Supreme Conceited Emperor

C205 Who lives and who dies?!

C205 Who lives and who dies?!

"Yes, you didn't ruin my virginity, but what difference does it make? My body, my dignity, everything about me has been destroyed by you! You're just an animal!"    


Han Yue's face still had a tinge of red, but her voice was tinged with thick despair.    


Su Jue frowned, and looked at Han Yue: "Like I said before, if you think you have nothing left to live for, kill yourself now! No one will stop you, and no one will sympathize with you, because from the day you stepped onto the road of martial arts, you are not an ordinary person, you do not have the qualifications to have others sympathize with you!"    


"Die, quickly die!"    


With that said, Su Jue immediately sat down.    


"You're right, I am a warrior, not an ordinary person, and not a saint. I am only a small martial artist. If I can survive this, I will hide in the forest and cultivate in seclusion."    


After a long while, Han Yue's somewhat dejected voice sounded out in the stone room. Now that she had removed the sacred girl's halo, she was no longer the aloof and proud sacred girl!    


"An hour has passed. Open the door!"    


With a boom, Su Jue opened his eyes and saw a huge door in front of him had opened wide, revealing a blood red hall.    


At the same time that Su Jue walked out of the great hall, there were also people walking out from the other three directions.    


There were two people on both sides of the hall, the Ye Brothers, Lang Qi and Chu Yiqing, and the Young Master Jian of the Third Ultimate Mountain to the south.    


The rest of the people, including Demon Eye and the two bodyguards of the Ye brothers, were dead.    


"Where is my Junior Brother Demon Eye?" The young master of the sword said while looking at the crowd.    


"Who knows?" Chu Yiqing laughed.    


At the same time, the Ye brothers were also silent with unsightly expressions.    


"Brother Ye is indeed someone who has achieved great things. The one who died in your stone room should be your guard, right?" Chu Yiqing gloated while laughing.    


"Hmph, at least it's better than someone who castrates themselves with a blade." Ye Chen retaliated.    


Chu Yiqing's expression immediately darkened, he looked at Su Jue and said, "You're the one who killed Demon Eye, right? The person who died in my stone room was also a bodyguard of the Ye Family."    


When the Sword Young Master heard him, he immediately looked at Su Jue, and released his killing intent without any concealment.    


"That's right, I killed Demon Eye." Su Jue smiled faintly.    


"Su Jue, my two junior brothers have both died by your hands. The Sword Young Master's gaze was icy cold, yet his figure didn't move.    


At this moment, even if there was a large amount of hatred, no one would act rashly.    


"Alright, little bastards, there are only 17 out of the 10 remaining, but this is still not enough to enter the final treasure trove. Now, kill them all, only the 4 that survived can enter the final treasure trove. The time limit is 1 hour!"    


Luo Yuntian's voice sounded once again.    


In an instant, everyone took a few steps back to keep their distance from the others. Only the Ye brothers were still standing together.    


"Four of them." Chu Yiqing laughed, then looked at the rest of the people and said: "Everyone knows this very well, Luo Yuntian's remnant thoughts are on Su Jue, he is our greatest threat, why don't we join hands and instantly kill Su Jue!"    


"I agree!" Sword Young Master Ye Feng was the first to agree.    


"In that case, I agree as well." Ye Chen also agreed.    


"Hmph, even though I promised your three great peaks to kill Su Jue, my demon clan disdains a war of numbers, and wants to join hands with you two." Lang Qi snorted coldly and walked to the side.    


Chu Yiqing did not mind that he had finally looked at Han Yue, upon seeing this, he was instantly shocked and said: "Han Yue, your poison has been cured?"    


As soon as he said that, everyone looked at Su Jue with envious and jealous gazes.    


Han Yue and Su Jue walked out of the same stone room, and at this time, the only thing that Han Yue detoxified was Su Jue helping him treat the poison.    


In other words, Su Jue had obtained Han Yue's body.    


"What luck. To be able to enjoy such beauty in this place, you must be dead." Ye Chen sneered.    


"Han Yue, you still have a chance, stand by my side and kill Su Jue with me, or else you will die." Chu Yiqing's face became extremely ugly. Han Yue was his, but he did not want to be the first one to get the upper hand.    


"So what if it's a dead end? As a martial artist, life and death is nothing out of the ordinary." Han Yue did not explain anything as she spoke indifferently.    


Su Jue laughed. After what happened in the stone room, Han Yue was now completely different.    


"If you all want to join hands to deal with me, then come. However, I must warn you all that whoever takes the first step will die without a doubt." Su Jue said coldly.    


"Bullsh * t." Ye Feng immediately took a step forward to stand in front of Su Jue, and thus, Chu Yiqing and the Ye brothers took out their weapons at the same time.    


Su Jue's gaze was ice-cold, at the moment, he was still unable to use his True Essence in the hall.    


"Su Jue, are you afraid now?" Ye Feng said coldly.    




Su Jue immediately smiled and said: "Ye Feng, you must understand that there are seven people here and only four of them can survive. Even if I die, do you think you are Chu Yiqing's match? Is he the opponent of the Ye brothers, or is he the opponent of Lang Qi? "    


Su Jue was right, if only four people could survive, then there was no way that he could.    


"Brother Ye, there is no need to worry. I, Chu Yiqing, will definitely protect you.    


When Chu Yiqing said this, Ye Feng was immediately enraged. He looked at Su Jue and said, "Su Jue, I nearly fell for your trap, you and my Three Ultimate Heavenly Peak have long been irreconcilable. Either you die, or I die, now go and die."    


With that said, Ye Feng immediately thrusted his sword towards Su Jue.    


Su Jue's eyes congealed, his figure flashed, his iron palm instantly grabbing the sword, following that, with a flip of his hand, he grabbed the sword.    




In the next moment, he threw out an iron fist.    




Ye Feng was instantly sent flying. Blood spewed out of his mouth.    


"Ye Feng, I have to say, you are an idiot. Their strengths are all stronger than yours, so why did they let you deal with me? They only want to exhaust my strength and also borrow my strength to kill you." Su Jue glanced at Ye Feng who was lying on the ground and said.    


"Impossible!" Ye Feng said angrily, then looked towards Chu Yiqing and said: "Brother Chu, you said that I would protect you, and now that I'm injured, you have to protect my safety."    


"Alright, I will definitely protect you well." Chu Yiqing said while walking towards Ye Feng with a smile.    


"What are you doing, what are you doing?" Ye Feng said in fear as he looked at Chu Yiqing who was constantly walking over.    


Chu Yiqing smiled evilly, and said: "Nothing, just to let you free yourself."    


"No no, Brother Wolf, save me, save me!" Ye Feng hurriedly asked for help.    


Not far away, Lang Qi hesitated for a moment before flying and attacked Chu Yiqing.    


Chu Yiqing's face congealed into a palm strike, and both of them took three steps back.    


"Lang Qi, don't be stupid. If he doesn't die, how will we live?" Chu Yiqing said coldly.    


"Our wolf clan owes a favor to the Three Ultimate." Lang Qi said coldly.    


"Humph, the wolf clan is indeed stupid!"    


At this time, he heard Ye Chen's loud shout, and in the next moment, a sword light appeared.    


"No!" Ye Feng let out a mournful roar, and then his head separated from his body.    


Ye Feng died.    


At this point, all three of the young masters of the Three Peak were dead!    


"Ye Chen, you are provoking our entire wolf clan." Lang Qi's face was somewhat gloomy.    


Ye Chen laughed in disdain, and said: "Provoke? Your Wolf Tribe has already lost the status of one of the Five Great Clans, so what qualifications do you have for us to provoke you? Once we leave this place, I will have a few exchanges with your Big Brother.    


"Of course, you will survive!" Ye Feng agreed.    


"Cut the crap. One dead, six left. Next, who's next?" Chu Yiqing interrupted.    


At almost the same time, everyone's gazes landed on Han Yue.    


"Although this woman has a Saint Body, her strength is also quite good. It's a pity that true essence is restricted here. Without a doubt, she is the weakest here." Ye Feng laughed.    


"Besides, she's no longer a virgin, so it's useless to keep her." Chu Yiqing also laughed.    


Han Yue walked forward without changing her expression, and said: "Whoever wants my life, can make a move."    


"Alright, she's a courageous woman, but Su Jue, are you a man or not? Since she's already your woman, you should protect her!" Lang Seven turned around and said to Su Jue.    


Su Jue frowned, but just as he was about to speak, he saw Ye Chen suddenly rage, and fiercely thrusted a dagger at Lang Qi.    


"Be careful!"    


Su Jue's warning was already too late. With his true essence sealed, it would be difficult for him to sense the true essence fluctuations of others. At this time, exposing his back to others was practically fatal.    




With a roar of pain, a ferocious dagger stabbed into the back of Seventh Wolf.    


"You're courting death!"    


In the next moment, Lang Qi's body suddenly transformed into a three meter long grey wolf, and pounced towards Ye Chen.    


"Brother Chu, let's attack together and get rid of this troublesome thing."    


Chu Yiqing's eyes lit up, and immediately teamed up with the Ye brothers to attack Lang Qi.    


"Chu Yiqing, your opponent is me!"    


At the same time, Su Jue and Han Yue also took action.    


"Su Jue, you are courting death."    


The hatred that Chu Yiqing had accumulated for a long time finally erupted, and in an instant, the two of them had already fought a hundred times.    




The iron fist landed solidly on Chu Yiqing's chest, sending him flying.    


"Pfft!" Chu Yiqing spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with shock.    


"Motherf * cker, this kid's body is actually so tyrannical. The Golden Crow Divine Body is truly frightening!"    


Thinking about that, Chu Yiqing turned to the Ye brothers and said: "Brother Ye, help me."    


Hearing Chu Yiqing's cry for help, Ye Chen laughed loudly, and completely ignored Chu Yiqing's call to attack.    


Su Jue frowned, at the moment, Lang Qi was heavily injured, and his crossbow was already at the end of its strength, while Han Yue could only barely block Ye Feng, she had no way of saving him.    


Thinking of this, Su Jue decisively gave up on Chu Yiqing's attack.    


Seven Wolf was a man. Moreover, once Seven Wolf died, the three of them would work together to deal with him.    


"Ye Chen, die!"    


Su Jue threw out a punch, and it immediately blew the space between Ye Chen's hands away.    


"So powerful!" Ye Chen was immediately shocked, and continuously retreated until he reached Chu Yiqing's side.    


At this time, Su Jue had already left the battlefield with Seventh Wolf.    


"How is it?" Su Jue looked at Wolf Seven.    


Lang Qi took human form, his eyes a deathly grey, black blood continuously flowing from his back.    




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