Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C15 Fabrication Instrument

C15 Fabrication Instrument

He knew what a magical equipment meant to a cultivator. It was a symbol of status, and it was an increase in strength. It was a type of assistance to cultivators, and a good magical equipment could allow them to achieve twice the results for half the effort.    


"Sir, can I take a look at your magic treasure?"    


Wang Chuan couldn't wait to see the magical equipment Zhou Yi talked about.    


Zhou Yi looked at Wang Chuan's wistful eyes and smiled, "I don't have one now, but I will have one in a week."    


The flame of desire burning in Wang Chuan's heart was instantly extinguished. He seemed to be very disappointed, "Sir, are you trying to make a joke out of me? If I don't have a magic tool now, how can I have one in a week? "    


Zhou Yi wasn't stupid enough to tell him that he could make magic tools. It was just that the sculpting tools that Zhou Yi bought from the internet weren't even up to the task of making them.    


Besides, even if he said that, Wang Chuan probably wouldn't believe him.    


Spiritual energy was sparse on Earth. Although there were cultivators, their cultivation realms were low, and the corresponding amount of magical equipment was also much lesser, not to mention high-grade magic tools.    


Oh, my magical equipment isn't by my side. It's at my friend's place. If I send it over by express, it would take at least a week's time.    


Zhou Yi felt that the reason he found was reasonable and unassailable. He couldn't help but give a big praise for his ability to adapt randomly.    


However, this reason sounded like child's play to Wang Chuan. That was a magical equipment, not a toy. He had never heard of someone giving away a magical equipment before.    


Wang Chuan's face was full of disbelief, but he couldn't ask any further. Asking any further seemed to show that he didn't trust the other party too much.    


"Since mister is so sure that there will be a magic artefact in a week's time, there must be a magic artefact. I will do what mister has instructed, mister can rest assured."    


After sending Zhou Yi off, Wang Chuan returned to the private room.    


At this moment, the two brothers Suen Shan and Sun Hai were whispering to each other. When they saw Wang Chuan enter, the two brothers stood up.    


Suen Shan said, "Brother Wang, it's not that we two brothers don't give face to your brother, it's just that eating with such an unsightly guy affects our appetite. Brother, please don't blame us."    


"Brother Wang isn't that petty of a person, is he, Brother Wang?" Sun Hai interrupted.    


Wang Chuan saw his two brothers singing together. Although he was unhappy, he did not show it on his face. He smiled and said: "Yes, Hai Zi is right. Your brother Wang is not a stingy person."    


Then he turned towards the door and shouted, "Waiter, serve the dishes."    


Not long later, exquisite dishes were placed on the table one by one. Wang Chuan saw that it was about time too, so he picked up his glass and said: "Come, come, brother will toast to you two."    


The two Suen Family brothers hurriedly raised their wine cups. Sun Hai said, "How can big brother respect little brother, it's us that should respect big brother. Come, big brother, we two brothers will toast big brother."    


"Right, to elder brother." Suen Shan said.    


After saying that, the two brothers raised their heads and finished the wine in their cups in one gulp.    


Wang Chuan also finished his glass of wine with a smile.    


The waiter refilled their glasses and Wang Chuan said, "There's news. Do you guys want to know?"    


"What news? Brother, tell me?" Suen Shan stared at Wang Chuan and said.    


"A week from now, there will be a magical equipment auction."    


At first, Suen Shan and Sun Hai didn't react. But after they did, the two of them jumped up from their seats.    


"Big Brother, are you talking about magical equipment? I didn't hear wrong, right? " Suen Shan's voice trembled from the excitement.    


Wang Chuan had already guessed that the two Suen Family Brothers would have such an expression when they hear the news. He smiled and said: "That's right, it's precisely the grimoire."    


"I wonder where brother obtained this information. Is it reliable?" Sun Hai was slightly better than Suen Shan, at least his voice was normal.    


"Of course, the information is absolutely reliable, and you also know the owner of the magic tool." Wang Chuan said.    


The two brothers frowned, thinking who they knew would take out their magic tools for auction. All the ancient martial families viewed magic tools as their family's treasure, so it was impossible for them to take them out for auction.    


"Big brother, don't keep us in suspense. Who is this person selling magic tools?" Suen Shan asked.    


"You just met, that's Zhou Yi." When Wang Chuan said Zhou Yi's name, his tone became a bit more serious. He wanted to tell the two brothers that Zhou Yi was not a tramp; he was a cultivator with a magical equipment.    


Hearing that Zhou Yi wanted to auction off the magic tools, both brothers showed expressions of disbelief. In their eyes, Zhou Yi was just a poor loser, at most, he was just a rogue cultivator.    


"Brother, are we brothers joking? If you say that it's someone else, we might even believe you. If you say that it's that poor bastard Zhou Yi, even if you beat me to death I don't believe that he has any magical equipment. " Sun Hai pouted and said.    


"Hahaha, you say that Zhou Yi is poor? He's not poor, just the Emperor Green Jadeite in his possession is worth tens of millions. "    


In order to prove that Zhou Yi had the magical equipment, Liu Tie continued to speak: "You guys might not know, but Zhou Yi is someone with some ability, at the time of the stone gambling, he was like an eyesore, every stone he chose could produce good jade, and he even produced Emperor Green Jadeite, not just in terms of treasure selection ability, but also in terms of medical skills, even Chen Zaiwei and Divine Physician Chen are inferior to him, I have not seen Zhou Yi's magical equipment, but I believe he really has it."    


After saying that, Wang Chuan glanced at the two brothers.    


They would rather believe it than not. As an ancient martial family, they could not let go of any chance to obtain magical equipment.    


The two brothers looked at each other, Suen Shan said: "Brother Wang, we brothers have something urgent to do, so we won't be accompanying you today. Next time, we two brothers will go to work together and drink with you."    


They left in a hurry.    


From then on, the news of Zhou Yi selling the treasures a week later spread through the Ancient Martial Aristocratic Family.    


Including Suen Family, all the movements of the Emperor Green Jadeite in Zhou Yi's hands stopped.    


They were all quietly waiting for the arrival of the next week.    


The Ancient Martial Family only had one or two magic treasures. If they could obtain one magic treasure, it would be a huge leap in the family's progress.    


All the big families are actively preparing the funds for the auction in the next seven days.    


"… …"    


The carving tools Zhou Yi bought online had finally arrived. If the Ancient Martial Aristocratic Family s knew that Zhou Yi's carving tools were bought online, how would they feel?    


Zhou Yi started to prepare to make the magic tool as soon as the carving tool was in his hand.    


He placed the Emperor Green Jadeite on the table and observed it for a while before Zhou Yi picked up his carving knife and started carving on the jade.    


In order to create a magic tool, one needed to have a good base and also have the appropriate array patterns to complete it.    


It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do.    


Not to mention the basics, not just anyone could understand that array symbol. Different array patterns represented different meanings. The more complicated the array patterns, the more exquisite they were, and the higher the grade of the magic tools they could create.    


Zhou Yi was currently carving an array pattern. Due to his cultivation realm, he was very slow, but based on the time he spent carving it, it shouldn't delay the auction.    


During this period, Wang Chuan had come many times to place Zhou Yi, asking him over and over to see if the magical equipment had arrived. Every time, Zhou Yi would send him away with the word "fast".    


Five days later, the inscription pattern was finally complete. Zhou Yi chanted a spell and activated the pattern. After the pattern was activated, it crazily absorbed the spiritual energy. Due to the thinning of the spiritual energy on Earth, the Emperor's Green took a whole day to finish absorbing it.    


When he looked at the Emperor Green Jadeite again, it had already turned into a slightly dim green pearl.    


Zhou Yi smiled with satisfaction and said, "It's finally completed. Although it's not a high level magical equipment, it should still be considered a pretty good existence on Earth."    


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