Supreme Conceited Emperor

C1304 martial arts competition

C1304 martial arts competition

"This is my residence." Venerable Ice Sea coldly said.    




After Su Jue shouted, he took out the veil that the Venerable God Fire gave him before, and said: "This is the thing that senior God Fire left for me to give you, and also the thing he wanted me to give you."    


"What do you mean?"    


The reason she found Su Jue was because Su Jue's aura earlier made him feel Venerable Godfire's presence.    


"He asked me to apologize."    


"I'm sorry."    


Venerable Ice Sea turned around, although Su Jue could not see his face, he could feel a trace of sadness.    


After a while, Venerable Ice Sea turned his head and said, "I'm just sorry. Did he say anything about his enemy?"    




Su Jue frowned. Venerable Godfire did not ask him to tell the situation regarding his enemy to the Ice Sea Sovereign. It was obvious that Venerable Ice Sea was considering it.    


After all, Karakorum was too powerful.    


"I haven't." Su Jue laughed.    


Venerable Ice Sea nodded, then said with a wry smile, "He must have told you, but you didn't tell me. Fine, I won't force you. Since he doesn't want me to take revenge for him, I'll listen to him."    


"Senior, grieve for me." Su Jue didn't know what to say, he was really not good at comforting others.    


Venerable Ice Sea smiled miserably. After a while, he said, "You should have practiced his wireless avatar technique, right?"    


"Yes, Venerable One."    


When you cultivate, you can purchase a praying mat for him to cultivate in. Also, if you enter the Divine Flame Cauldron s, you will definitely have become a real fire spirit body, but you need to improve your real body, so I recommend that you join this year's New Star Arena, which will be beneficial to you.    


"New Star Martial Competition!"    


Su Jue nodded. He remembered that Ye You once said that there would be a martial competition once every month on the fourth floor and above.    


"Go. If you have anything to say, come find me here."    


With that said, a snowflake floated into Su Jue's hands.    


Su Jue could feel that this snowflake contained the aura of the Venerable Ice Sea.    


"Within the range of the steelstar, you can come here as long as you inject divine power. If there's any trouble, you can come here to cultivate."    


After he finished speaking, the body of the Venerable Ice Sea Venerable One turned into countless snowflakes and disappeared from the world, while Su Jue also disappeared at the same time.    


When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the square of the fourth level.    


When he returned to the dwelling, Ye You had already waited for a long time.    


"Young master, they retreated." Ye You said with a happy expression.    


"Are you talking about Xiang Yun and the rest?" Su Jue asked with a smile.    


"Yes, they may be afraid of your encounter in the ninth heaven, so they definitely won't dare to deal with you in the near future."    


Su Jue nodded, but suddenly he thought of the competition, and asked: "When will the competition begin?"    


"Martial Arts Competition!"    


Ye You frowned and said, "Young Master, I don't mind if you participate in this Martial Competition."    




"Because the Martial Competition this time is exactly one year, and it's the New Star Martial Arts Competition. No one at the seventh level of the cultivation mountain or above will participate, but even so, the new Star Martial Competition is much more intense than the usual competitions. Are you new or will you …"    


"Where can I sign up?" Su Jue asked directly.    


"Young Master, are you sure you want to participate? The martial arts competition is not compulsory." Ye You was somewhat worried.    


"Just tell me where I can sign up."    


Seeing how determined Su Jue was, Ye You helplessly nodded his head and said, "We can register at the Deacon Manor. According to the time, it should not be full yet."    


Before he finished speaking, Su Jue's figure had already disappeared.    


The Deacon Manor.    


After Su Jue arrived at the deacon palace, he immediately revealed his intentions.    


"Are you saying that you want to participate in this Martial Arts Competition?" A middle-aged deacon looked at Su Jue and said.    


"Yes." Su Jue nodded.    


"Young man, it seems that you have only been ten days since you entered the fourth level. Are you really going to participate in this martial competition?" Middle-aged deacon tried to persuade.    


"I'm sure." Su Jue laughed.    


The middle-aged deacon nodded, then took out a book and said, "This martial arena is for the Five Elements World. There are still places in the Fire World, the Loess World, and the Ice World. Choose one."    


"Let's go to the Fiery World!"    


It was obvious that he knew of the competition's arena. Since he said that participating in the tournament would allow him to improve his Flame God Realm, then he would naturally choose the Flame World.    


"Alright, I'll help you record it immediately." After saying that, the deacon wrote down Su Jue's name on the book, and immediately said: "The martial competition is going to start in fifteen days, and after the start of the competition, you will be directly teleported into the Flame World. As for the rules of the competition, you will know after entering the Flame World."    


Su Jue nodded and turned to leave the Deacon Residence, and immediately started cultivating after he returned.    


He would do his best to increase his strength before the martial arts competition.    


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.    


Today, when Su Jue was cultivating, he suddenly felt a suction force from the imprint on his hand.    


The match was about to begin.    


He did not resist. After a while, the suction suddenly became stronger.    




His figure disappeared from the training room, and in the next moment, he appeared on the scorched earth.    


The sky was covered with fiery clouds, and the earth was occasionally ablaze.    


The Fiery World.    




A voice came from the imprint. After his consciousness entered, he saw a token in the space of the imprint.    




The tokens contained the rules of this Martial Competition.    


"There are a total of seven days in the competition world, a total of four thousand people from the four great cultivation mountains are participating, and every day, every person will receive a mission, and after completing the mission, they will be able to enter the second day of the competition and receive the Ghost God Power rewards. If they are unable to complete the mission, they will be eliminated, and if there is any danger in the process of the competition, they can be crushed and sent away.    


Su Jue read the information on the order badge.    


Seven days. Four thousand people. Every person would receive a mission every day. Once they completed the mission, they would be able to continue competing, and they would not be able to complete it.    


The rules were simple, but the mission would definitely not be simple.    


After a while, he did receive his first quest.    


"First day of the mission, kill ten of the Gold Beasts, complete the reward of one hundred Ghost God Power, and obtain the second mission!"    


In addition to the task, he also obtained a map and a clock. They marked his location and the location of the Gold Beast, and the time of the task was also shown on the clock.    


The first day of the mission was not difficult at all!    


After finding the direction, Su Jue quickly flew towards the location of the Gold Beast Heavenly Flame Essence. Two hours later, a huge flaming mountain appeared in front of him.    


This Blazing Mountain was different from the Great Wall Star's Blazing Mountain. It was completely a huge mountain that was on fire.    


Before they even got close, waves of heat waves attacked.    


If it wasn't for the controller of the laws of fire, it'd be hard for him to even get close.    




Just as he entered the mountain range, he saw a huge blue beast roaring towards the sky as if in a demonstration.    




Su Jue smiled faintly, this blue ferocious beast was the Golden Beast of Sky Fire Essence.    


"There's no pressure on those ferocious beasts formed by the Blue Light Primordial Fire."    


Without any hesitation, Su Jue immediately rushed forward, the Purple Radiant Divine Flame in his hands flew out, and instantly blasted the Gold Beast flying.    


The Golden Beast was sent flying several hundred meters away, but it did not die. Its mouth kept touching the terrifying flames.    


"Sounds good."    


Smiling, Su Jue didn't care about the Blue Light True Fire at all. Instead, he channeled his Flame True Body and flew towards the Skyfire Golden Beast, and immediately grabbed the head of the Golden Hand of Heavenly Flame.    


"Break for me!"    




The sound of bones breaking sounded out, and in the next moment, the Gold Beast Sky Fire Essence Beast was split in half by Su Jue's hands.    




The 30 meter tall Flame True Body moved step by step towards the Gold Beast's corpse.    


"There's actually a animal core?!"    


Su Jue held onto the animal core that had a head of a normal beast laughing loudly, only to see that the animal core was as sparkling and translucent as a gem.    


"This is a animal core formed from the Blue Light Primordial Fire. There's a secret text on it."    


Su Jue frowned, with the animal core in his hand, he began to meditate.    


After a while, he was ecstatic. He had comprehended the circulation of life within the animal core's flame laws.    


This would be of great help to his Flame True Body.    


The fire true body was also a change in his life form, and right now, whether it was his True Body of the Golden God or his fire true body, both were at their lowest level, and required constant development before they could be upgraded.    


"I'll kill ten of them first and then study after completing the mission."    


Even though he couldn't wait any longer, completing the mission was the most important thing. Comprehending it, he could do it anytime he wanted.    


In the next two hours, Liu Ming started to hunt down and kill all thirteen Gold Beasts.    


Looking at the order badge, sure enough, his mission was completed, and the 100 Ghost God Power reward had also arrived.    


"Mission accomplished, begin comprehending!"    


He, who was already impatient, immediately held the animal core in his hand and began to comprehend it.    


And this time, he directly used his real body to comprehend it.    


The pattern within the animal core was extremely obvious, and he quickly reaped some rewards. The flame true body that was ten meters tall actually began to grow.    


The color had also changed from a normal fiery red color to a blue one.    


Once he was blue, his real body was in the second stage.    


According to his speculations, his Flame God Physique could advance to the third stage because he was already a Purple Radiant Divine Flame.    


Following the continuous disappearance of the animal core in his hands, his Flame True Body also continuously grew taller. In less than two hours, it had grown from its original thirty meters to forty feet.    


"Four zhang, the power of my real body has increased by one level compared to before. The effect is truly obvious."    


Overjoyed, he did not even have time to rest before he continued his slaughter.    


In the world of flames, there was no sunrise or sunset, only an endless fiery red. Blue rays of light constantly flashed across the mountain range.    


"There seems to be someone there?"    


A man and a woman stopped outside the Blazing Mountain.    


Amongst them was Li Yanhun.    


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