Supreme Conceited Emperor

C633 Heaven's Pride Battle Team

C633 Heaven's Pride Battle Team

"What bullsh * t? I think he's just looking to die." A tall person beside Liu De said in disdain.    


"Cao Wei, can you be more careful when you speak? Maybe Brother Su is an expert." Liu De stared at Cao Wei.    


"Expert, from what I see, he probably doesn't know how powerful the Red Sand Desert is." Cao Wei laughed.    


Su Jue laughed and said: "I really do not know what kind of place the Red Sand Desert is."    


"See, I knew that he wasn't clear. If he was, he definitely wouldn't dare to go." Cao Wei said as if he had expected this would happen.    


Liu De also frowned as he looked at Su Jue, "Oh, Su Jue, this Red Sand Desert is no ordinary place. That place is no longer the trump card of the Li Huo Zong, and no longer belongs to any sect, and it has always been a zone that doesn't care about anything. Besides the many terrifying ferocious beasts that exist in the body, there are also people from other sects.    


"So this is how things are. Ignoring areas. Interesting." Su Jue said with interest.    


"I'm telling you, even the inner disciples won't go to the Red Sand Desert so easily. The death rate for a star general level cultivator is 80%, and with your strength, you are 100% dead without a doubt!" Cao Wei said in disdain.    


"Since that's the case, we must go and take a look. Cultivators, how can they be afraid of death?!"    


Su Jue laughed, then looked around to find a group that had a low requirement to join, in any case, he just wanted to find someone to lead the way.    


"Good. You have courage. Brother Su, you are correct. How can a cultivator be afraid of death? I'll go with you."    


At this time, Liu De suddenly said with excitement written all over his face.    


"You're crazy, Shorty Liu!" Cao Wei said in confusion.    


"Big Cao, we have been an artifact disciple for five years, and we are still an artifact disciple now. I have been more than enough. This time, we can go all out, and maybe we will succeed." Liu De said.    


"You lunatic, if you want to go to your death, I don't care about you, I won't go."    


With that, Cao Wei turned and left.    


"Don't worry about him. He's just a coward. I was wrong about him before." Liu De said unhappily.    


Su Jue nodded, he did not expect that with just a few words, Liu De would make such a decision.    


"The newly established Heaven's Pride Battle Team will receive its income. As for those who joined today, they don't have any requirements."    


Su Jue raised his head and saw that in the distance, there were a few women yelling at the same time.    


"Isn't that Senior Sister Yun and Senior Sister Ze Lan, if they are here, could it be that they formed a battle formation?" Liu De said in surprise.    


"Chu Yun and Ze Lan, are they very famous?" Su Jue asked with interest.    


He knew Ze Lan, but he had never seen Chu Yun before.    


"Of course. Chu Yun and Ze Lan are both famous beauties in our outer sect. More importantly, their subordinates are also beautiful women.    


"So that's how it is."    


Su Jue nodded. Beauties never lacked suitors and admirers, he reckoned that there would probably be many people who would join their battle.    


"Let's go, we'll go as well. If only we can join, then I'll be able to see my Goddess Ze Lan everyday!"    


"Goddess Ze Lan!"    


Before Su Jue could react, he was pulled away by Liu De.    


However, when the two arrived, the crowd was already very crowded.    


"I want to join!"    


"Me too."    


"Goddess of the Clouds, I'm coming, I want to join, I want to kill you!"    


"Fairy Ze Lan, you are my everything, I am willing to sacrifice my life for you at any time!"    


Suddenly, everyone raised their tokens and shouted.    


"Sigh, these people are really enough!"    


On the other side of the crowd, Ze Lan was standing beside an extremely beautiful woman with a cold expression.    


"Let's find some young talents and accept them."    


"All of the talents that the other teams won't accept, they've all come to us." Ze Lan said with some disappointment.    


"What else can we do? Our battle squadron was formed too late, and all the elites have been recruited."    


"I wonder why Senior Brother Long Ze didn't come when he went to get it? It's such a big matter like forming a team."    


"He told me that he went to another group to recruit people, but I don't know if he will succeed or not!"    


"Are we still continuing here?" Ze Lan asked.    


"Go on, let Weiwei and the others have a better look."    


Ze Lan nodded and walked over.    


"Out of the way, out of the way."    


Liu De shouted as he drilled into the crowd.    


He and Su Jue were short on one side and skinny on the other.    


"What are your names?" A pretty girl dressed in white looked at Liu De and Su Jiang as she spoke.    


"You must be Senior Sisters Yu, right?" Liu De asked as his face turned red.    


"That's right, I'm Wei. I'll register your names!" Ye Zichen smiled.    


"I, Liu De, this is my brother Su Jue!" Liu De pointed at Su Jue excitedly.    


Slightly nodding, he took note of the lives of Su Jue and Liu De.    


"It's a success, haha, Su Jue, you are truly a lucky star. I only known you for one day and you already joined the group of beauties. Miss Slight Chill was even smiling at me. From now on, she is my goddess."    


Other than the crowd, Liu De said excitedly.    


Su Jue laughed and said: "Isn't your goddess Ze Lan?"    


"Ze Lan is also my goddess, but Miss Wei is still more gentle. Look at her smile, it's as pure as a lotus."    


"Lotus …" Su Jue looked at Liu De's infatuated appearance and was a little speechless.    


"It's Senior Brother Long Ze now, quickly look! It's Senior Brother Long Ze!"    


At this time, a commotion broke out in the crowd. The town of Lihuo had thirty people in it, and the person with the tiniest hair was a tall and handsome youth.    


"Senior Brother Long Ze, he is Miss Man Yao's main personal artifact servant. Didn't they say he went to complete his secret mission?"    


"Eh, isn't that White Shark, one of the four great warriors?"    


"And also the captain of the Everlasting Battlefield Corps, Wu Sheng!"    


Amidst everyone's discussion, the group of thirty people had already reached Chu Yun and Ze Lan.    


At that moment, a large group of female disciples suddenly appeared in the line to register for Heaven's Pride. A few of them were shouting out Long Ze's name.    


"This Long Ze is very popular." Liu De said somewhat enviously.    


"High popularity? Is he very strong? " Su Jue asked.    


"Of course, a Star General level 9 cultivation is also very strong in refining. It is said that you have already been recommended by Miss Man Yao to join the inner sect, and will be able to participate in the inner sect disciple exam by the end of this year."    


"The inner court disciple test." Su Jue nodded his head, Shu Feng had said before that if you want to participate in the inner disciple test, you must first get the recommendation of an inner disciple.    


"Let's go, Su Jue, maybe they will be calling us soon." After Liu De finished, he took a step forward.    


The two of them walked all the way to the bottom of the stone platform and waited in silence.    


"Senior Brother Long Ze, what's wrong?"    


Ze Lan, who was on the stage, asked curiously.    


Long Ze laughed, then said: "Let me introduce you."    


After saying that, Long Ze pointed to an equally tall Ranker beside him, and said: "This is one of the four great warriors of the Four Great Guilds, White Shark. Everyone should have heard of him, right?"    


"White Shark, what's wrong?" Chu Yun asked with some doubts.    


"That's right, White Shark has already announced that he has joined our Heaven's Pride Battle Team." Long Ze said.    


Hu Yun was overjoyed and immediately cupped his hands.    


"Haha, don't be so courteous Junior Sister Chu Yun. I've always admired you and can finally fight alongside you. Right now, my entire body is extremely excited."    


With that said, Qian Yun's expression became awkward, he anxiously looked behind Long Ze and said: "Then these few …."    


"This is the captain of the Everlasting Battlefield Group, Wu Sheng, and the ghost hand of the Iron-Blood Battle Group. Other than them, the rest of them are the elites of the three great battalions. They don't have a single artifact apprentice." Long Ze said as he proudly looked at Ze Lan.    


Ze Lan laughed and said: "Senior Brother Long Ze is indeed too powerful, much stronger than us."    


"Hehe, the mission that Miss Man Yao personally gave us is something that I am duty-bound to do. Now let me announce, from now on, the Heaven's Pride Battle Team will have me as the leader, White Shark and Chu Yun as the vice-captain, Ze Lan, Wu Sheng and Ghost Hand as the team leader."    


After Long Ze finished his announcement, everyone on the stage began to clap and cheer.    


"Right, we've also recruited some people. They're still waiting for us." Ze Lan suddenly said.    


"Yeah, they're still off-stage."    


He looked at Su Jue, Liu De and the others who were below the stage and spoke.    


Everyone below the stage were embarrassed, other than Su Jue, they all lowered their heads, obviously feeling inferior in front of the elites on stage.    


"What's the use of these artifact boys?" White Shark frowned.    


"I'm not saying, but the presence of the artifact disciple will only implicate us. I think we should just forget about it. Let them go and give them some compensation." Wu Sheng shook his head.    


Long Ze nodded his head, and said: "The Heaven's Pride Battle Team must live up to their name, all of you are Heaven's Pride disciples, Artifact Children, there's no need, all of you can leave."    


After Long Ze finished speaking, the people below the stage all lowered their heads and left dejectedly. Liu De was also very disappointed, he pulled Su Jue and said: "Let's go!"    


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