Supreme Conceited Emperor

C406 Limit and Perfection

C406 Limit and Perfection

Su Jue was startled. Since when did it become so easy to enter the Ninth Heaven?    


"Yes, but tomorrow, she will go into seclusion to cultivate. At that time, I can sneak over." Ye Xinrou said in a low voice.    


Su Jue nodded, the two talked for a while, then Ye Xinrou left in a hurry.    


Only after Ye Xinrou left did Su Jue frown.    


Ye Xinrou was in a hurry to leave as well. It was obvious that something had happened, not only because of the Sunset Fairies' presence.    


After thinking about it, Su Jue left the Ninth Heaven.    


Su Jue meditated for an entire night. On the second day, he was brimming with energy like never before.    


"Big Brother, let's go!" He laughed hollowly.    


"Alright, let's go!"    


Su Jue was also excited in his heart, he immediately bid farewell to Kong Qi, and flew back to Wind Cloud Island.    


Wind Cloud Island, Wind Cloud Arena.    


Su Jue and Kong came to the Wind Cloud Island and headed straight for the Wind Cloud Arena.    


Looking around, beneath the Wind Cloud Platform was a huge plaza. There were many people standing within the plaza. Some of them were cultivating, some were discussing, some were cultivating martial skills.    


"The star power here is indeed much richer than in other places. Presumably, it's because the Heaven Realm door is above here."    


Su Jue looked at the numerous Float in the sky and said.    


"That's right, Big Brother. Look at the ten Float s, the Star Dragons that have appeared will be even stronger." Kong Shen sighed.    


Su Jue nodded, he had heard nothing from Float last night.    


Out of the ten Float s, as long as any one of them stepped foot on one, a Star Dragon would appear.    


The star dragon that had appeared in the first Float required nine stars worth of strength to be able to defeat.    


The second tier, 18 stars level power can be defeated.    


Third tier, 27 stars.    


Fourth tier, 36 stars.    


Based on this, the ninth Float would need eighty-one stars to pass.    


And the last Float, according to Kong, would have reached one hundred and eight stars.    


108 stars.    


Even Su Jue was shocked.    


The reason why he was surprised was that he had two conditions for being on the Wind Cloud Arena.    


First, he was no older than thirty years old.    


Second, his cultivation was below Star Break.    


If one did not meet these two conditions, they would not be able to pass through the great array of the Float.    


Therefore, those who could pass it would definitely be geniuses with strength surpassing that of Dong Tianlong before the age of thirty.    


"Brother, are you feeling the pressure now?" asked Chen Xiaolian with an empty smile.    


Su Jue frowned, then asked empty air: "Where is the Wind Cloud List that you mentioned yesterday, I want to see."    


Yesterday, Emptiness had once mentioned that below the Wind Cloud Arena, there was a Wind Cloud List. The names of the 18 people that had ascended to the top of the Wind Cloud Ranking were recorded there.    




He pointed at a huge stone tablet on the other side, then brought Su Jue to it.    


"Look, big brother, this first name is Lan Tong, it's a member of the Spirit Demon race, he's already at the ninth Float." He pointed at the top of the stone monument.    


Su Jue raised his head and started to carefully look at the Wind Cloud List.    


"Rank 1 on the Wind Cloud Ranking, Lan Tong, from Blood Toad Island, nicknamed after being ranked ninth in the Wind and Cloud Ranking after being called for ten thousand years!"    


"Ranking number two, Xiao Baiyi. Xiao Baiyi, from the Purple Clouds Sect, nicknamed 'One Sword Monarch Qingcheng', Wind Cloud number nine!"    


"Ranked third on the Wind Cloud Ranking, Nangong Lieyan, from the Dragon Palace Aristocratic Family, nicknamed Raging Inferno Like Song, Wind Cloud 9th Arena!"    


One of the first three had actually gone up to the ninth Float, and one of them was even the Nangong Lieyan that Ye Xinrou had mentioned last night.    


the power of the ninth Float, eighty-one stars.    


"Big Brother, are you very surprised? The eighty-one stars, and the ninety-nine percent of the stars are the limits of one's Star Treading Realm." Kong Kong said with a hint of a burning look in his eyes.    


"I'm indeed a bit surprised. I never would have thought that there would be so many geniuses in this sea region that can cultivate the limits of their power within the Star Treading Realm." Su Jue sighed.    


What Kong said was not wrong, 99% of them were called the number of Zhi Zun, and among the cultivators, those who could cultivate a might of 981 stars could be counted on one's fingers, there were definitely a few who could not even cultivate and advanced to the Star Break realm.    


Many people did not know that, in fact, the stronger one's Star Treading Realm was, the higher one's cultivation would be after breaking through the Star Break.    


The power of 81 stars, if it broke through then it would directly rush to the fourth level of Star Break, and its fighting strength was far stronger than someone of the same level.    


But is 81 stars the ultimate power?    


Of course not.    


Thinking about that, Su Jue asked: "These three people should be the strongest among Hai Shui's young generation, right?"    


Kong Kong shook his head. With a serious expression, he said, "That's not it. There are still two other people who have reached the tenth floor."    


"The tenth floor!" Su Jue's face congealed.    


Tenth level, 108 stars!    


"Yes, the power of eighty-one stars is already the limit of one's Star Treading Realm. In this world, other than the demi-humans who possess the primordial bloodline and the humans who possess the White Tiger's Power, no one else can break through this limit."    


Hearing Kong Kong say that, Su Jue also took a deep breath, his expression slowly becoming more serious.    


81 stars was the limit.    


As for the 108 stars, they were Paragons.    


Such people were geniuses even in the Heaven Realm, but there were actually two of them in the ocean.    


"Who are they?" Su Jue asked.    


"Dragon King and Jian Ershisan!"    


Dragon King!    


Jian Ershisan!    


Su Jue memorized the two of them and then turned his gaze back to the Wind Cloud List.    


"I remember when we first met that Ye Zixuan on Spirit Gate Island, he was some sort of famous figure. What was that?"    


With a disdainful smile, he said: "He is just one of the twelve people who successfully ascended to the first stage last year. Anyone that ascends to the first stage will be chosen as the famous figure of the year."    


As he said that, he gave Su Jue a small booklet.    


"This is the latest version of the record. It only appeared yesterday, and it records all the people that have been on the list for the past ten years. There are even rankings, but none of them are real and no one knows who's stronger." He even deliberately flipped to the fourth page.    


Su Jue saw that there was an empty name on it.    


"Newbie empty, entering the fourth stage. Cultivation base: third level, high potential, number one in this year's storm!" Su Jue said while laughing.    


"Ha ha!" He laughed hollowly, "The author of this book has not misread me. Compared to the famous figures of this year, I am truly number one. However, I won't be anymore."    


"Why?" Su Jue asked doubtfully.    


"Because you, big brother, are going up too." Empty said disapprovingly.    


Su Jue laughed, and said: "Alright, but big brother, I can only go up to the fourth stage, and the fifth stage, I'm afraid there's still a gap."    


With that, Su Jue walked to the bottom of the Wind Cloud Platform.    


Only when a hundred stellar crystal were placed into the formation did the first Float in the sky suddenly shine brightly.    


"Look, someone is challenging the Wind Cloud Arena."    


In a split-second, all the people below the Wind Cloud Arena looked over, and in a moment, all of them had gathered below the stage.    


"Why are there so many people?" Su Jue asked doubtfully.    


"Big brother, you don't know? Under normal circumstances, no one would dare challenge this Wind Cloud Platform because it's very likely that they will be killed by the Star Dragon. Unless they have a certain amount of confidence, they won't go onstage." Kong Chang stood beside Su Jue and said.    


Su Jue nodded, he then realised.    


"If that's the case, then let's perform."    


Smiling, Su Jue flew up and arrived above the first Float.    


When Su Jue stood up, the people below the stage started discussing.    


"This kid looks really unfamiliar, I wonder how far he will be able to go."    


"I feel that his aura should be at the fifth stage. I don't think he'll make it to the second stage."    


"It's hard to say. Last time, when he was empty, wasn't he only able to get onto the fourth stage? There are a lot of monstrous geniuses here."    


"Nonsense, how can those people be called monsters? They are monsters if they want to step onto the seventh stage like our Violet Firmament Chapter's Senior Sister Xiao Baiyi."    


"Then why did I say that my demon clan's young master Lan Tong, who has existed for ten thousand years, is a monster? He is the eighth and the ninth."    


At that moment, the audience was in an uproar.    


"Shut up! What are you making such a ruckus for?"    


Just then, a shout came out, from the crowd three men and two women walked out, one of them was Chu Hanyan.    


"It's the Tyrant Blade Sect's Young Sect Leader, Dao Potian!"    


When the crowd saw the man in the lead, they immediately stepped aside.    


"Junior Sister Han Yue, what number of Float do you think this kid will reach?" Tyrant Sect's Young Sect Master Dao Potian looked at the cold lady beside Chu Hanyan and said.    


"I wonder if it's the third Float." The woman's expression was cold and indifferent.    


This was an extremely beautiful woman, and her appearance was not one bit inferior to Chu Hanyan's.    


If Su Jue were to turn his head now, he would definitely be able to recognize that this woman was the Holy Daughter of the Sword Lake Palace two years ago — — Han Yue!    


"Junior Martial Sister, what do you think?" Han Yue turned her head to look at Chu Hanyan and said.    


Chu Hanyan was startled, she had naturally already recognized that the person above was Su Jue, but she could not say it out loud, and only said: "I don't know, my cultivation is low so I cannot see anything."    


"There's no need to look. I don't think we'll be able to get on the third stage, or even the second stage." Dao Potian said in disdain.    


Just as Dao Potian finished speaking, a thirty meter long starlight dragon suddenly appeared above the first Float in the sky.    




A deafening roar shook the heaven and earth. Those who were weaker than the dragon began to retreat!    


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