Abandoned Youth

C884 Confrontation

C884 Confrontation

The group of monks came to Lin Han's room angrily.    


Lin Han listened carefully. The abbot was indeed in the crowd, but he wasn't as excited as the others.    


"Can everyone calm down a little? We have yet to determine whether Almsgiver Lin is a thief or not..."    


Before the abbot could finish speaking, a monk interrupted him.    


"Who else could it be if not them? That female patron admitted it!"    


"That's right, I don't think any of these people are good!"    


These fellows were all very agitated. When they spoke, it caused the crowd to become agitated.    


Lin Han glanced at the crowd and said to Huang Ling'er, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."    


Lin Han let Zhang Yong and Huang Ling'er wait in the room, then he walked out by himself.    


"Why did you come to find me?" Lin Han asked.    


Lin Han's expression was too calm, causing the monks to fall silent.    


Finally, it was the abbot who took a few steps forward and spoke to Lin Han.    


"Benefactor Lin, our monastery has always had a treasure. Have you heard of it?"    


Lin Han nodded generously. "I've heard of it. Isn't it that martial technique scroll? Why?"    


The abbot did not know what to say. Lin Han admitted it too calmly, which made him feel a little impolite.    


"This, this scroll suddenly disappeared last night. I wonder if benefactor has seen it before?"    


Lin Han scanned the monks outside and saw their different expressions.    


"What if I say I have never seen it before?"    


As soon as Lin Han finished speaking, a monk started shouting.    


"What have you never seen? You just don't want to admit it when you see it!"    


He took a few steps forward with righteous indignation and criticized Lin Han.    


As soon as he spoke, the people behind him became noisy and expressed their agreement with what the monk said.    


The abbot stretched out his hand to stop the man who was about to rush forward and apologized to Lin Han with an apologetic smile.    


"Benefactor, please don't mind. The treasures of our temple are of great importance. Everyone is somewhat anxious, but there is nothing we can do."    


Huang Ling'er who was behind also panicked. "This... If even monks are so agitated, how are we going to live?"    


Zhang Yong also became anxious. "The Ardent Yang Residence has not been settled yet, so we can't stay overnight. Why are we waiting for rabbits?"    


Lin Han, on the other hand, had an idea. He casually took out a scroll and tossed it to the abbot.    


This scene made Huang Ling'er's face turn pale. "How can I give it to him directly? We are not..."    


The monk's emotions also exploded.    


"It's this kid! If it wasn't for him, how could he have taken it out directly!"    


The monk's words were very reasonable. Everyone began to jeer.    


"It's you! Why aren't you apologizing to the abbot!?"    


"To think that we kindly took you in. You actually want to repay kindness with ingratitude!"    


Zeng Yuan was also among these people and spoke earnestly.    


"Almsgiver, we don't need this martial skill either. You saved us. As long as you mention it, I'll give it to you to take a look. So what? Stealing is really a bad idea. "    


Zeng Yuan's expression was sincere, but Zhang Yong could not bear listening to what he said.    


"What do you mean by stealing? We didn't steal, we didn't steal!"    


Just as Zhang Yong stepped forward to say something, a monk choked on his words.    


"If we didn't steal it, then where did this scroll come from?!"    


Zhang Yong choked on his words, not knowing what to say.    


They were forced to marry by Fatty Yang and escaped again. They had no intention of meeting Lin Han...    


The matter was so complicated that it could not be explained with just one or two sentences. Monks were furious and would not finish listening.    


Lin Han did not think it was hard to say. He calmly took two steps forward and his voice was filled with some strength.    


"Everyone, listen to me quietly!"    


After he said that, the monks in front of the door finally quieted down.    


Only now did they recall that this person in front of them had casually taken care of those three bandits.    


It was only because the doors of the hall were blocked that the monks didn't see Lin Han's true ability.    


Otherwise, if they really saw Lin Han's ability, they didn't know if they would have the confidence to speak to him in such a manner.    


The abbot was quite bold. He stepped forward once more and asked carefully, "What did the abbot say?"    


Lin Han smiled and said, "I want to say that I know who stole this scroll. I wonder if you guys are in the mood to listen to me?"    


The abbot was also shocked. "Patron, do you know who stole it?"    


The monk behind couldn't help but mock, "It was him who stole it. Of course he knows!"    


As soon as he said that, he was stopped by Ceng Yuan. "Cut it out!"    


Seeing that no one interrupted him, Lin Han continued.    


"I heard that the abbot wants to seek help from Lie Yang Prefecture? Coincidentally, I heard that the person who stole the scroll was from Lie Yang Palace."    


The abbot frowned, not daring to believe what he had heard.    


" I don't know what you're saying either. Is it really Lie Yang Residence? "    


Lin Han smiled. "If Abbot doesn't believe me, why don't we go to Lie Yang Palace and ask?"    


While Lin Han was persuading the monks to go to Lie Yang Residence, the people in Lie Yang Residence were not very calm either.    


The influence of Lie Yang Prefecture was spread across the entire Su City, and their companies were everywhere.    


Lin Han had messed up the top floor of their main company, and Fatty Yang could only use another place to temporarily replace it.    


Although the top floor of another place was not as beautiful as the main company's, it was still useful.    


Fatty Yang was lying on a chair with a very unhappy expression.    


"Can you guys do something good? That bald donkey came looking for me today!"    


The subordinates were so scared that they knelt down. Even the leader's words were trembling.    


"I, we don't know how the abbot knew either. This, this shouldn't be a big deal, right?"    


Fatty Yang slapped his hand and the fat on his palm trembled.    


"What do you mean by 'nothing big'? If they were to control the public opinion, wouldn't the Lie Yang Residence be able to handle it?! ”    


When Fatty Yang got angry, these people all panicked.    


The one who first spoke immediately replied, afraid that Fatty Yang would do something again.    


"Old master, we haven't investigated this matter clearly, but I think that old monk probably doesn't know."    


Fatty Yang smashed his hammer on the chair. "Explain it to me clearly. What's the difference between being vague and not saying anything?!"    


That little one quickly racked his brain to think of a reason.    


"I'm afraid... I'm afraid there's something else that I need your help with!"    


Hearing the subordinate say so, Fatty Yang calmed down a little.    


He thought for a moment and felt that it was right. After all, if there was anything in the temple, they would come looking for him.    


But on second thought, he thought of the note left on the ground by Lin Han.    


"That brat surnamed Lin has also touched their temple. I'm afraid that they have told that abbot."    


Speaking up to this point, Fatty Yang's heart was pounding. This Qingxin Temple had given them a lot of benefits.    


"Is this Qingxin Temple going to come and denounce us in the next few days? That will be troublesome."    


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