Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C591 Shame

C591 Shame

Murong Wei took a few steps back. There was a shocking wound on his chest and thigh. Blood was gushing out from the wound, making him look extremely terrifying.    


Lee Yang was not in any better condition. His right hand that was holding the sword was trembling. Although there was blood on the Longsword, there was still a clear crack on it.    


This sword was Lee Yang's sword. If there was a wound on the sword, Lee Yang would naturally suffer internal injuries.    


"I didn't expect you to be so strong." Murong Wei said.    


"Thank you, thank you. You are also very strong. Besides Ju Ya, you are the strongest opponent I have ever met." Lee Yang said lightly. He then tore off a strip of cloth from his body and wrapped his right hand up.    


"Who are you talking about?" Murong Wei frowned and asked, "Ju Ya?"    


"Yes, do you know him?" Lee Yang said with a smile that was not a smile.    


"I have heard of him, but I have never seen him before. I didn't expect you to meet an Earth Immortal, and you're still alive. Looks like not only are you strong, your brain is also very active. " Murong Wei said.    


"There's no need to give me a tall hat. Today, either you die or I live. Come on. Let's fight to our heart's content. " Lee Yang said with a loud laugh. He slowly raised the Longsword. Although it was still trembling, it was stubbornly aimed at Murong Wei.    


Murong Wei could feel the monstrous battle that Lee Yang had unleashed. To be honest, he had never thought that Lee Yang would bring him so much trouble before coming here. How could a Heart Throb Phase challenge him? Even a super genius wouldn't be able to resist the rules of the Heavenly Dao. This was a principle that had never changed since the ancient times. However, Lee Yang had broken this rule. He had indeed brought Murong Wei a lot of trouble. In fact, he had almost killed Murong Wei in the previous confrontation.    


Should they continue to fight one on one, or should they let the soldiers rush forward?    


This was a big problem in front of Murong Wei.    


If he retreated at this time, how could he bear the burden in the future? If he was in danger, he would let the people below take the tank. This was not Murong Wei's style.    


However, if he continued to fight, Murong Wei did not know how he would win.    


Now that the battle had become like this, Murong Wei was really in a dilemma.    


Lee Yang moved his feet and rushed in front of Murong Wei like a lightning bolt.    


Murong Wei had never seen such a fast sword before.    


In his thirty years of life, he had seen many experts and killed many of them, but he had never seen such a fast sword before.    


How did Lee Yang do it?    


The surrounding floor was blown up by Lee Yang's spiritual energy. As Lee Yang waved his Longsword, the bricks were cut into small pieces and hit the soldiers' bodies. In an instant, there were many bloody holes.    


Murong Wei's expression changed completely.    


He had to get rid of this guy. Otherwise, he would definitely cause a huge disaster in the future. He didn't know how much time would give this bastard the ability to do so. What he was sure of was that if he grew up, all the people on his side would die.    


"Attack! Regardless of life or death, kill him and reward him with thousands of gold coins and be conferred the title of Captain." Murong Wei abandoned his personal honor and said in a loud voice.    


Under great rewards, there would always be brave men. Although the valiant combat strength that Lee Yang displayed made many soldiers' legs tremble. But what was the purpose of joining the army? Wasn't it just to bring honor to their ancestors and to wield authority? It was extremely difficult for ordinary soldiers who did not have a family background to become a commander. Now, such a good opportunity was right in front of them. They would be letting themselves down if they did not make use of it.    




The shouts shook the sky, and the surrounding torches started burning again.    


To the people of Black Wolf Fortress, this night was an unforgettable night. It was more tragic than any battle. They heard the sound of fighting outside the house. However, they didn't dare to open the door to find out what was going on. Until the next morning, when they opened the door, they found a strong smell of blood floating in the air. In the ditch at the door, the water was flowing. He could see the red blood inside.    


That morning, many people from the General's Estate came out to clean up the battlefield. It was said that more than a thousand people died in one night, and these thousand people were actually killed by a single person. Even the most powerful Murong Wei in the General's Estate was injured. One of his arms had been cut off.    


In the morning, no one came out to do business on the street. Everyone was standing at the entrance of the house, watching the soldiers moving corpses. They were expressionless, but they were full of hot tears.    


Because among these dead people, there might be their brothers, their family, and their friends. In just one night, they were already on a completely different path.    


This kind of huge sadness made people not want to talk. They just quietly moved the corpses and pulled water dragons over, slowly washing the ground that was soaked in blood.    


That day was the anniversary of the death of the entire Black Wolf Fortress.    


Murong Wei laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.    


His left shoulder no longer felt any pain. He always wanted to use his left hand to touch his chin, but when he wanted to move, he had to admit that his left hand was gone.    


"Lee Yang! Lee Yang!"    


Murong Wei repeated the name of this man over and over again. This was going to be a pain for him for the rest of his life.    


He regretted it. He was unwilling to accept it, because he had never thought that Lee Yang would be so powerful.    


Although he was also seriously injured and escaped in the end, he had done something that no one else could.    


He had killed his way out of the thousand men, and at the same time, he had also severely injured himself.    


Although his strength would be greatly reduced without his left hand, Murong Wei believed that the treatment he received in the General's Estate wouldn't change, because to Chung Qingfeng, the most important thing about Murong Wei wasn't his strength, but his brain.    


However, if the general didn't care about it, could it be that he didn't care about it?    


After this battle, he, Murong Wei, would definitely become the laughing stock of everyone. He had killed so many people, and the soldiers no longer had the sincere admiration they had for him in the past. Instead, it was distrust and even hatred.    


What was the point of living like this?    


Murong Wei thought of death.    


"Wei, are you alright?" Chung Qingfeng walked in and said loudly. Murong Wei struggled to get off the bed, but was stopped by Chung Qingfeng.    


"You should lie down. Your injuries haven't healed yet. Don't get off the bed." Chung Qingfeng said stubbornly, "Look what I brought for me. Hanxuan Spirit Fruit. This thing can accelerate the recovery of your injuries. It can also allow your strength to return to its peak state in an instant. However, I really can't do anything about your hand. "    


Murong Wei bit his lips and said sadly," I'm sorry, General. I have embarrassed you. "    


Chung Qingfeng said lightly, "You have done well enough. If you are willing to do this, then... It is because I am too rash. Also, I underestimated Lee Yang's strength. You have fought with him before. Does he really only have the strength of a Heart Throb Phase?"    


Murong Wei sighed and said, "Indeed, he is only at the Heart Throb Phase. I have underestimated him. But I never thought that he would be able to unleash such a powerful strength. "    


Chung Qingfeng said, "It seems like my sister didn't tell the truth."    


Murong Wei said, "Whether it's about the princess, it's about me."    


Chung Qingfeng said, "My sister, you still don't understand him well enough."    


The two of them fell into silence.    


"Rest well and remember to consume the Han Spirit Fruit. The Imperial Court has sent an official document. Ask about what happened earlier. Although the result was somewhat tragic, our plan seems to be smoothly implementing. Don't worry, I will definitely help you take revenge for your broken arm. I have already deployed a large number of troops everywhere and discovered that Lee Yang was captured alive. After that, I will bring them back for you to deal with." Chung Qingfeng said.    


Murong Wei was touched and said, "Thank you, General."    


After Chung Qingfeng left, Murong Wei picked up the Hanyi Spirit Fruit. There was a flash of ruthlessness and sadness in his eyes.    


In the end, he still had to give up on himself.    


General, I hope you won't disappoint me.    




"The sun is setting, the Heartbroken Man is at the end of the world. The boundless end of the world is my love, the flowers at the foot of the endless green mountains are blooming. What kind of rhythm is the most swaying, what kind of la-la-la-la... I can't remember the words anymore. Flower, do you remember?" Lee Yang was lying on the grass with a stalk of grass in his mouth. Looking at the setting sun not far away, he said with a faint smile.    


Flower was sitting beside him, but it was very uncomfortable. It was impossible to tell that he was a man.    


"I don't understand the Divine Melody. I say, don't think so highly of yourself, okay? Isn't the first thing you should consider now isn't getting out of danger? Do you think that you'll be safe just because you escaped from the Black Wolf Fortress by luck? If the other party releases an arrest warrant, you will become the enemy of the entire Eastern Emperor Country. At that time, the person who wants to kill you will be able to fill up more than a dozen sections of the carriage's skin. The person who wants to kill you is not on the same level as the soldiers you faced before. They were all Tao Cultivators. You are simply unable to deal with the pursuit of so many people. " Flower said in a serious tone.    


"Now I finally understand, what hasn't happened yet. Why should I worry so much? Before this, I never thought that I could escape from the Black Wolf Fortress. But now, aren't I still lying here and watching the sunset? Therefore, this world is still fair." Lee Yang said with emotion.    


"This is standard nonsense, I'm speechless." Huahua said, "Forget it, you can do whatever you want, I can't control you anymore."    


Lee Yang looked at Huahua in surprise and said, "This tone of yours, why does it feel like my wife is talking to me?"    


"Pah, stop being so narcissistic. How can I be your wife? How can you fall in love if you have different genders?" Flower said with disdain, but after saying that, she regretted it.    


Lee Yang laughed and said, "So your real gender is a woman. I really could tell in the past."    


"I... Hmph, I'm not talking to you anymore." After saying that, Huahua disappeared.    


Lee Yang spat out the stalk of grass in his mouth, stood up, and scratched his head. "It should be time to prepare the camp for the night. Let's go find some straw first. "    


After working for about an hour, Lee Yang built a simple camp. Lee Yang rubbed his stomach. He was hungry.    


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