Supplier of the Fairyland



Chapter 8 - Missing a Lady Boss    


How impressive was this? In the Star Glory City, even if it was in the Sky Sect, at this age, to have a late stage Qi Cultivating Stage cultivation, was already considered a genius!    


Fang Qi, who was originally crippled, had actually been promoted to a half step Foundation Establishment stage. Furthermore, looking at his calm aura, he did not look unstable at all.    


In Xue Qianren's eyes, besides shock, there was also a hint of fear and caution.    


It wasn't that there weren't any forces that could help a cripple recover in a few days, but rather, there were powers that could allow a good-for-nothing's body to not only recover, but his cultivation to soar as well ?    


This kind of power was particularly terrifying.    


At least in Xue Qianren's knowledge, he had never come into contact with such a power.    


Even the upper echelons of the Star Glory City felt that they had never possessed such strength.    


"Hello, Uncle Xue ?"    


When Fang Qi saw Xue Xue, he had probably guessed Xue Qianren's identity.    


"Hello... Hello, I heard from Xue'er that you have a elixir that can cure the poison ? Uncle Xue came to ask for it brazenly, but of course, you'll have plenty of spirit stones! "    


Xue Qianren suppressed the shock in his heart for the time being. With Xue Xue's example before him, Xue Qianren had more or less made some preparations.    


"Of course not, Uncle Xue is a Foundation Establishment level indigowoad root. The price is 20,000. After drinking it with boiling water, your internal injuries will gradually heal and the pill poison will also be eliminated!"    


Originally, he was a little irritated that there would be a knock on the door in the middle of the night, but now that he was full of energy, the System had just swallowed down a huge amount of money and he was worrying about having a picnic without rice!    


When Xiao Yi went to sleep, Fang Qi took care of it herself. She brought a bowl of boiled water from the backyard and Xue Xue walked over to help him soak the Foundation Establishment stage indigowoad root in it. Xue Qianren trembled as she received the bowl of greenish black liquid with bluish roots and gulped it down in one go.    


Afraid of wasting it after drinking it, he licked the bottom of the bowl a few times.    


After licking it, he probably felt the same gaze as Xue Xue did, and his face couldn't help but turn red.    


The Indigo Root worked quickly. Xue Qianren had already felt that the pill poison that had coiled around him for several decades was gradually disappearing, and his body that had been eroded by the pill poison for several tens of years was also slowly being healed. His complexion also gradually became redder ?    


This feeling was really good!    


The hidden wounds he had received in the past had all healed as well!    


He had only heard about the miraculous effects of these commodities before, but actually didn't completely believe it from Xue Qianren's perspective. But now that the real feeling was right in front of him, Xue Qianren's face gradually changed and the look in his eyes towards Fang Qi became ambiguous ?    


"A good son-in-law!"    


It would have been better if Xue Qianren hadn't opened his mouth, but the moment he did, Fang Qi's face immediately turned pale!    


What the f * ck, what the hell? When did he become a good son-in-law? The key was that Xue Qianren this old fellow's words were calm and unflinching, he did not feel awkward at all.    


"Uncle Xue ?" "Please be careful!"    


Fang Qi glanced at Xue Xue, whose face was flushed red.'s facial features were exquisite, and her skin was white and tender.    


"What is it? Now that he had a chance of survival, was he not going to accept this marriage? This is something that was set down by Senior Fang when he was still alive. My Xue Clan has never denied it! You don't want to know now? "    


Xue Qianren immediately revealed a displeased expression. Fang Qi's expression seemed slightly awkward, but when he saw Xue Xue's pretty face, he subconsciously did not want to refuse.    


"This... It still depends on Miss Xue Xue's feelings ? It's not good to force it! "    


Fang Qi's expression changed, he didn't care, since Xue Qianren had insisted on giving him a beautiful fiancee, how could he refuse? He couldn't refuse!    


"Dad, what are you saying!"    


Xue Xue's face turned red, she turned and walked over, but seeing her bashful attitude, it was obvious that she did not reject.    


"Alright, I've decided on this. I'll arrange the marriage for you guys in a few days!"    


Xue Qianren laughed, and the look in his eyes towards Fang Qi became more benevolent ?    


"Oh right, Xue'er's cultivation rose sharply earlier. She said that she consumed a special fruit from your place?" I wonder if there's anymore? I am currently at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, can I be promoted to the Grand Perfection of Foundation Establishment Realm ? "If you still want to advance ?"    


Xue Qianren did not finish his words, he felt that it would seem too greedy if he continued.    


He was already very satisfied with the elimination of the pill poison. It would be a good thing if he could use this opportunity to advance to the next level, but he couldn't swallow an elephant while his heart was not satisfied!    


"Haha, Uncle Xue, if you want to advance to the Great Perfection of the Building Foundation Period, you will need a Foundation Establishment level betel nut. The price is ten thousand spiritual stones!"    


"If you want to advance from Grand Perfection of Foundation Establishment to aurine stage, then you'll need a pack of Foundation Establishment level cigarettes for a price of one hundred thousand spiritual stones!"    


How could Fang Qi not know what Xue Qianren was thinking?    


"So it would take one hundred and ten thousand spirit stones to get to the aurine stage... How about this, you let my cultivation level up to Grand Perfection of Foundation Establishment first! "    


Xue Qianren awkwardly laughed. Although he was the Xue Clan's Patriarch, over the past few years, his control of his financial resources had been very limited. Taking out a few hundred thousand spirit stones in an instant was also very stressful.    


Fang Qi nodded his head and accepted the Spirit Stone, passing over a Foundation Establishment level betel nut. Xue Qianren was shocked, he put it into his mouth and chewed it, but he was not willing to spit it out.    


It was only after his cultivation had risen to the grand completion of Building Foundation Period that he spat out the betel nut reluctantly.    


"Ding! The system side quest has been activated. The general store has been completed. Now you need a boss. You can add another boss within ten days. You will be rewarded with a new one, Owner's Experience + 100." "Quest failure: Thunderstorm Mountain once."    


"Ding! The system's main task has been activated. Within three days, its net profit has reached one million. Advancing to a level two store owner has opened the system's take-out rights!"    


"Name: Fang Qi    


Level: Level 1 Owner 46/100    


Asset: 287,500 Low grade spirit stone    


Cultivation base: Foundation Establishment level 1.    


This darned System was starting to cheat again!    


It was simply too preposterous to meddle in something like finding the Lady Boss!    


But Fang Qi did not dare to say anything, who knows, maybe the dog system was just waiting for Fang Qi to retaliate!    


"My good son-in-law, Xue'er and I will head back today. We'll come see you in two days ?" I'll go back and gather some Spirit Stones, then leave a pack of cigarettes for me! "    


Xue Qianren left Fang Qi's store reluctantly. He could clearly feel that reluctant expression in his eyes.    


As for Xue Xue, she had blushed from the start to the end, she blushed when she saw Fang Qi, but her bashful look made her skin slightly flush, which made Fang Qi's heart throb a little!    


"Father-in-law, take care ?"    


Seeing that he was about to get up, Fang Qi's expression remained calm.    


Xue Qianren was startled at first, then laughed out loud and left.    


Fang Qi did not keep Xue Qianren and Xue Xue here any longer. It was already so late, and he still had to open for business tomorrow ?    


After looking back and forth the two missions a few times, Fang Qi once again fell into a state of powerless to retort.    


The net profit of over a million yuan in three days wasn't small, but it wasn't as difficult to realize as he had imagined.    


At least, Fang Qi had already completed almost half of it now.    


Just that side quest alone was an extraordinary feat!    


Within ten days, find a Lady Boss ?    


Fang Qi subconsciously thought of Xue Xue ? That cry of Xue Qianren's for a good son-in-law just now was truly a kiss!    


Fang Qi shook his head and thought for a moment. He glanced at his 280,000 yuan and silently swallowed it up by the system. He obtained two Foundation Establishment level betel palm and raised his cultivation to Foundation Establishment Stage Level 3!    


This darn System, it was simply drinking blood!    


When he returned to his room, Xiao Yi was sleeping soundly. Fang Qi found a spot next to Xiao Yi and lied down, probably because he felt some movement, causing Xiao Yi to turn his body evasively and lie down on top of Fang Qi's body. It was tightly stuck there and he was unwilling to move no matter what.    


Fang Qi lovingly stroked Xiao Yi's loli head as he carried Xiao Yi to sleep ?    


The next day, at the Xue Clan.    


"Like I said, I need to use seventy percent of the clan's Spirit Stones. I need them urgently!"    


Xue Qianren sat on the main seat, sweeping through the demons and monsters around, his expression unusually sharp.    


"Patriarch, our family's business has not been going well for the past few years. Now, we have to transfer the spirit stones from our family's shop. It will definitely cause some ripples!"    


The Xue Clan's Grand Elder, an old man dressed in luxurious clothing that seemed to be brimming with energy, stood out. His imposing manner was immediately triggered.    


"I said, only seventy percent! Do you have any objections? I haven't been managing the business of the family for the past few years, so why don't I have the authority to transfer some spirit stones now? I heard that the Great Clan Elder's son spent tens of thousands of spirit stones last year to become a core disciple of the Sky Sect! "    


These past few years, because of his body, he did not manage much of the clan's business, so he could be considered to have gradually relinquished his authority. However, these people were becoming more and more presumptuous, and actually treated his benevolence as weakness!    


No matter what, Xue Qianren was still the head of the Xue Family, the manager of the Xue Family.    


"Patriarch, how can we compare? Isn't the reason my son became a core disciple of the Sky Sect also to bring honor to the clan? With this identity, our Xue Clan will be stronger and more stable! "    


"Besides, your backer, Elder Fang, is long dead. If it weren't for Xu'er's support, the family might have dispersed long ago!"    


"Xu'er has already been promoted to the Complete Qi Refining stage, and now he has not only been promoted to a core disciple, but he is also highly regarded by the elders of Sky Sect. His future achievements are limitless, and for the future of the clan, what's wrong with nurturing Xu'er?"    


"I'm not going to nurture Xu'er. Do you want me to nurture that useless son-in-law of yours?"    


The Xue Family's Great Elder, Xue Gang, continued to speak, his tone full of ridicule and ridicule.    


His son was now a core disciple of the Sky Sect and would become the pillar of the Xue Clan in the future!    


On the other hand, Xue Qianren had a sick and sickly appearance all year round, how could he withstand the great beam?    


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