Transmigration: Invincible Soldier King On Campus

C25 Release

C25 Release

As time passed, Lee Yang started to feel anxious.    


His mother was still waiting for him at the hotel. If he and his father disappeared at the same time, he didn't know how anxious his mother would be.    


At this time, a young policeman walked over. He proudly glanced at Lee Yang and said coldly, "Kid, now you know how powerful you are."    


Lee Yang replied indifferently, "How long are you going to lock me up?"    


"According to the law and order, we will detain you for 15 days." The young policeman said leisurely.    


"What, 15 days? Is there any law left?" Lee Dong was the first to explode. He grabbed the iron bar and shouted at the young policeman.    


"What are you yelling for? Fifteen days is already considered easy. He still had to wait for the results of the investigation and the doctor's report. If Ma Hong's body was seriously injured, your son can just wait to go to jail. " The young policeman said with a smile.    


Lee Yang clenched his fist and said, "His name is Ma Hong?"    


"Oh, you didn't know his identity even after you beat him up. I don't mind telling you that his uncle is the deputy manager of East Peace Construction Company. That area belongs to the demolition area of East Peace Construction Company. You beat up his nephew, and this debt will be settled with you sooner or later. "    


" They forcibly demolished it. "    


"They forced you to do so. They have the documents of the municipal committee in their hands. Demolition was a normal behavior. And you are resisting the demolition violently, in opposition to the entire municipal government's city construction plan. Do you think you can still easily get out of here? Kid, you are also a scholar, you should know that the people do not fight with the government. Hurry up and sign the demolition contract after you get home. If you continue to resist, there won't be a good result." The young policeman said with a cigarette in his mouth.    


Lee Yang looked at him coldly and said, "You are the lobbyist sent by the other side?"    


"No, I don't have any benefits. I just feel that you guys are stupid by doing this." The young policeman laughed loudly and left the detention room proudly.    


Lee Yang clenched his fist so hard that it seemed like water would come out. He took a deep breath and said, "I won't let you guys take the house away so easily."    


Lee Dong seemed to have aged a few years. He sat on the bed and said with a bitter smile, "Forget it, son. We can't beat them. Dad used to have the same stubborn temper as you. But after this incident, I finally understand. There are some people that we can't win against. "    


Lee Yang didn't say anything. His brain started spinning rapidly.    


The most important thing right now was to get out of here, but there seemed to be no one else besides Chen Nana who could bail him out.    


However, Chen Nana had left because of anger earlier. If he called her now, she probably wouldn't pick him up.    


Lee Yang let out a long sigh and his mind suddenly lit up.    


Right, why did he forget about Liu Xin?    


He hurriedly took out his phone and prepared to call Liu Xin, but the brand new phone made Lee Dong have an opinion.    


"Where did you get the money to buy a phone?"    


"A classmate gave it to me."    


"That classmate, why did he give you a phone? Kid, did you do something bad?" Lee Dong stared into his son's eyes. "Let me tell you, if you dare to do anything illegal, I will be the first to deal with you. "    


Lee Yang looked at his father and was very speechless. "It really was given to me by my classmate. How could I possibly do those things?"    


"Don't lie to me, or else you'll be in trouble."    


"Dad, I need to make a phone call. Don't say anything." He dialed Liu Xin's number after he finished speaking. He had a very good memory. As long as Liu Xin told him the number, he would not forget it.    


"Who is it?" Liu Xin's lazy voice came from the phone.    


"Teacher Liu, it's me. I need your help." After Lee Yang dialed the number, he regretted it a little. After all, Liu Xin misunderstood his relationship with Xia Jie. Now she did not have a good impression of him.    


"Lee Yang, you bought the phone?" Liu Xin said in surprise.    


"Teacher Liu, listen to me. I was arrested by the police. You can't let my mother know about this. If you don't, she will break down. So I have to trouble you to bail me out. I will give you the money. "    


Liu Xin was very surprised when she heard this," What? How did you get arrested? "    


"I can't explain it in three sentences. I am now at the police station in the west of the city. Come over quickly. Please."    


"Okay, wait for me to come over immediately." Liu Xin put down the phone and ran out with her bag.    


Lee Yang put down the phone, but he still felt that it was not safe. After all, Liu Xin was just an ordinary teacher. She did not have any background. He had provoked someone with a relatively strong background this time. If the police were determined to lock him up, Liu Xin would not bail him out.    


Then who else could he find?    


Lee Yang scratched his head in annoyance. If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have angered Chen Nana and let her go.    


After waiting for half an hour, Liu Xin came to the police station, but the police went to tell him that Lee Yang's condition could not be bail, but Lee Dong could.    


Liu Xin could not make up her mind. Under the lead of the police, she went to the detention room.    


"Lee Yang, what is going on? Why are you fighting with you? Now they want to sue you." Liu Xin said anxiously after entering the room.    


Lee Yang told her everything that had happened before.    


Liu Xin was filled with righteous indignation when she heard him and said, "How can you do such a thing? Do these people still have the law in their eyes?"    


Lee Yang said coldly, "In their eyes, money is the law."    


"Then what should we do? They won't let me bail you out. I can only bail your father out." Liu Xin said anxiously.    


"You bail out my father first. I will think of another way." Lee Yang thought for a while and said.    


Lee Dong immediately expressed his opposition. "No, how can I leave you here alone?"    


Lee Yang advised, "Dad, mom is now alone in the hotel. Between the two of us, there must be someone who can go back and let her feel at ease. Otherwise, Mom would think nonsense. Don't go to the government after you go out. The government will not come out for this matter for the time being. "    


Lee Dong still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lee Yang. Seeing that he could not convince his son, Lee Dong stomped his feet and sighed. "It's father's incompetence that implicated you."    


"We are father and son. What does it have to do with us?" Lee Yang said with a smile, then turned to Liu Xin and said, "Please, Teacher Liu."    


"What about you?" ___ asked.    


"Teacher Liu, help me contact Chen Nana and ask her for the number of that inspector Jee Rou." Lee Yang thought of the Inspector Jee Rou who did not like him and could now exert pressure from the police. Only a police officer of Jee Rou's level could do so.    


Liu Xin said in surprise, "Why don't you ask yourself?"    


Lee Yang smiled bitterly and said, "There is a misunderstanding between Chen Nana and I. I'm afraid she won't answer my phone."    


Liu Xin did not ask what happened between the two of them. After going out to settle the bail procedure, she took the time to call Chen Nana and tell her about Lee Yang's situation. At the same time, she also asked for Jee Rou's phone number.    


Chen Nana did not say anything on the phone and her tone was very calm.    


Liu Xin thought that it seemed that the misunderstanding between the two of them this time was still a little deep.    


Lee Dong followed Liu Xin and left. Lee Yang looked at the phone number on the phone and hesitated to call.    


After hesitating for a few minutes, Lee Yang still dialed the number. However, he did not expect that the other party was not in the service area.    


F * ck, why is it so funny?    


Lee Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly. God really knew how to joke with him.    


After a few consecutive calls, it was the same situation. Lee Yang did not have any more tricks up his sleeve. He collapsed onto the cold bed and thought of a way to leave.    


He did not expect that he would actually fall asleep in such a muddle-headed manner.    


When Lee Yang saw his mother being bullied previously, the strength that erupted in an instant had actually exceeded the greatest burden on his physical body. In addition, there was a strong fluctuation in his emotions after that. Now that he was lying on the bed, his entire body relaxed. Unknowingly, he had entered a dream.    


After sleeping for an unknown period of time, Lee Yang heard someone calling him in a daze. He frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes.    


"Student Li, you can leave now." It was still the same young policeman from before, but now he had changed his expression. He looked very fawning, and there was even a little bit of fear in his eyes.    


This fellow actually knew the daughter of Deputy Mayor's family. Even if he pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger, he wouldn't be as thorough as you.    


I actually said those words to him just now. He's really an old man hanging himself. He really has a long life ahead of him.    


Lee Yang stood up and walked to the door, saying, "What's going on? Didn't you say that you will be imprisoned for fifteen days?"    


"Someone is here to bail you out. You can leave now." The young policeman had a flattering smile on his face.    


Lee Yang was a little surprised. "Bail me out? There was also someone who bailed me out just now. Didn't you say that I can't leave?"    


When the young policeman heard this, he almost cried. He thought to himself, Boss, I knew you had such a strong background.    


"It was Mayor Chen's daughter who bailed you out. Classmate, come with me." The young policeman led the way in front, his back slightly bowed, appearing especially respectful.    


Lee Yang was a little stunned.    


Chen Nana, it was actually this woman who came to bail him out. Was she not angry with him anymore?    


Lee Yang completely did not know how to express the emotions in his heart. He even felt ashamed.    


When he came to the hall outside, he saw Chen Nana sitting on the sofa with sunglasses on. Beside her stood Officer Liu, who had been showing off his power to her. The policemen next to her did not even dare to breathe loudly. They were all sitting in their seats like quails.    


Chen Nana's driver was handling the bail procedure.    


"Student Li, I'm sorry for making you suffer." When Officer Liu saw Lee Yang, he quickly walked over and continuously apologized to Lee Yang. When Chen Nana appeared just now, she had a big temper. Officer Liu was so scared that he almost wet his pants. For someone like him, offending Deputy Mayor... Basically sentenced to death.    


Lee Yang ignored him and went straight to Chen Nana. He whispered, "Thank you."    


Chen Nana did not say anything. She stood up and walked outside.    


The driver came over and patted Lee Yang's shoulder to let him follow.    


Police Officer Liu stood behind her and watched them leave.    


Chen Nana also got into the car without saying a word after they got out of the car. Lee Yang swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.    


"Miss is still very worried about you, Lee Yang. I still say the same thing. Miss has never cared so much about any male student. You must not hurt her heart." The driver said earnestly.    


Lee Yang nodded with a heavy heart.    


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