Supplier of the Fairyland



Chapter 7 - You are the Great Emperor.    


An hour later, there were more of the crumbs of betel nut on the ground. Blacky jogged over happily and sniffed the remnants of aurous core class. Then, it walked towards the side in disgust.    


Fang Qi was startled, these two dogs actually knew what was what, and knew that he wouldn't be able to enjoy the aurous core class Areca, so they hid far away.    


As for Cheng Ke, who was at the side, he had long been shocked to the point that he couldn't even mutter to himself.    


His cultivation, had advanced to the perfection-stage of the aurine stage! This was truly the complete mastery of the aurine stage! Without even a hint of water, he was only a step away from becoming a powerful Yuanying Stage Grandmaster!    


The Nascent Soul stage cultivators could call out to the clouds and rain even in the Sky Sect.    


"Little brother, you really are a god! I have talked for so long but have not asked for your name. I am called Cheng Ke, if you do not mind, you can call me Brother Cheng! "    


Cheng Ke had completely let go of his Jindan cultivator's lofty attitude. Although Fang Qi was just a little cultivator with stage of qi refinement at the moment, to be able to control these miraculous pills and medicines, what would the future be like for him?    


Cheng Ke had really aged several hundred years old already, and now that they were of the same generation, he had already expressed sufficient sincerity.    


"Hehe, Brother Cheng, my name is Fang Qi and I'm the owner of this store. If you need anything, just give me the spirit stones and I can provide it to you!"    


Fang Qi pounded his chest as he smiled. It was not a gentleman to not earn money!    


"Many thanks, little brother Fang. Just now, what pack of cigarettes did you say could help me advance to the Nascent Soul stage?"    


Cheng Ke's smile became brighter and brighter. In his dreams, he had always wanted to become a Nascent Soul Grandmaster.    


"aurous core class Cigarettes, Sai Wai Price: One Million Spirit Stones! To be able to help a cultivator of the great circle of the Aurous Core stage break through to the Nascent Soul stage! "    


Fang Qi laughed and stated his price.    


"A million?"    


Cheng Ke's expression instantly changed. Originally, the total number of storage bag on his body and the Spirit Stones in his storage ring added together was more than a million, but after exchanging for a bag of Jindan grade indigowoad root and seven aurous core class betel nut, he instantly became poor.    


He only had two hundred thousand spirit stones on him in total ?    


"Little Brother Fang, why is it that this mid-grade magic treasure, the Heart Shattering Hammer, can be traded for several hundred thousand spiritual stones? Do you think it's worth it?"    


Cheng Ke yearned for the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul stage Grandmaster so much that he took out all of his treasures just to be promoted!    


Magic treasure! This was a treasure that only the aurous stage cultivator could control!    


stage of qi refinement cultivators normally only had the qualifications to use magic tools, and the price of magic tools varied from several tens to several hundred spirit stones.    


Building Foundation Period cultivators normally used Spirit Treasures, and the price of Spirit Treasures ranged from a few thousand to several tens of thousands of Spirit Stones.    


However, in the aurous stage cultivator, only a portion of the cultivators of the great Jindan Stage had the ability to use magic treasures. After all, the price of a magic treasure was easily worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and not everyone, even the great Jindan Stage cultivators, had a net worth of over a million.    


The moment Fang Qi saw this treasure, he was immediately excited. In his memories, his damned father actually did have a treasure, but this treasure seemed to be of an unknown value.    


Subconsciously, Fang Qi wanted to agree. But just as he was about to open his mouth and speak, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and struck right in front of Fang Qi.    


"Ding! System does not support bartering. Yellow card warning, if there is a repeat, five strikes of lightning!"    


The robotic voice came out once again. Fang Qi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. This dog system, would one day be conquered by it!    


"Ding! The system has detected the host's resentment and cursed the system. The five bolts of lightning will strike once ?"    


Just as the mechanical voice finished sounding, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm struck Fang Qi, causing his body to tremble and his hair to instantly burn.    


"F * ck you ?"    


"Young master, why were you struck by lightning ?" Xiao Yi cried as she stepped forward to examine Fang Qi's body.    


As for Cheng Ke, who was standing at the side, he had long since become speechless.    


Holy sh * t! Bright and clear! Lightning followed! What a spectacular sight!    


"Brother Cheng, I'm afraid your suggestion won't work. My grocery store will only accept spirit stones ?" "Just now, I was prepared to open the back door for you, but was immediately discovered. I almost missed your life!"    


Fang Qi said seriously, his face was full of regret.    


"If that's the case, it would be such a pity ?" I wonder which organization Little Brother Fang belongs to? to actually have the ability to control the might of the heavens! "    


Cheng Ke had already been shocked too much today, and now he was gradually becoming immune to it.    


Heavenly thunder! This was the lightning that would only appear when one ascended through heavenly tribulation! He was released so casually?    


Cheng Ke stared at Fang Qi in silence, the unfathomable feeling in his eyes dimmed a little, he couldn't let others think that he was a country bumpkin!    


"About this ?"    


Fang Qi hesitated a little. It was hard to say which power they belonged to, could it be that all of this was due to the system?    


Cheng Ke seemed to have felt that Fang Qi had hidden something difficult, he immediately changed his tone and continued: "If it's related to secrets, then Little Brother Fang doesn't need to speak anymore."    


Looking at Cheng Ke who acted as if he was facing a great enemy, Fang Qi laughed and said very easily: "Actually it's not a secret, the power behind me is called Utopia!"    


Fang Qi casually made up a story. In any case, it was not the main point, as long as it did not delay him from making money, it was fine.    


"Utopia? I have never heard of this name, but since I was able to cultivate a talent like Little Brother Fang, then it must be a top power! "It's my fault for being ignorant and ill-informed!"    


Cheng Ke thought so and looked at his last two hundred thousand Spirit Stones. After hesitating for a moment, he handed it over to Fang Qi, "Little brother Fang, give me another bag. "indigowoad root, I'll go and collect more spirit stones now. Once I've collected all the spirit stones, I'll come and find you!"    


Cheng Ke's face was flushed red, feeling that his life had suddenly become interesting.    


"I'm sorry, Brother Cheng. Our grocery store doesn't support packaging at the moment!"    


Fang Qi shrugged his shoulders. Although he really wanted to earn another fortune, this cheap system only had this kind of lousy rule, he couldn't change it even if he wanted to ?    


"Oh, forget it then. Little Brother Fang, I'll be leaving first. You must wait for me!" Wait for me! "    


Cheng Ke glanced at Fang Qi with reluctance, but left resolutely. Before he left, his eyes revealed an extreme unwillingness to part from his ?    


After Cheng Ke left, Fang Qi closed the shop's door, unable to conceal the smile on his face.    


He was rich! He was rich!    


Previously, when Xue Xue came over to buy five thousand Spirit Stones, he earned two thousand and five hundred Spirit Stones. At that time, she was really excited, but now it seems that all of this was just small money.    


After that, he met Cheng Ke and bought a bag of Jindan grade indigowoad root s, seven aurous core class Areca and nine hundred thousand spirit stones. Fang Qi earned four hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones from the bag.    


More than 400,000 spirit stones! What the f * ck! This was going to defy the heavens!    


"System, give me eight Qi Cultivating Stage betel palm and a pack of Qi Cultivating Grade Cigarettes. You have to be a heaven defying worker!"    


Fang Qi rubbed his hands together with a flushed face, his eyes filled with anticipation.    


"Ding! Deducted one hundred eighty thousand spiritual stones. Eight Qi Disciple level betel nut and a pack of Qi Cultivating Grade Cigarettes have been sent out!"    


Originally, Fang Qi was still blushing red with excitement, but after hearing the familiar mechanical voice, his face immediately changed!    


"One hundred and eighty thousand spiritual stones?" F * ck! System, are you crazy!? A Qi Disciple level betel nut could only sell for five hundred spiritual stones! The price of Qi Cultivating Grade Cigarettes s is only 5000! A total of nine thousand Spirit Stones is more like it! "    


was immediately furious. F * ck, I worked so hard to earn some Spirit Stones. I was just about to beat up the rich and handsome guy to walk towards the peak of life! Are you f * cking playing this game with me?    


"The host is the lord of the heavens and the emperor of the earth. He possesses the bearing of a human emperor and is completely different from ordinary people. The betel nut and cigarettes given to the host are specially added!"    


The system's solemn words made Fang Qi burst out laughing. Can you think of a lousy reason?    


[You said that I am the lord of the heavens and the emperor of the earth. It is true that I am a human emperor, but your so-called extra specialties are all bullshit!]    


"I don't need these specially-made ingredients. I only need the ordinary ones. Just give them to me according to the price!"    


Fang Qi's expression became serious. According to the price given by the system, it would be ten times the original price. Fang Qi had been preparing to use these spirit stones to directly advance to the Jindan Stage.    


"Sorry, the host request failed."    


Fang Qi, "..."    


Good, you are vicious!    


Fang Qi chewed the betel nut one by one while wiping tears off his face. Finally, when his cultivation had reached the Great Circle of the stage of qi refinement, he opened the pack of cigarettes with the "Special Quantity" and started puffing.    


In his previous life, Fang Qi was not considered a smoker, but he would never reject this type of spiritual food. If it did not harm his body, he would enjoy the feeling of swallowing the clouds and spitting mist.    


Not to mention, it could even cause his cultivation to soar. Why wouldn't he do so?    


When he was about to smoke, the door of the grocery store that had just been closed opened with a "bang bang".    


"Who is it ?" Here it comes ? Stop knocking! "    


Fang Qi held the cigarette in his mouth, stretched his body, walked to the door and opened it.    


As for Xiao Yi, Fang Qi told her to go to bed. Xiao Yi was too young, staying up late at night was not good for her health.    


It was almost midnight, so he couldn't let her continue to wait.    


Opening the door, a man and a woman entered his sight.    


The woman was Xue Xue who had just left not long ago. At this moment, she was following beside a middle aged man, and two pairs of bright eyes were staring at Fang Qi.    


As for the middle-aged man, when he saw Fang Qi, he first examined him, then revealed an expression of shock, as if he had seen a ghost.    


"You ? "You've reached half-step Foundation Establishment?"    


Although Xue Qianren did not pay much attention to Fang Qi's situation, he knew that his cultivation had been crippled by the Sky Sect, and because he had offended the Holy Maiden, he had become one of the nine great sinners of the Star Glory City.    


Of course, even Fang Qi who was not crippled before could not be considered a genius in cultivation, and could barely be considered a mediocre person!    


But now, this forgotten criminal of the ninth tier had actually become a half-step into Foundation Establishment without a sound?    


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