Supreme Conceited Emperor

C418 King of Golden Roc

C418 King of Golden Roc

At the same time, Lan Tong's face revealed a cold expression.    


"When I return, I will return it a hundredfold."    


These words were still lingering in his mind.    


He was very clear that Su Jue's words were spoken for him to hear.    


This was also the first time he heard someone say such things in front of him in his many years in Wind Cloud Island.    


To him, this was a humiliation!    


"It seems I have to make a trip back to Blood Toad Island." Lan Tong sneered, he did not need to guess to know that Su Jue and Kong Kong would definitely think of a way to save the Mermaid Princess.    


Therefore, he had to wait for Su Jue at the Blood Toad Island.    


"I'm going out of the island."    


At the moment, Nangong Lieyan's expression was extremely complicated, but after Lan Tong disappeared, she instantly disappeared as well, and only when he arrived at the shore did he stop to take a breath of relief.    


"Why? Why is he Su Jue? Will he hate me in the future if that happens?" Nangong Lieyan looked at the endless ocean, clenched his teeth and chased after the direction Su Jue disappeared in the next moment.    


At the same time, another beautiful figure appeared.    


This man was Han Yue.    


"Su Jue, I'm sorry, I can't help you today, but I will definitely help you take revenge."    


Han Yue rushed into the ocean as well.    


Sea region. Endless sea.    


Su Jue continuously spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his body involuntarily leaned on the Thick Earth Magic Flame Bell.    


Lan Tong's strike seemed simple, but it actually injured his Xingfu.    


From this, Su Jue could deduce that Lan Tong's strength had reached its peak.    


If the number one ranked Lan Tong is already so strong, then what about the stronger Crown Prince?    


"Looks like I need to first find a place to heal before thinking of a way to get to Flying Roc Island."    


Flying Peng Island was one of his destinations.    


The reason was very simple, the King of Golden Roc was at Flying Peng Island.    


Other than searching for empty space, Su Jue had another goal, which was the eagle totem.    


The largest race of the Flying Peng Island was the Eagle Tribe. The eagle totem must be there.    


After diving into the water, Su Jue immediately escaped into the dripping sludge. Under the protection of the Thick Earth Magic Flame Bell, he began to adjust his breathing.    


And at this time, Nangong Lieyan just happened to fly above Su Jue, so it was obvious that he did not see him.    


It was the same for Han Yue who was behind him!    


For three consecutive days, with the help of the Turtle Aura Technique, Su Jue's injuries slowly began to recover. On the seventh day, he had already recovered seventy percent.    


"This Turtle Aura Technique is really good stuff. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be able to recover from such a severe injury in a few months."    


He remembered that the last time he fought in the west, he was also injured by Xingfu. That time, even with the help of Ye Xinrou's Hundred Spirit Body, his recovery had not been this quick.    


In the end, it was only by relying on the protection of the Ice Qilin that the three-colored lotus seed was able to recover.    


Three days later, Su Jue's injuries had finally healed.    




The Thick Earth Magic Flame Bell carried Su Jue out of the mud and floated to the surface of the water.    


Outside Flying Peng Island, Su Jue floated above the ocean's surface, looking into the distance.    


He saw a digital black hawk hovering in the sky.    


Under the Black and White Flames Eyes, these eagles were demonic cultivators who had already reached the peak of Star Condensation Realm.    


The Eagle Tribe is an extremely sensitive clan, with their insight, Su Jue reckoned that the moment he stepped ashore, he would immediately be discovered.    


"I can only use the Earth Escape Technique."    


Now that he thought about it, the earth escape technique had indeed helped him greatly along the way. Without such an ability, it would have been very difficult for him to reach his current state.    


Taking out his Thick Earth Magic Flame Bell, Su Jue entered Flying Peng Island.    


His goal was to find the totem of the Eagle Tribe, then find out what the situation was like, then make sure it was peaceful and he would leave.    


To come and go without a trace was his best choice.    


The island was bustling with noise and excitement.    


From the ground, Su Jue could tell that there were more than just the Eagle Tribes and other races in the Flying Peng Island.    


Earlier, he had heard that this King of Golden Roc liked to protect some of the loose demons that were being hunted, but now, it seemed that it was indeed so.    


Thinking about King of Golden Roc, Su Jue laughed.    


Because he had seen this King of Golden Roc before.    


But that was a long, long time ago.    


At that time, King of Golden Roc was still just a little Golden Roc …    


After all, he didn't plan to go see the King of Golden Roc.    


Only when he sensed the aura of the totem did Su Jue stop.    


Su Jue waited until late into the night and after confirming that there was no one else in the surrounding area, he slowly floated to the surface.    


The totems of the Eagle Tribe were different from those of other races.    


The eagle tribe worshipped the sky, so they didn't place the totem inside the temple, but instead placed it on top of the altar.    


There were no people around, although there were Spirit Demon Eagles circling in the sky, Su Jue was hiding under the big tree, it was impossible to find him.    


Even though he was separated by a few dozen meters from the altar, Su Jue could still feel the power of the totem.    


This meant that he could absorb totem power from totems.    


Sitting cross-legged, Su Jue secretly activated the Hundred Beasts Painting.    




Just at this moment, a ray of light appeared around the altar, followed by fiery light.    


"You are the first person who dares to sneak into my Flying Peng Island."    


Following the voice, over a hundred demon clan practitioners instantly surrounded Su Jue.    


"How did you find me?" Su Jue asked doubtfully, he was confident that he did not leave any traces behind, but the other party had still discovered him, causing him to be shocked.    


"Do you think that just because you know Earth Escape, we won't know of your existence? Mouse, come out and let this person experience you."    


Just as the leader of the Eagle Tribesmen martial artists finished his sentence, a brown rat suddenly jumped out from underground!    


Soon, the brown rat turned into a skinny boy.    


"I've always been following behind you, but it's a pity that you were too careless and didn't discover me. Perhaps you think that you're the only one that knows how to escape to the ground in this world, haha!" the young mouse demon laughed.    


Su Jue frowned, he never thought that ever since he escaped from the earth, there would always be a mouse demon following him.    


Indeed, he had been careless. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to not notice.    


"There are more than a hundred and thirty Monster Cultivators from a hundred and thirty clans on Flying Peng Island. They are ignorant. They want to infiltrate our Flying Peng Island and leave us in the sea and the sky." The leader of the Eagle Tribesmen looked around as he spoke.    


"Seize him!"    


A few Spirit Demon beings obeyed and walked towards Su Jue.    




At that moment, a familiar voice rang out. It was none other than empty!    


"Empty!" Su Jue said happily.    


"Big brother." Kong Kong was equally elated. He walked to Su Jue's side and said: "Big Brother sure is powerful in the future. Not only did he kill Dong Tianlong, he also killed that disgusting Chu Yiqing.    


Su Jue laughed and said: "So you saw it."    


"Of course I saw it. The King of Golden Roc did not bring me along to leave immediately, but left after watching your battle."    


He then looked towards the leader of the Eagle Tribesmen and said, "Black Hawk, this is my big brother."    


The Falcon youth called Black Shadow laughed, then looked at Su Jue and said: "So you are the one who spoke empty words, big brother."    


Su Jue nodded his head, and said: "I do not have any evil intentions, I just want to see whether it is empty or not."    


The youth thought for a while and said, "My Flying Roc Island has always been tolerant. Since you don't have any plans, I won't make things difficult for you. However, whether you can stay or not depends on the patriarch's words."    


"No need, Black Hawk, King of Golden Roc wants to see my big brother."    


"What, King of Golden Roc wants to see him!"    


For a moment, everyone was shocked.    


Everyone knew that it was rare for a single person to be summoned in ten years in King of Golden Roc, so it would be a great honor to be summoned by the King of Golden Roc.    


"In that case, let the King decide everything!" The black shadow cupped his hands together and led the group away.    


Su Jue followed the air as he walked forward, and arrived atop a mountain peak.    


"Young man, your Fierce Sun Golden Roc war body reminded me of a person."    


Just as he reached the summit, Su Jue heard a heavy voice, upon closer inspection, it was the humanoid King of Golden Roc.    


"I remember someone. Who are you talking about?" Su Jue asked.    


"He has the same name as you, but compared to him, you're like heaven and earth." King of Golden Roc laughed, then turned and looked at the ocean.    


Su Jue laughed, the person King of Golden Roc was talking about was actually his previous life.    


Thinking of this, Su Jue suddenly had some sentiments.    


Five hundred years was a very long time, even for Heaven Realm warriors.    


But to him, five hundred years was but an instant.    


In a short moment, he went from being a Wild Emperor who could shake the Heaven Realm, to a small cultivator from the lower realms.    


His former friends, enemies, and even juniors were all old now.    


This King of Golden Roc was one of them.    


"Empty. Wait for me downstairs. I need to talk to King of Golden Roc." Su Jue said as he looked empty.    


He nodded and walked down the mountain.    


After leaving empty-handed, Su Jue also arrived at the edge of the cliff and faintly sighed: "You probably haven't returned home for five hundred years, do you miss home?"    


Although it was just a plain sentence, it was enough to shock King of Golden Roc.    


In this world, everyone thought that his King of Golden Roc was born in the ocean.    


He didn't know that he wasn't.    


His true birthplace was the Heaven Realm!    


"What are you talking about?" King of Golden Roc's expression was extremely serious.    


"The Demon Roc Emperor should have taken a fancy to you and personally sent you to a small island in this sea area. Unfortunately, even he didn't expect that the passageway between the Heaven Realm and the lower realms would actually be sealed." Su Jue shook his head.    


"You, who are you?" King of Golden Roc looked at Su Jue with shock.    


Su Jue laughed and said: "Who I am is not important, I know what is important. Your Peng race has always grown from the bottom to the bottom, this is your f * cking method to become stronger, right?"    


"That's right. Our Golden Roc Clan lives by fighting, and we don't rely on our elders when we're young. That's why we were born in a small world and use our own strength to find our way home." King of Golden Roc said proudly.    


"Your Clan Chief is the Roc Demon Emperor, and you were personally sent down to the mortal world by him 500 years ago, right?" Su Jue asked again.    


"Who are you? Quickly, who are you?" King of Golden Roc retreated a few steps, pointed at Su Jue and asked.    


Su Jue turned around to look at the King of Golden Roc and said: "Do you still remember that person you met back then in the central region, while you were looking for a suitable location in the desolate village?"    


"Central Region Wasteland Village …" King of Golden Roc suddenly recalled. A moment later, he said, "Yes, we did meet a young man. The Monarch personally spoke with that person, and I still remember that young man had a little girl by his side."    


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