Godly Arrogant Son-in-law

C13 Initial Test Hand

C13 Initial Test Hand

Robbing? This was the first thought that popped out in Zhou Yi's mind.    


However, he quickly overthrew them. From their clothes and actions, it seemed like the robbers were not related at all.    


"Who are you people?" Zhou Yi asked coldly.    


The four of them acted as if Zhou Yi didn't exist and didn't say anything. One of the bald man looked around the room, then waved his hand and said, "Search."    


After saying that, the four of them pretended to search Zhou Yi's room.    


Zhou Yi's room was only about 30 square meters. The furnishing were very simple: a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a few broken chairs. There was only an old TV in the home appliances.    


In this room, the most valuable things were the Emperor Green Jadeite s. Could it be that they were here for the Emperor Green Jadeite s? Zhou Yi thought.    


Zhou Yi's mind worked quickly. He was analyzing who sent them to cause trouble for him.    


After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Yi started to suspect Mo Dong.    


Recently, the only person he offended was Mo Dong and it seemed like there was no one else.    


Could it be that Mo Dong knew that I have obtained the Emperor Green Jadeite and wanted to snatch it? Zhou Yi thought.    


Zhou Yi's mind was in a mess, so he didn't know what was going on.    


He decided to not think about these matters for now. The first thing he needed to do was finish off the four people in front of him.    


Seeing that the few of them were about to search his room, Zhou Yi shouted in a deep voice, "Stop."    


The few of them did not expect Zhou Yi to still dare to speak, so they were stunned.    


They stopped and looked at Zhou Yi.    


"You guys are too uncultured. I didn't say anything when you destroyed my door. You want to search my room without my permission? Do you really think I'm air?" Zhou Yi said.    


The bald man frowned and said, "Little brother, it seems that you want to start a fight with our brother. I advise you to behave yourself. Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."    


"You still haven't said what you're looking for?" Zhou Yi did not answer. Although he knew they came for the Emperor Green Jadeite, he still wanted to confirm it.    


The bald man snorted coldly and said, "Since you asked, I'll tell you this clearly. Today, we are here for the Emperor Green Jadeite, quickly hand it over to us, so that we brothers won't have to suffer and look for it."    


"I do have a piece of the Emperor Green Jadeite, but I wonder if you have the ability to take it away?" Zhou Yi said provocatively.    


The bald man was furious. With a gloomy face, he said, "If you refuse a toast, you will be punished. It seems like we brothers will have to put in a lot of effort today."    


With that, he waved his hand and the four of them surrounded Zhou Yi.    


Ever since Zhou Yi had successfully tempered his body, there had been no sign of him fighting anyone else.    


It had been a long time since he had fought, and his heart began to become restless.    


Zhou Yi twitched his mouth at the four of them in a provocative manner and made a gesture with his pen, then said, "You four, come at me together."    


The four of them were furious. They never thought that this young man in front of them would be so arrogant. They decided to teach this arrogant fellow a lesson.    


The four of them attacked at the same time. From their attacks, Zhou Yi realized that they weren't just normal thugs, they were professionally trained people.    


But so what? No matter how strong he was, he was still just a mortal.    


Just when their attacks were about to hit Zhou Yi, they felt their vision blur. When they looked again, Zhou Yi had already disappeared.    


The four of them looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.    


"It seems that you will be disappointed today. You have already attacked, now it's my turn."    


After saying that, he used both his legs to charge towards the four people like an arrow that had just left the bowstring.    










After four crisp sounds, the four men in black flew out.    


The four of them were like a pile of mud, unable to get up no matter how hard they tried.    


Zhou Yi walked in front of the bald man and asked, "Who sent you here?"    


The bald man glared at Zhou Yi without saying anything.    


Zhou Yi asked the others and kept quiet.    


"The four of you have quite the backbone. It seems that you won't say anything if I don't use some tricks."    


With that, Zhou Yi walked in front of the bald man and grabbed his wrist.    


Zhou Yi exerted a bit of strength and heard the bald man's wrist emit creaking sounds.    




The bald man howled like a pig in pain.    


"Tell me, who sent you guys here? If you don't tell me now, when I get angry, I'll use my hand a little more, and this hand of yours will be wasted." Zhou Yi threatened.    


The bald man was scared and quickly said, "I'm from Yongan Security Company. Our Chief sent us here."    


Zhou Yi searched his brain, and after thinking for a long time, he still didn't know what security company's CEO he knew. Being schemed against like that, could it be that he has some grudge with the security company?    


In the end, Zhou Yi concluded that there was no enmity between them and everything was because of the Emperor Green Jadeite in his hands.    


Zhou Yi lifted the four of them up and threw them outside the room like a dog.    


"Scram!" Zhou Yi said coldly.    


They wanted to roll away, but it hurt to move their bodies now. The four of them could only stare at each other as they laid on the ground.    


After finishing all this, Zhou Yi dialed Wang Chuan's number. The call was picked up. Zhou Yi muttered a few words and hung up.    


The next morning, a Bentley stopped outside Zhou Yi's rented apartment. A fat man quickly got off the passenger seat and opened the back door.    


Two young men got out of the car. It seemed that this fat man was very afraid of these two young men. When he talked to them, he would bow his head and bow his waist like a displeasing pug.    


They got out of the car and walked straight towards Zhou Yi's rented apartment.    


Due to the fight last night, Zhou Yi's door was in tatters and there was no time to change it.    


They entered Zhou Yi's room without saying anything, as if they entered their own home.    


At this moment, Zhou Yi was sitting cross-legged on his bed, cultivating. Noticing that someone had come in, he opened his eyes and saw three people standing in the room.    


Zhou Yi thought to himself, what's wrong with that? Last night, someone broke his door, and today, another person came uninvited. That person really doesn't treat him as an outsider.    


"What do you want?" Zhou Yi asked coldly.    


One of the young men stepped forward and arrogantly said, "Hand over the Emperor Green Jadeite and you can take any amount of money you want."    


"Not for sale." Zhou Yi refused.    


"Humph, don't you know what's good for you, we must have the Emperor Green Jadeite, so we advise you to obediently hand it over, otherwise you won't be able to get even one last cent." Another young man threatened.    


Zhou Yi was the most embarrassed. He told everyone what to do as he impatiently said, "All of you get out of here."    


The fat man shouted with a high-pitched voice, "You really don't care about face at all. Don't think that just because you taught a few of my men a lesson last night that you're so amazing. Do you know who the two people standing in front of you are?"    


"So you're the CEO of that security company. I was just about to go look for you, I didn't expect you to deliver yourself to me."    


Before the CEO of the security company could say anything, Zhou Yi flashed to the fat man's side, swung his arm and gave him a hard slap.    


With a "pa" sound, a fat body was sent flying.    


The two youngsters looked at the security company's CEO who was lying on the floor, unable to get up. Their faces were filled with shock, and their attitude was no longer as arrogant as it was in the past.    


"I can tell, we are all practitioners and we all know the value of Emperor Green Jadeite. We really need this piece of Emperor Green Jadeite, let's discuss, name a price, give us a jade …"    


Before the young man could finish, Zhou Yi said coldly, "I already said, I'm not selling. Hurry up and leave my house, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."    


The two young men didn't know Zhou Yi's background and didn't dare to act rashly. They turned around and walked out of the room. When they reached the door, one of the young men said, "We will come back for you again."    


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