Supreme Conceited Emperor

C540 Negotiation

C540 Negotiation

"Su Jue, will the Heavenly Alliance's Alliance Master agree to leave the World Alliance?" Xiao Wentian asked.    


Su Jue did not answer and only sat on his chair to ponder over it. He had proposed that letting the Heavenly Alliance leave the World Alliance was only one of his goals, and more importantly, he had to create a plan to talk to the other members individually. Only then would he be able to unleash his plan to control Jin Yang Yuan and find Yuan Qian.    


"That's right, Su Jue. What was the secret that you all spoke of just now? Why would the Heavenly Alliance's Alliance Master care so much about it?" Li Fengyun also asked.    


"This is not something you should know. What we need to do now is to work together to overcome this obstacle!" Duan Tianming reprimanded.    


Li Fengyun was humiliated, but soon after, he became dissatisfied, "Alliance Head Duan, this time we suffered heavy losses. Since the formation is here, why are we still negotiating with them and letting them enter the formation to kill them without leaving a single one alive?"    


"That's right, kill every single one of them!"    


Su Jue frowned, he then stood up and looked at Li Fengyun, and said: Then have you thought about the other situation, what if they are not in the array?    


"This …"    


Li Fengyun was immediately stunned, and everyone was stunned at the same time as well.    


"That's right, although this is the World Alliance's headquarters, it's actually just an empty shell. To the Heavenly Alliance, the World Source Tower are the most important, as long as they take over our World Source Tower, they don't need to attack our headquarters." Xiao Wentian said.    


"Not to mention that this grand formation is only a fake! It's just a facade!"    


Su Jue casually added, but he had scared everyone to death.    


"Fake over, it's all over!"    


"In other words, we might not even be able to protect the headquarters anymore. What about the deputy chief of the He Clan, Yuan Clan, and Ren Clan?" Li Fengyun was shocked.    


"Don't be anxious, it's clear that Su Jue's conditions are moving them. We'll see the results in three days!" Duan Tianming said.    


Su Jue nodded, then looked at the crowd and said: "That's right, I'm sure they will agree."    


"In that case, we might as well take this opportunity to settle for our position as the World Alliance's Alliance Master!" Xiao Wentian said.    


"Su Jue?"    


"That's right, right now, only Su Jue is able to set up a great formation, and only Su Jue is qualified to negotiate with the Heavenly Alliance Master.    


"I agree as well!"    


Half of those who agreed in a short period of time actually agreed to it.    


At this time, Xiao Wentian looked at Li Fengyun, and said: "Li Fengyun, what are you still hesitating for, what else did those vampires do other than take advantage of us. Now that we have all lost our World Source Tower, and our hometown is about to be enslaved, where are they?"    


"At this time, if Su Jue were to make a move, we should believe in him. He is the savior of our World Alliance!" Duan Yiyi also quickly followed.    


Cao Song nodded his head and walked in front of Li Fengyun, and said: "Although the three great families are big, but there is not a single expert guarding them, that is why they chose a strong warrior to be their chief and helped them condense their World Alliance. Chief Duan is like this, and the previous chief is also like this."    


"But are they really doing it for the World Alliance? No, they are just trying to use the World Alliance to gain more benefits so that they have the capital to talk to the Dark City, the Sky Law City and the heaven and earth alliance. We are their tools."    


The hall suddenly became silent. Everyone lowered their heads and did not say a word.    


"Sigh." At this time, Duan Tianming sighed, and said: "I had trusted them a lot, but ten days ago, I understood that before Su Jue could place down the formation, they had not left any traces. When the formation unleashes its divine might, the Heavenly Alliance would suffer heavy losses and they would come out."    


"The first thing they did was cripple their Alliance Master. Why, because they felt that Su Jue's Level 8 Great Formation was able to replace the existence of my Alliance Master, that the formation is dead, and that they wouldn't split up the three great families who are selfish, so how could they lead our World Alliance?"    


"Don't say anymore!"    


Li Fengyun suddenly shouted.    


"I agree that Su Jue will be the Alliance Master. From now on, I will follow Su Jue's lead!"    


Li Fengyun then cupped his hands in respect to Su Jue.    


"Greetings, Alliance Master!"    


In the next moment, everyone cupped their hands together.    


"Good, good, good. You traitors actually took advantage of the fact that we're not here to choose an alliance head. Do you even place us, the three great clans, in your eyes?"    


Dozens of people walked into the hall from the three great families. The current three great families' masters all had faces full of anger, their eyes filled with boundless killing intent!    


"What lousy chief? Since the three great families aren't here, we can't decide who has chosen who!" He Jiu Jue pointed at Su Jue.    


"That's right, the World Alliance was created by our three great clans. Since you people entrusted us with this task, you should listen to us, we will destroy you right after we rebel!" Chief Yuan also roared.    


"How dare you!"    


Su Jue's face congealed as he walked in front of He Jiu Jue and said, "I am the Alliance Master of the World Alliance and this is the World Alliance Headquarters. Are you trying to court death by scolding me and threatening us?"    


When these words came out, Xiao Wentian and the rest surrounded the three great families without hesitation.    


"What are you guys doing?" Chief Yuan turned pale with fright.    


"What for?"    


Su Jue laughed coldly, and said: "I have already told you this before, but I can repeat it now, from today onwards, abolish the position of ruler of the three great families of World Alliance!"    


"Hmph, Su Jue, don't use a chicken feather as an arrow, do you really think you're a spring onion?" He Jiu Jue looked at Li Yunfeng and said: Li Fengyun, why are you still staring at these traitors? And you, Duan Tianming, you are under our support, continue listening to us, I will make you the Alliance Master.    


"I'm sorry, Patriarch He. Now that Su Jue is the Alliance Master, I have already announced my filial piety to Su Jue." Duan Tianming laughed.    


"Me too!" Li Fengyun said with his hands crossed behind his back.    


"You, Li Fengyun, you're a glutton!" Patriarch Ren pointed at Li Fengyun and cursed.    


"Humph, I've been eating off the inside, how many benefits did you guys get from my Kan He Realm? But right now, my Kan He Realm is in the hands of others, why don't you guys help me take it back? If you want me to support you, go ahead and kill the Heavenly Alliance Master and take my Kan He Realm back!" Li Fengyun pointed outside and roared.    


He Jiu Jue's expression was extremely ugly. He never thought that Su Jue would actually get the support of everyone even though he had only been here for a few days.    


Now, with my identity as the Alliance Master of World Alliance, I announce that Xiao Wentian, Li Fengyun and Duan Tianming have become trusted Alliance Masters of He, Yuan, and Ren, so from now on, my World Alliance will no longer have to pay any protection fees to anyone! "" No need!    


Su Jue said indifferently as he looked at He Jiu Jue and the other two.    




Xiao Wentian was the first one to take the lead and form a good relationship, while everyone else actually cheered in front of He Jiujue and the other two.    


"Vice chief Xiao, you know more about the matters within the Alliance. Why don't you take this opportunity to clean up?" Su Jue said as he looked at Xiao Wentian.    


Xiao Wentian immediately understood and waved his hand.    


"Now, in the name of the deputy chief of the alliance, I announce that the first will be withdrawing all the experts of the World Alliance used to protect the disciples of the three great families. The second will order the three great families, He, Yuan, and Ren, to withdraw those who had placed in other realms to mine stellar crystal s mines within ten days.    


"Third, inform my World Alliance's spies in Dark City, Sky Law City, Alliance Earth Alliance and all other large and small forces above the Cloud Realm to post a notice. After passing through the world, my World Alliance will no longer have three great clans, only my Alliance Master!"    


The three orders were quickly passed on, while He Jiujue and the others were trembling with rage.    


Each of Xiao Wentian's three sentences caused great harm to the interests of the three great families.    


Especially the last sentence.    


Once they lost their position as the ruling three families of World Alliance, not only would they lose the right to speak about the Realm above the Cloud, the more important people that they had offended would also flock over here …    


"Good, very good. We won't give up now. We'll see!"    


He Jiu Jue walked out after he finished speaking.    


"Wait a minute!"    


At this time, Su Jue suddenly said coldly.    


"What else do you want?" He Jiu Jue glared at Su Jue and said.    


"I'm not doing anything, just return my Diagram Array to me!"    


"Diagram Array!"    


He Jiu Jue's expression immediately darkened.    


"No, you can leave from here after resting today!" Su Jue's eyes were filled with killing intent.    


"Humph, you little bastard. Just when we were afraid of you, we'll kill you right here today. Let's see who dares to stop me!"    


Patriarch Yuan shouted and immediately rushed towards Su Jue.    


In an instant, the avatar of lightning flew out from Su Jue's body. With a flash of thunder, Patriarch Yuan was caught off guard and was sent flying backwards by the lightning bolt.    


In the next moment, Xiao Wentian and his men subdued him.    


"Yuan Shigong's crime of sneaking an attack on Alliance Master is to be punished!" Xiao Wentian bellowed.    


Yuan Shigong's eyes immediately revealed fear as he said: "Don't do anything, let's hand over the array and hand over the array!"    


With that, Yuan Shigong turned to He Jiu Jue and said, "Clan Head He, hand over the formation. If you hand over the formation, they would really dare to make a move."    


He Jiu Jue grit his teeth, his eyes bloodshot.    


"Hand over the array diagram, but it's not on me. I'll give it to you tomorrow!" He Jiu Jue said.    


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