what, I must stop him at this place. Even if I cannot defeat him, I must beat him back!"    




Qi Rabbi had already made up his mind. There was nothing he could do about the eight tails in his body. He could only compromise.    


"If that's the case, then you should be careful. Use my power when necessary, don't be polite."    


"Hm!" "If that's the case, then I will go up!"    




The ground shattered, and Qi La rushed out.    


"I am an Eight Tailed Human Column Force, Lord Qi La, yo yo yo, look how amazing I am!"    




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